WHAT'S EVEN NEWER I received another patch from Matthew Reimer <mreimer@vpop.net> which includes docs and a bug fix that makes mm_lock() and mm_unlock() work. I also replaced references to the deprecated sv_* with the recommended PL_sv_*. -- Arthur Choung August 11, 2000 ---------- WHAT'S NEW I received an email from Matthew Reimer <mreimer@vpop.net> containing a patch which adds a shared-memory hash, because they "wanted to avoid the inefficiency of unbalanced binary trees." I can't really blame them. I mean, if I had a nickel every time I heard that... well... you know. Anyway, here is the patched version of IPC::MM. I haven't tried it myself, so use it at your own risk. Unfortunately, the POD-style documentation hasn't been updated to reflect the additional code, and the same goes for the example and test scripts. Thanks for the patch! -- Arthur Choung July 16, 2000 ---------- DESCRIPTION IPC::MM provides an interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library, allowing data to be shared between multiple processes in a relatively convenient way. COPYRIGHT & TERMS Copyright (C) 1999, Arthur Choung <arthur@etoys.com>. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRENTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. PREREQUISITES This module requires Ralf Engelschall's mm library. I have tested it with version 1.0.9. http://www.engelschall.com/sw/mm/ This module requires perl 5.004 or later. INSTALLATION Before installing this module, you must first install the mm library. Please refer to the instructions therein for details. To install this module, move into the directory where this file is located and type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test (optional) make install This will install the module into the Perl library directory. See the POD documentation for further details. Once the module is installed, you should be able to read the documentation by typing the following from the command-line: perldoc IPC::MM EXAMPLE The example/ directory contains a few files to serve as a demonstration and example of IPC::MM. mm_server.pl is a forking server that maintains a shared hash. It accepts connections from clients and forks, so that a child process is making the changes to the shared hash. mm_client.pl is the client for mm_server.pl. It sends a command to the server over a specified socket, and prints the results. load.sh is a convenience shell script that calls mm_client.pl a bunch o' times in order to populate the shared hash maintained by mm_server.pl NOTES This module has not been extensively tested, so it should be considered alpha software at best. This is probably the first and only release of this module that I will make. Anybody is welcome to make improvements to this module and to take ownership of it as well. -- Arthur Choung <arthur@etoys.com> September 13, 1999