Apache::Blog - a simple handler for weblogs

  All files in this package are Copyright (c) 2002, Daniel Gardner
  All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute
    it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This is a simple weblog handler for mod_perl. Setting it up is as simple
as installing the module, adding a couple of lines to httpd.conf, and
deciding on how you want the thing to look.

There's a couple of default templates included in the distribution,
but creating new ones is easy.

All the files are plain text; nothing complicated involving databases
and whatnot. Just fire up your editor of choice and bash away.

I'm using it on my site, exactly as it is here, and it's been working
great. However, I don't know anyone else who's using it so no promises on
what'll happen. But it only takes about a minute to install and set up,
so you might as well have a go anyway.

Setup details are in the Apache::Blog pod.

Install using the usual litany:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

The tests are pretty poor at the moment, it just checks if the thing
loads. But I haven't got into clever mod_perl testing stuff yet.

This will probably get a sourceforge project or something sometime. At
the moment this is the first release and there isn't anywhere you can
look for more stuff.

I'm daniel@danielgardner.org, you can mail me about the module.

Oh, and of course, if you make a pretty graphics-free template, then
i'll include it in the distribution if you want.