NAME Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2 - find, build and install the bowtie2 tools VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS To execute the hmmer3 set of tools, you can use the following code: use Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2; use Env qw( @PATH ); unshift @PATH, Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bin_dir; Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2 (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build_s (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect_s (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_align_s (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build_l (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect_l (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_align_l (list of arguments) DESCRIPTION This distribution provides bowtie2 so that it can be used by other Perl distributions that are on CPAN. The source code will be downloaded from the github repository and installed in a private location if it is not already installed in your system. The bowtie2, bowtie2-build and bowtie2-inspect executables are actually wrapper scripts that call binary programs as appropriate. The wrappers shield users from having to distinguish between "small" (<4GB) and "large" (>4GB) index formats. Also, the bowtie2 (Perl!) wrapper provides some key functionality, like the ability to handle compressed inputs, and the functionality for --un, --al and related options. While the creators of bowtie2 recommend that one always runs the bowtie2 wrappers and not the binaries, application builders may want to call these functions directly when implementing custom workflows. Hence, this distributions exposes all functions provided in bowtie2 METHODS bowtie2 Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2 (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_align_s (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_align_l (list of arguments) Returns the command name for running the CLI version of the bowtie2 aligner. The method effectively runs the perl script that is distributed with bowtie2. The methods Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_align_s and Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_align_l return the binary executables that align against small and large index formats respectively. bowtie2_build Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build_s (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build_l (list of arguments) Returns the command name for the python application bowtie2-build,that builds the database of the reference sequences. bowtie2-build can generate either small or large indexes. The wrapper will decide which based on the length of the input genome. If the reference does not exceed 4 billion characters but a large index is preferred, the user can specify --large-index to force bowtie2-build to build a large index instead. The methods Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build_s and Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_build_l return the names of the *binary* executables that bowtie2-build wraps over. bowtie2_inspect Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect_s (list of arguments) Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect_l (list of arguments) bowtie2-inspect extracts information from a Bowtie index about what kind of index it is and what reference sequences were used to build it. This method provides an interface to the python wrapper function over the binary executables Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect_s and Alien::SeqAlignment::bowtie2->bowtie2_inspect_l that inspect short and long format indices. SEE ALSO * bowtie2 <> Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour. Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index to keep its memory footprint small: typically about 2.2 GB for the human genome (2.9 GB for paired-end). * Alien Documentation on the Alien concept itself. * Alien::Base <> The base class for this Alien. The methods in that class allow you to use the static and the dynamic edlib library in your code. * Alien::Build::Manual::AlienUser < lienUser.pod> Detailed manual for users of Alien classes. * Bio::SeqAlignment <> A collection of tools and libraries for aligning biological sequences from within Perl. AUTHOR Christos Argyropoulos <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Christos Argyropoulos. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.