Ștefan Suciu

Version: 0.012

A Romanian salary tax deduction calculator.

Updated for 2018, but unfortunately there is no more an official
formula for calculating the tax deduction, so the module is using
tables for returning the correct (I hope) amount.

Starting with the v0.010 version, there is a new optional `year`
parameter that can be used to choose between the current regulations
(OMFP 52/2016), or the previous - OMFP 1016/2005.

This is an alternative to the database driven implementation for the
tax deductions calculation.  It may be suitable for small programs or
even for oneliners line this:

$ perl -MBusiness::RO::TaxDeduction -E'$td=Business::RO::TaxDeduction->new(vbl=>1400);say $td->tax_deduction'

It's a little too long but it works ;)