Date/DayOfNthWeek version 0.01

This is a simple Perl module for finding the first, last or
the Nth Tuesday (or any other day) of the month.

Has three functions:

	first_week($); # day is in the first week of the month

Takes an int between 0 and 6 and returns 1 if today is the first [Sun - Sat] of the month 

	last_week($);  # day is in the last week of the month

Takes an int between 0 and 6 and returns 1 if today is the last [Sun - Sat] of the month 

	week_day($$); # day is in the Nth week of the month

Takes an int between 0 and 6 [Sun - Sat] and an int for week of the
month [1-5].  Returns 1 if today is the that day of the Nth week of
the month.

I wrote this to send out use in a cron job to send out reminders about
the Morris County Perl Mongers monthly meetings.  Using Date::Calc and
Date::Manip were more than what I needed.

I am using this to send out a reminder about the Morris County Perl
Mongers meetings.  We meet in a local Irish Pub on the 3rd Tuesday of
the month.


use Date::DayOfNthWeek qw(week_day);

my $d = 2; # set to the day of week I want SUNDAY=0
my $w = 2; # set to the week PRIOR to the meeting so I can send out the reminder

my $ok = week_day($d,$w);

if ($ok) { &nextweek; }
else     {
    my $ww = $w+1;             # keeps me from changing the value of $w 
	if ($ww > 5) { $ww = 1; }  # fixes range input errors for wrapping to next month
	$ok = week_day($d,$ww);
	if ($ok) { &tonight; }
	else {
		$d--;                   # see if this is the day before the meeting
		if ($d < 0) { $d = 6; } # fixes range input error for wrapping to previous week day
		$ok = week_day($d,$w);
		&tomorrow if $ok;		

sub nextweek { print "Meeting is next week\n"; }
sub tomorrow { print "Meeting is tomorrow\n";  }
sub tonight  { print "Meeting is tonight\n";   }


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires no other modules and libraries.


Put the correct copyright and licence information here.

Copyright (C) 2002 Andy Murren

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.