NAME Catmandu::Store::Resolver - Store/retrieve items from the Resolver SYNOPSIS A module that can be used to retrieve or store PIDS for records in the Resolver <>. lookup_in_store( objectNumber, Resolver, username: username, password: password, url: ) DESCRIPTION Configure the Resolver <> as a store <> for Catmandu. Museum objects and records require a PID to be uniquely identifiable. The Resolver tool generates and resolves these PIDs. By using this store, PIDs can be queried (based on the object number of the record as stored in the resolver), created, updated and deleted from Catmandu. Data is returned as JSON. { "data": { "documents": [], "domain": "", "id": "", "persystentURIs": [ dataPid ], "title": "", "type": "" } } CONFIGURATION The Resolver API requires a username and password. These must be provided. url base url of the Resolver (e.g. _http://www.resolver.be_). username username for the Resolver. password password for the Resolver. USAGE See the Catmandu documentation <> for more information on how to use Stores. SEE ALSO Catmandu AUTHORS Pieter De Praetere, pieter at CONTRIBUTORS Pieter De Praetere, pieter at COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This package is copyright (c) 2016 by PACKED vzw. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.