NAME OTRS::SphinxSearch - Implementation of the OTRS search engine by Sphinx search VERSION version 0.011 SYNOPSIS use OTRS::SphinxSearch; my $sphinx_search = OTRS::SphinxSearch->new( config => $otrs_sphinx_search_config_part, # Optional ); ... some manipulation with request data ... my $results = $sphinx_search->search( SortBy => $sort_by, # Optional, default is 'create_time' OrderBy => $order_by, # Optional, default is 'DESC' Result => 'ARRAY' | 'COUNT', # Default is 'ARRAY' %Param, # Required ); DESCRIPTION The module is designed as an alternative to the native search OTRS. It serves to generate search queries from OTRS to the full-text search engine Sphinx through module Sphinx::Search. Using this module requires some changes in the OTRS controller: Modules/ These changes relate mainly to the processing of input data. For instance queue names are converted to their IDs. All this is true if you do not want something exotic. Config example of the Sphinx and important parts of the controller are located in the directory "samples/". METHODS new() Create new OTRS::SphinxSearch object Returns: self object search() Returns: an array with results or count founded results _get_time_slot() Get start and stop time points in UNIX format from calendar format start and stop points Returns: Self object with hash refs $self->{time_start} $self->{time_stop} _get_time_point Get start and stop time points before or after some time Returns: Self object with hash refs $self->{time_start} $self->{time_stop} CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Minimum configuration required to submit name of the index which will be used for searching. Before using this module you will be needed create index. Sample of the Sphinx config you can find in samples/ directory. Also you will be needed override the method which will be get and parse fields of search form. The name of this module is (trimmed version you can look in samples/ directory). DEPENDENCIES The Sphinx::Search version 0.28 or highter. SEE ALSO * <Sphinx:Search> * Time::Piece AUTHOR Iurii Shikin <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by REG.RU LLC. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.