Class::LazyObject - Deferred object construction

    Class::LazyObject allows you to create lazy objects. A lazy object holds
    the place of another object, (Called the "inflated object"). The lazy
    object turns into the inflated object ("inflates") only after a method
    is called on the lazy object. After that, any variables holding the lazy
    object will hold the inflated object.

    In other words, you can treat a lazy object just like the object it's
    holding the place of, and it won't turn into a real object until
    necessary. This also means that the real object won't be constructed
    until necessary.

    A lazy object takes up less memory than most other objects (it's even
    smaller than a blessed empty hash). Constructing a lazy object is also
    likely to be computationally cheaper than constructing an inflated
    object (especially if a database is involved).

    A lazy object can hold a scalar (called the "ID") that is passed to the
    constructor for the inflated object.

    For more module documentation, see the module's POD. Do a
    'perldoc Class::LazyObject'

Class::LazyObject VS. Object::Realize::Later
    Chances are, if you have a problem that needs to be solved, there's a
    CPAN module that already solves it. Class::LazyObject was conceived and
    implemented before I knew about Object::Realize::Later. See the POD for
    more information.


perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

    If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.

    All of these are available from the CPAN.
    Module            Version (minimum)
    ------            -----------------
    Carp::Clan        (5.0 ) 
    Class::Data::TIN  (0.02)
    Class::ISA        (any )   
    Test::More        (0.47)  Used only during 'make test'
    Test::Exception   (0.15)  Used only during 'make test'