NAME MongoHosting deploy MongoDB shared cluster in the cloud at linode or digitalocean SYNOPSIS # INSTALL $ git clone $ cd MongoHosting $sudo apt-get install make gcc carton dialog libio-socket-ssl-perl libxml-parser-lite-perl libxml-dom-perl libxml-parser-perl libxml-xslt-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libnet-https-any-perl libpoe-filter-ssl-perl $ carton install # install deps # ENV VARS - In order for the script to work you'll need to set 3 environment variables: ## API Key for provider (eg. DigitalOcean, Linode, etc) $ export PROVIDER_API_KEY=121234123123213123123123123213123123123 ## Path to the private key you want to use to login into the machines $ export PRIVATE_KEY=/path/to/private/key/id_rsa ## Config file (defaults to config.yml) $ export DEPLOY_CONFIG=linode-config.yml # SETUP CLUSTER ## edit config.yml, then: $ carton exec rex deploy #REMOVE HOST - To remove a host from the cluster you need to run the following command $ carton exec rex remove # You'll be presented with a list of hosts to be removed. Pick as many as you want and hit OK and then confirm. #TESTING - After deploy is done you can connect to any Mongo router from the host defined at app_host at the config file and test it with something like this: mongo router-ip:port/admin use exampleDB sh.enableSharding("exampleDB") for (var i = 1; i <= 500; i++) db.exampleCollection.insert( { x : i } ) db.exampleCollection.findOne() DESCRIPTION MongoHosting is a command line tool to set up a shared cluster at linode or digital ocean PERL VERSIONS You can also specify the minimum perl required in C<cpanfile>: requires 'perl', '5.16.3'; AUTHOR Ovidiu Tatar, Gabriel Andrade COPYRIGHT - ovntatar LICENSE This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO L<MongoHosting|> =cut