## Finance::YahooQuote [](https://travis-ci.org/eddelbuettel/finance-yahooquote) [](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) Finance::YahooQuote is a Perl 5 module that will pull one or more stock quotes from [Yahoo! Finance](http://finance.yahoo.com). It was written by [Dj Padzensky](https://www.padz.net/wp/), and is now maintained by [Dirk Eddelbuettel](http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com). See the files CHANGES.old for DJ's log of changes, and ChangeLog for changes since Dirk took over. ### Yahoo! Status *Important Note:* As of November 2017, Yahoo! no longer support this interface, so the module ceases to be of any use or value. An epic 20-year run has come to an end. Consider this repo to be of historic value only. ### CPAN The package is also available from [CPAN](http://www.cpan.org) via [this page](http://search.cpan.org/~edd/Finance-YahooQuote/YahooQuote.pm). ### Source Installation Once the archive has been unpacked, the following steps are needed to build and install the module (to be done in the directory which contains the Makefile.PL) ```{.sh} perl Makefile.PL make ``` A few simple tests are provided. Please note that the second test may fail if your internet connection is down, requires a proxy or if Yahoo! is down. That said, ```{.sh} make test ``` can be used to test the integrity of the module prior to installation. If the build and test succeed, install it with the following command: ```{.sh} make install ``` An example script is installed as `yahooquote`. Two more example scripts are include to help examine available services at different Yahoo! servers, and to examine the possible mapping between stock symbols for a given company. ### Binary Installation For [Debian](http://www.debian.org) and derivatives such as [Ubuntu](http://www.ubuntu.com), a package is available via ```{.sh} sudo apt-get install libfinance-yahooquote-perl ``` For Windows users, ActiveState does maintain a pre-build package that can be installed with their ppm tool ### Status The package is in maintenance mode. Bugs are being fixed, but additions of new functionality are unlikely. ### License GPL (>= 2) ### Authors DJ Padzensky and Dirk Eddelbuettel ### Maintainer Dirk Eddelbuettel