File::Finder - nice wrapper for File::Find ala find(1)


  use File::Finder;
  ## simulate "-type f"
  my $all_files = File::Finder->type('f');

  ## any rule can be extended:
  my $all_files_printer = $all_files->print;

  ## traditional use: generating "wanted" subroutines:
  use File::Find;
  find($all_files_printer, @starting_points);  

  ## or, we can gather up the results immediately:
  my @results = $all_files->in(@starting_points);

  ## -depth and -follow are noted, but need a bit of help for find:
  my $deep_dirs = File::Finder->depth->type('d')->ls->exec('rmdir','{}');
  find($deep_dirs->as_options, @places);


File::Find is great, but constructing the wanted routine can
sometimes be a pain.  This module provides a wanted-writer, using
syntax that is directly mappable to the find command's syntax.

Also, I find myself (heh) frequently just wanting the list of names
that match.  With File::Find, I have to write a little accumulator,
and then access that from a closure.  But with File::Finder, I can
turn the problem inside out.