Apache::RedirectDBI - Redirect requests to different directories based on the existence of a user in one or more database tables SYNOPSIS PerlModule Apache::DBI Apache::RedirectDBI <Location /path/to/virtual/directory> SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::RedirectDBI PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenDBI PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source dbi:Oracle:CERT # : # and other Auth_DBI_* variables # : PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_data_source dbi:Oracle:CERT PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_username nobody PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_password nobody PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_location /path/to/virtual/directory PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_default /path/to/virtual/directory.1 PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_table2uri "t1 /directory.2 t2 /directory.3" PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_field DB_field_name_containing_username PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_url DB_field_name_containing_redirect_url PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_external External_REDIRECT_is_issued AuthName "Realm" AuthType Basic Require valid-user </Location> DESCRIPTION Apache::RedirectDBI allows you to create a virtual path in your document hierarchy. All requests for access to this virtual path should require a username and password to access. When the user attempts to access this virtual path their username is looked up in one or more database tables. The table in which the username is found in determines the physical path from which files are served. For internal redirects the files are served to the user without the URL changing, so they never know that they have been redirected. For external redirects the web browser is sent a redirected to the desired URL. The user is redirected to a default location if they are not in any of the database tables. CONFIGURATION First, define the virtual location that a user will see. You must also create other directories from which files will be served. For example, specify /dir as the virtual directory, and have $DOCROOT/dir.1, $DOCROOT/dir.2 and $DOCROOT/dir.3 as three possible directories that files will be served from, depending on the table that lists the user. <Location /dir> ... </Location> The different configuration directives in httpd.conf have the following meanings; RedirectDBI_data_source A DBI identifier for the data source that contains the tables that will be used to determine which directory to send the user to. RedirectDBI_username The username to use when connecting to the data source. RedirectDBI_password The password to use when connecting to the data source. RedirectDBI_location The same path as used in the <Location ...> section of this configuration. RedirectDBI_default Path (relative to the document root) from which files will be served if the user does not exist in any of the database files. PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_field A sting that provides the field name that contains the login username. PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_url A string that provides the field name containing the URL name to use for the user logged in. If this directive is not provided, an URI is obtianed from the second subparameter from the RedirectDBI_table2uri directive. PerlSetVar RedirectDBI_external If the directive is set to any value, an external REDIRECT is presented to the client. If it is not set, an internal redirect is issued. RedirectDBI_table2uri A string containing white space seperated elements. If the RedirectDBI_url directive is not set, each element is forms a pair where the first element is the name of the user table and the second element is the redirect location. If the RedirectDBI_url is set, the list is just the user tables to scan. The URI directory is relative to the document root from which files will be redireted if the user is in this table. CREATING YOUR TABLES The tables listed in the RedirectDBI_table2uri string must contain one or more columns. One of these columns B<must> be contain the username, which is specified by the RedirectDBI_field directive. These tables do not necessarily have to be real tables. If the backend database supports it then they could be views. This allows for a lot of flexibility in specifying the criteria for the inclusion of a user in the table. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS If the same username exists in more than one of the listed tables, the location for the first table they are found in is used. Tables are searched in the same order as they are listed in the configuration file. It is assumed that the database connection to read the tables will always succeed. SEE ALSO perl(1), Apache(3), Apache::DBI(3) AUTHORS Mike Smith (mjs@iii.co.uk) George Sanderson (perler@xorgate.com) Original Apache module Nik Clayton (nik@freebsd.org) Original CGI scripts which this replaces, and this documentation.