[](https://github.com/sanko/Termbox.pm/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Termbox) # NAME Termbox - Create Text-based User Interfaces Without ncurses # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Termbox 2 qw[:all]; # my @chars = split //, 'hello, world!'; my $code = tb_init(); tb_clear(); my @rows = ( [ TB_WHITE, TB_BLACK ], [ TB_BLACK, TB_DEFAULT ], [ TB_RED, TB_GREEN ], [ TB_GREEN, TB_RED ], [ TB_YELLOW, TB_BLUE ], [ TB_MAGENTA, TB_CYAN ] ); for my $row ( 0 .. $#rows ) { for my $col ( 0 .. $#chars ) { tb_set_cell( $col, $row, $chars[$col], @{ $rows[$row] } ); } } tb_present(); sleep 3; tb_shutdown(); ``` # DESCRIPTION Termbox is a terminal rendering library that retains the [suckless](https://suckless.org/coding_style/) spirit of the original termbox (simple API, no dependencies beyond libc) and adds some improvements: - strict error checking - more efficient escape sequence parsing - code gen for built-in escape sequences - opt-in support for 32-bit color - extended grapheme clusters ## Note This module wraps `libtermbox2`, an incompatible fork of the now abandoned `libtermbox`. I'm not sure why you would but if you're looking for the original, try any version of [Termbox](https://metacpan.org/pod/Termbox).pm before 2.0. # Functions Termbox's API is very small. You can build most UIs with just a few functions. Import them by name or with `:all`. ## `tb_init( )` Initializes the termbox2 library. This function should be called before any other functions. Calling this is the same as `tb_init_file('/dev/tty')`. After successful initialization, the library must be finalized using the `tb_shutdown( )` function. If this returns anything other than `0`, it didn't work. ## `tb_init_file( $name )` This function will init the termbox2 library on the file name provided. ## `tb_init_fd( $fileno )` This function will init the termbox2 library on the provided filehandle. This is untested. ## `tb_init_rwfd( $rfileno, $wfileno )` This function will init the termbox2 library on the provided filehandles. This is untested. ## `tb_shutdown( )` Causes the termbox2 library to attempt to clean up after itself. ## `tb_width( )` Returns the horizontal size of the internal back buffer (which is the same as terminal's window size in columns). The internal buffer can be resized after `tb_clear( )` or `tb_present( )` function calls. This function returns an unspecified negative value when called before `tb_init( )` or after `tb_shutdown( )`. ## `tb_height( )` Returns the vertical size of the internal back buffer (which is the same as terminal's window size in rows). The internal buffer can be resized after `tb_clear( )` or `tb_present( )` function calls. This function returns an unspecified negative value when called before `tb_init( )` or after `tb_shutdown( )`. ## `tb_clear( )` Clears the internal back buffer using `TB_DEFAULT` color or the color/attributes set by `tb_set_clear_attrs( )` function. ## `tb_set_clear_attrs( $fg, $bg )` Overrides the use of `TB_DEFAULT` to clear the internal back buffer when `tb_clear( )` is called. ## `tb_present( )` Synchronizes the internal back buffer with the terminal by writing to tty. ## `tb_invalidate( )` Clears the internal front buffer effectively forcing a complete re-render of the back buffer to the tty. It is not necessary to call this under normal circumstances. ## `tb_set_cursor( $x, $y )` Sets the position of the cursor. Upper-left character is `(0, 0)`. ## `tb_hide_cursor( )` Hides the cursor. ## `tb_set_cell( $x, $y, $ch, $fg, $bg )` Set cell contents in the internal back buffer at the specified position. Function `tb_set_cell($x, $y, $ch, $fg, $bg)`is equivalent to `tb_set_cell_ex($x, $y, $ch, 1, $fg, $bg)`. ## `tb_set_cell_ex( $x, $y, $ch, $nch, $fg, $bg )` Set cell contents in the internal back buffer at the specified position. Use this function for rendering grapheme clusters (e.g., combining diacritical marks). ## `tb_extend_cell( $x, $y, $ch )` Shortcut to append 1 code point to the given cell. ## `tb_set_input_mode( $mode )` Sets the input mode. Termbox has two input modes: - 1. `TB_INPUT_ESC` When escape (`\x1b`) is in the buffer and there's no match for an escape sequence, a key event for TB\_KEY\_ESC is returned. - 2. `TB_INPUT_ALT` When escape (`\x1b`) is in the buffer and there's no match for an escape sequence, the next keyboard event is returned with a `TB_MOD_ALT` modifier. You can also apply `TB_INPUT_MOUSE` via bitwise OR operation to either of the modes (e.g., `TB_INPUT_ESC | TB_INPUT_MOUSE`) to receive `TB_EVENT_MOUSE` events. If none of the main two modes were set, but the mouse mode was, `TB_INPUT_ESC` mode is used. If for some reason you've decided to use (`TB_INPUT_ESC | TB_INPUT_ALT`) combination, it will behave as if only `TB_INPUT_ESC` was selected. If mode is `TB_INPUT_CURRENT`, the function returns the current input mode. The default input mode is `TB_INPUT_ESC`. ## `tb_set_output_mode( $mode )` Sets the termbox2 output mode. Termbox has multiple output modes: - 1. `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL` => \[0..8\] This mode provides 8 different colors: `TB_BLACK`, `TB_RED`, `TB_GREEN`, `TB_YELLOW`, `TB_BLUE`, `TB_MAGENTA`, `TB_CYAN`, `TB_WHITE` Plus `TB_DEFAULT` which skips sending a color code (i.e., uses the terminal's default color). Colors (including `TB_DEFAULT`) may be bitwise OR'd with attributes: `TB_BOLD`, `TB_UNDERLINE`, `TB_REVERSE`, `TB_ITALIC`, `TB_BLINK` As in all modes, the value `0` is interpreted as `TB_DEFAULT` for convenience. Some notes: `TB_REVERSE` can be applied as either fg or bg attributes for the same effect. `TB_BOLD`, `TB_UNDERLINE`, `TB_ITALIC`, `TB_BLINK` apply as fg attributes only, and are ignored as bg attributes. Example usage: ``` tb_set_cell($x, $y, '@', TB_BLACK | TB_BOLD, TB_RED); ``` - 2. `TB_OUTPUT_256` => \[0..255\] + `TB_256_BLACK` In this mode you get 256 distinct colors (plus default): ``` 0x00 (1): TB_DEFAULT TB_256_BLACK (1): TB_BLACK in TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL 0x01..0x07 (7): the next 7 colors as in TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL 0x08..0x0f (8): bright versions of the above 0x10..0xe7 (216): 216 different colors 0xe8..0xff (24): 24 different shades of gray ``` Attributes may be bitwise OR'd as in `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`. Note `TB_256_BLACK` must be used for black, as `0x00` represents default. - 3. `TB_OUTPUT_216` => \[0..216\] This mode supports the 216-color range of `TB_OUTPUT_256` only, but you don't need to provide an offset: ``` 0x00 (1): TB_DEFAULT 0x01..0xd8 (216): 216 different colors ``` - 4. `TB_OUTPUT_GRAYSCALE` => \[0..24\] This mode supports the 24-color range of `TB_OUTPUT_256` only, but you don't need to provide an offset: ``` 0x00 (1): TB_DEFAULT 0x01..0x18 (24): 24 different shades of gray ``` - 5. `TB_OUTPUT_TRUECOLOR` => \[0x000000..0xffffff\] + `TB_TRUECOLOR_BLACK` This mode provides 24-bit color on supported terminals. The format is `0xRRGGBB`. Colors may be bitwise OR'd with `TB_TRUECOLOR_*` attributes. Note `TB_TRUECOLOR_BLACK` must be used for black, as `0x000000` represents default. If mode is `TB_OUTPUT_CURRENT`, the function returns the current output mode. The default output mode is `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`. To use the terminal default color (i.e., to not send an escape code), pass `TB_DEFAULT`. For convenience, the value `0` is interpreted as `TB_DEFAULT` in all modes. Note, cell attributes persist after switching output modes. Any translation between, for example, `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`'s `TB_RED` and `TB_OUTPUT_TRUECOLOR`'s `0xff0000` must be performed by the caller. Also note that cells previously rendered in one mode may persist unchanged until the front buffer is cleared (such as after a resize event) at which point it will be re-interpreted and flushed according to the current mode. Callers may invoke `tb_invalidate( )` if it is desirable to immediately re-interpret and flush the entire screen according to the current mode. Note, not all terminals support all output modes, especially beyond `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`. There is also no very reliable way to determine color support dynamically. If portability is desired, callers are recommended to use `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL` or make output mode end-user configurable. ## `tb_peek_event( $event, $timeout_ms )` Wait for an event up to `$timeout_ms` milliseconds and fill the $event structure with it. If no event is available within the timeout period, `TB_ERR_NO_EVENT` is returned. On a resize event, the underlying `select(2)` call may be interrupted, yielding a return code of `TB_ERR_POLL`. In this case, you may check `errno` via `tb_last_errno( )`. If it's `EINTR`, you can safely ignore that and call `tb_peek_event( )` again. ## `tb_poll_event( $event )` Same as `tb_peek_event( $event, $timeout_ms )` except no timeout. ## `tb_get_fds( \$ttyfd, \$resizefd )` Internal termbox2 FDs that can be used with `poll()` / `select()`. Must call `tb_poll_event( $event )` / `tb_peek_event( $event, $timeout_ms )` if activity is detected. ## `tb_print( $x, $y, $fg, $bg, $str )` It prints text. ## `tb_send( $buf, $nbuf )` Send raw bytes to terminal. ## `tb_set_func( $fn_type, $fn )` Set custom functions. `$fn_type` is one of `TB_FUNC_*` constants, `fn` is a compatible function pointer, or `undef` to clear. - `TB_FUNC_EXTRACT_PRE` If specified, invoke this function BEFORE termbox2 tries to extract any escape sequences from the input buffer. - `TB_FUNC_EXTRACT_POST` If specified, invoke this function AFTER termbox2 tries (and fails) to extract any escape sequences from the input buffer. ## `tb_utf8_char_length( $c )` Returns the length of a utf8 encoded character. ## `tb_utf8_char_to_unicode( \$out, $c )` Converts a utf8 encoded character to Unicode. ## `tb_utf8_unicode_to_char( \$out, $c )` Converts a Unicode character to utf8. ## `tb_last_errno( )` Returns the last `errno`. ## `tb_strerror( $err )` Returns a string describing the given error. ## `tb_cell_buffer( )` Returns the current cell buffer. ## `tb_has_truecolor( )` Returns a true value if truecolor values are supported. ## `tb_has_egc( )` Returns a true value if Unicode's extended grapheme clusters are supported. ## Ctb\_version( )> Returns the version string of the wrapped libtermbox2. # Constants You may import these by name or with the following tags: ## `:keys` These are a safe subset of terminfo keys which exist on all popular terminals. Termbox only uses them to stay truly portable. See also Termbox::Event's `key( )` method. Please see [termbox2.h](https://github.com/termbox/termbox2/blob/1e0092b50ee96f5993f456e8ecdb06044a38b8eb/termbox2.h#L79) for the list ## `:color` These are foreground and background color values. Please see [termbox2.h](https://github.com/termbox/termbox2/blob/1e0092b50ee96f5993f456e8ecdb06044a38b8eb/termbox2.h#L204) for the list ## `:event` Please see [termbox2.h](https://github.com/termbox/termbox2/blob/1e0092b50ee96f5993f456e8ecdb06044a38b8eb/termbox2.h#L229) for the list ## `:return` Common function return values unless otherwise noted. Library behavior is undefined after receiving `TB_ERR_MEM`. Callers may attempt reinitializing by freeing memory, invoking `tb_shutdown( )`, then `tb_init( )`. Please see [termbox2.h](https://github.com/termbox/termbox2/blob/1e0092b50ee96f5993f456e8ecdb06044a38b8eb/termbox2.h#L256) for the list ## `:func` Function types to be used with `tb_set_func( $fn_type, $func )`. Please see [termbox2.h](https://github.com/termbox/termbox2/blob/1e0092b50ee96f5993f456e8ecdb06044a38b8eb/termbox2.h#L289) for the list # LICENSE Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module. # AUTHOR Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org>