NAME Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Lite - Requests throttling for Plack VERSION version 0.02 DESCRIPTION This middleware allows to restrict access to PSGI application based on requests per unit of time (hour/day at the moment). Implemetation of the middleware inspired by Plack::Middleware::Throttle. FEATURES Blacklisting Requests from specified IPs (including ranges) or CIDRs are rejects immediately with response 403 Forbidden. Whitelisting Requests from specified IPs (including ranges) or CIDRs allows to get an unlimited access to the application. Flexible and simple throttling policy Access to an application might be configured on either by hourly or by daily basis. Routes configuration Flexible settings for routes matching based on regular expressions. Various storage backends There is an API which allows to write and use any database or cache system to manipulate throttling data. Very lightweight It will not install "a-half-of-CPAN" or "heavy" dependencies! SYNOPSYS # inside your app.psgi my $app = builder { enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '100 req/hour', backend => 'Simple', routes => [ qr{^/(host|item)/search}, qr{^/users/add} ], blacklist => [ '', '', '', '' ]; sub { [ 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], [ 'OK' ] ]; } }; CONFIGURATION OPTIONS limits By this option is defined the throttling policy. At the moment, there are two variants in limiting of requests: "per hour" and "per day". Value of maximum requests might be pointed as number and measuring units (hour, day). Some examples: # restrict to 520 request in an hour enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '520 req/hour'; # ..maybe 10000 requests in a day? enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '10000 req/day'; Also valid more short constructions: # should not exceed 315 request in an hour enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '315 r/h'; # ..19999 requests in a day enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '19999 r/d'; Or even # works enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '51 req per hour'; # ..this one also okay enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '99 r per d'; # ..and this enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '72 r per hour'; # space between number and units also allowed enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '34r/hour'; # ..oops! and this one does not work, yet ;-) sorry.. enable 'Throttle::Lite', limits => '100rph'; If this option is omitted, there are some defaults will be assigned. For maximum requests default value will be 199 and measuring units - req/hour. So this option must be set to desired value to have get correct throttling policy. When a client exceeds rate limit, middleware returns a 429 Too Many Requests response with an associated "Rate Limit Exceeded" message in the response body. backend Storage backend and its configuration options. Accepted values either string or list reference contains backend name and options as hash reference. Backend name can be pointed in short module name or in fully qualified module name. If module name does not belongs to Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Lite::Backend namespace it can be pointed by adding + (plus) sign before name. # means Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Lite::Backend::Simple enable 'Throttle::Lite', backend => 'Simple'; # means Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Lite::Backend::OwnStore enable 'Throttle::Lite', backend => 'OwnStore'; # means My::Own::Throttle::Backend enable 'Throttle::Lite', backend => '+My::Own::Throttle::Backend'; If backend name passed as list reference, the first element will be handle as backend module and the second as options passed to constructor during initialization. # treat as Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Lite::Backend::Anything enable 'Throttle::Lite', backend => [ 'Anything' => { server => '', port => 23250 } ]; # My::Own::Any enable 'Throttle::Lite', backend => [ '+My::Own::Any' => { server => '', port => 23250 } ]; If no backend specified then will be used in-memory backend Plack::Middleware::Throttle::Lite::Backend::Simple shipped with this distribution. routes URL pattern to match request to throttle. Accepted values are scalar (e.g. "/api"), regex ("qr{^/(host|item)/search}") or a list reference with scalar/regex elements. Below some examples: # passing routes as scalar.. enable 'Throttle::Lite', routes => '/api'; # regex enable 'Throttle::Lite', routes => qr{^/api/(user|host)}; # ..shaken, not stirred enable 'Throttle::Lite', routes => [ '/foo/bar', qr{^/(host|item)s/search}, qr{^/users/add}, qr{^/Api/Login}i, '/knock/knock', ]; All requests will be passed through (won't be handled by this middleware) if no routes given. blacklist Blacklist is aimed to restrict some bad guys to have get access to application which uses this middleware. IP addresses can be passed either as string or as list of strings in a different forms. It might be simple IP address (quad-dotted notation), IP block in CIDR notation or range of IP addresses (delimited by a hyphen). # passing IP address as string.. enable 'Throttle::Lite', blacklist => ''; # CIDR block enable 'Throttle::Lite', blacklist => ''; # a range of IPs enable 'Throttle::Lite', blacklist => ''; # ..stirred, not shaken enable 'Throttle::Lite', blacklist => [ '', '', '', '', ]; More details in Net::CIDR::Lite. When a client's IP address is in the blacklist, middleware by default returns a 403 Forbidden response with an associated "IP Address Blacklisted" message in the response body. Warning! Blacklist has higher priority than "whitelist". whitelist Whitelist is aimed to grant some good guys to have get access to application which uses this middleware. Whitelisted client's IP address will receive unlimited access to application. In generated header which is pointed to maximum requests for whitelisted guy will be *unlimited* instead of actually given maximum requests. Rules of configuration IP addresses for whitelist the same as for the "blacklist". Warning! Whitelist has lower priority than "blacklist". Be sure that IP does not exists in blacklist by adding IP to whitelist. header_prefix This one allows to change prefix in output headers. A value should be passed as string. It will be normalized before using. Any alpha-numeric characters and spaces are allowed. The parts of passed string will be capitalized and joined with a hyphen. header_prefix => ' tom di*ck harry ' # goes to X-Tom-Dick-Harry-Limit, X-Tom-Dick-Harry-Used, .. header_prefix => 'lucky 13' # ..X-Lucky-13-Limit, X-Lucky-13-Used, .. header_prefix => '' # ..X-Throttle-Lite-Limit, X-Throttle-Lite-Used, .. header_prefix => '$ @ # & * /| ; ' # also would be X-Throttle-Lite-Limit, X-Throttle-Lite-Used, .. header_prefix => 'a-b-c' # ..X-Abc-Limit, X-Abc-Used, .. header_prefix => '2.71828182846' # ..X-271828182846-Limit, X-271828182846-Used, .. This option is not required. Default value is Throttle-Lite. Header prefix will be set to the default value in cases of specified value won't pass checks. This option does not affect the Retry-After response header. METHODS prepare_app See Plack::Middleware call See Plack::Middleware modify_headers Adds extra headers to each throttled response such as maximum requests (X-Throttle-Lite-Limit), measuring units (X-Throttle-Lite-Units), requests done (X-Throttle-Lite-Used). If maximum requests is equal to requests done X-Throttle-Lite-Expire and Retry-After headers will be injected. Headers (except of Retry-After) might be customized by using configuration option "header_prefix". reject_request Rejects incoming request with specific code and reason. It might be either request from blacklisted IP or throttled one. have_to_throttle Checks if requested PATH_INFO matches the routes list and should be throttled. is_remote_blacklisted Checks if the requester's IP exists in the blacklist. is_remote_whitelisted Checks if the requester's IP exists in the whitelist. is_allowed Checks if client is not exceeded maximum allowed requests. requester_id Builds unique (as possible) indentificator of the client based on its IP address and name. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at <> SEE ALSO Plack Plack::Middleware RFC 2616 <> Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1. Section 14.37: "Retry-After" RFC 6585 <> Additional HTTP Status Codes. Section 4: "429 Too Many Requests" AUTHOR Anton Gerasimov <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Anton Gerasimov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.