NAME Test::XML::Element - Test the properties a single XML element in isolation. VERSION 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Test::XML::Element tests => 4; element_is('<foobar />', "foobar") has_attribute('<foobar color="red" />', 'color'); attribute_has_value('<foobar color="red">', color => 'red'); DESCRIPTION This module allows you to test the properties of a single XML element on it's own, which may be useful if your module does XML generation. TESTS element_is $element, $name, [$message] Test that an element is of the correct type. has_attribute $element, $attribute, [$message] Check that an element has a certain attribute attribute_has_value $element, $attribute, $value, [$message] Check that an attribute has a certain attribute, and it is set to a certain value. AUTHOR Oliver Charles "" COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 Oliver Charles This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.