Finance::Bank::HSBC - Extract HSBC online banking data.

      use Finance::Bank::HSBC;

      my @accounts = Finance::Bank::HSBC->extract_details(
        bankingid               => "IBnnnnnnnnnn",
        seccode                 => "nnnnnn",
        dateofbirth             => "DDMMYY",
        get_statements          => 0, # or 1
        get_transactions        => 0, # or 1

        # YYYY-MM-DD
        earliest_statement_date => '2006-08-31',

        # full account number(s) without spaces, as shown in online banking
        # e.g. sortcodeACCOUNTNUMBER e.g. 987654012345678
        # can be an array of several or a single value
        accounts => [ 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnn' ],

      foreach (@accounts) {
          printf "%25s : %13s / %18s : GBP %8.2f\n",
            $_->{name}, $_->{type}, $_->{account}, $_->{balance};

    This module provides a rudimentary interface to the HSBC online banking
    system at "". It provides the ability to
    extract account information, transaction history and statements.

    You will need either "Crypt::SSLeay" or "IO::Socket::SSL" installed for
    HTTPS support to work with LWP. This module also depends on
    "WWW::Mechanize" and "HTML::TokeParser" for screen-scraping.

      Return an array of account hashes, one for each of your bank accounts.
      Below is a list of all the options that this method takes.

      Generate a very basic QIF file from the account information stored in
      \%account. This method requires that the statement information was
      extracted for the account data passed in. An example would be:

        my @accounts = Finance::Bank::HSBC->check_balance ( %options );

        foreach ( @accounts )
          my $ac = $_->{account};
          $ac =~ s/[^0-9]+//g;

          open FD, ">" . $ac . ".qif" || die ( "Can't write .qif - ". $@ );
          print FD Finance::Bank::HSBC->generate_qif ( $_ );
          close FD;

    bankingid MANDATORY
      Your own personal banking ID number. Along the lines of

    seccode MANDATORY
      The security code assigned to your bank account. Usually a 6 digit
      number, though we support upto 9 digits.

    dateofbirth MANDATORY
      Your date of birth, in the format DDMMYY.

    get_statements OPTIONAL
      Defaults to 0. Whether or not the script should extract statement
      information for the accounts that are being processed.

    get_transactions OPTIONAL
      Defaults to 0. Whether or not the script should extract recent
      transaction information for the accounts that are being processed.

    earliest_statement_date OPTIONAL
      When defined the script will extract data from every statement that
      has a "statement date" of at least "earliest_statement_date".

    accounts OPTIONAL
      A single value, or array reference, of account numbers that should be
      processed. Only account numbers that are found will be processed, for
      obvious reasons. If this option is not present then all accounts that
      are listed on the main account overview page will have their details

    The data returned is an array reference of hashes. Each of these hashes
    contains information about a particular account, explained below.

      Name of the account, e.g. "MR M WILSON".

      Type of the account, e.g. "STUDENT A/C".

      Account number, as it appears in online banking, i.e. "SORTCODE

      The current balance of the account, e.g. "123.45" or "-1.23".

      The transaction key contains an array reference full of hash
      references - one for each transaction in the account's recent history.
      The transactions are stored from new to old.

        The date of the transaction, e.g. "JAN 02"

        The type of the transaction, e.g. "DD".

        The description associated with the transaction, e.g. "NSPCC".

        The amount paid in during this transaction, which may be "", e.g.

        The amount paid out during this transaction, which may be "", e.g.

        The account balance after this transaction occured, which may not be
        present, e.g. "12.00".

      The statement key contains a hash reference, where each key is the
      date which a statement was issued (YYYY-MM-DD), and each value is an
      array reference which contains hash references - one for each
      statement entry extracted. The statement entries are stored from new
      to old.

        The date of the transaction, e.g. "JAN 02"

        The type of the transaction, e.g. "DD".

        The description associated with the transaction, e.g. "NSPCC".

        The amount paid in during this transaction, which may be "", e.g.

        The amount paid out during this transaction, which may be "", e.g.

        The account balance after this transaction occured, which may not be
        present, e.g. "12.00".

      This module was used a base for the original version of this module.
      See "THANKS", below.

    This warning is from Simon Cozens' "Finance::Bank::LloydsTSB", and seems
    just as apt here.

    This is code for online banking, and that means your money, and that
    means BE CAREFUL. You are encouraged, nay, expected, to audit the source
    of this module yourself to reassure yourself that I am not doing
    anything untoward with your banking data. This software is useful to me,
    but is provided under NO GUARANTEE, explicit or implied.

    Simon Cozens for Finance::Bank::LloydsTSB, upon which most of the
    original code was based, Andy Lester (and Skud, by continuation) for
    WWW::Mechanize, Gisle Aas for HTML::TokeParser, Leon Cowle for updated
    login code after HSBC changed their HTML the first time.

    A special thanks to Real Programmers Ltd <>
    for sponsoring development of the script in order to bring it up to date

    Matt Wilson <matt _at_ mattsscripts _dot_ co _dot_ uk>.

    Original version by Chris Ball "".