Fuse::PDF - Filesystem embedded in a PDF document

        use Fuse::PDF;
        my $fs = Fuse::PDF->new('my_doc.pdf');
        # blocks until the filesystem is unmounted

    See also the mount_pdf front-end.

    Copyright 2007-2008 Chris Dolan, **

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The Adobe Portable Document Format is an arbitrary collection of nodes
    which support a tree structure. Most of that data is oriented toward
    document rendering, but it's legal to add arbitrarily complex data
    virtually anywhere in the document structure. Adobe Illustrator does
    this to embed lots of metadata in it's "PDF-compatible" Illustrator
    document format.

    By deciding on a convention for representing a filesystem data and
    leveraging the FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) library, we map filesystem
    calls to PDF edits.

    More info:

    PDF-in-PDF: If you copy another PDF into the PDF-based filesystem, it
    may corrupt the outer document. This should be solved when I switch to
    saving file contents in PDF streams instead of in PDF strings.

    Saving: No data is saved until you unmount the filesystem! Hopefully I
    can fix this in future releases. The saving is not yet atomic. That is,
    if you have a failure, the old PDF may be deleted before the new one is

    Resources: The entire PDF is loaded into RAM in `new()'. If your
    filesystem grows too large, this will lead to obvious problems!

    Hangs: While FUSE is quite mature, I found it to be fairly easy to hang
    the filesystem back around 0.01. I only needed to actually reboot once,
    but if that causes you concern you may wish to avoid FUSE in general.
    This has not been a problem since the earliest releases.

    Operating systems: I've only tested this software with the Google build
    of MacFUSE 1.1.0 (PowerPC, 10.4,
    Notably, I have not tried the Linux implementation of FUSE. If you have
    other experiences to add, email me or post comments to As of this writing, the Fuse module (v0.09_01) fails all tests
    on Mac. The module actually *works* great, but the Makefile.PL and the
    tests are very Linux-centric. Hopefully that will improve as MacFUSE

    PDF versions: This package relies on CAM::PDF to read and write PDFs.
    While that module supports all of the core PDF syntax, it's stricter
    than many other PDF implementations and may fail to open PDFs that, say,
    Acrobat or can open. In particular, "Print to PDF" on Mac OS
    X 10.4 often generates bad PDFs.

    Threading: I've explicitly set the FUSE default to single-threaded mode,
    so performance may be terrible in some scenarios. I hope to add support
    for threaded Perl in a future release. Patches welcome (remove the
    `threaded => 0' line from this file and add locking to Fuse::PDF::FS).

    Unsupported: special files (named pipes, etc.), following symlinks out
    of the filesystem, permission enforcement, `chown', `flush', reading
    from unlinked filehandles.

    Hard links: I have not yet implemented hard links. I'll implement
    compressed streams at the same time.

    $pkg->new($pdf_filename, $hash_of_options)
        Create a new filesystem instance. This method opens and parses the
        PDF document. If there is an error opening or parsing the PDF
        document, this will return `undef'.

        The options hash supports the following extra arguments:

            An arrayref of extra arguments to pass to the CAM::PDF
            constructor. In particular, the first arguments are the owner
            and user password which can be used to open encrypted PDFs.

            The string representing the path where filesystem changes should
            be saved. By default this is the `$pdf_filename' passed to

            A boolean indicating whether to discard old filesystem data
            saved via version infrastructure described in the PDF
            specification. Defaults to false. If left false, then the PDF
            will grow with every mount, but only by as much as you changed
            it. See ` --cleanse' from the CAM::PDF distribution
            to perform the compaction manually. See also `' to
            roll back to those older versions.

            Fuse::PDF can embed multiple filesystems in a single PDF
            distinguished by name. This string specifies which filesystem to
            use. It uses the Fuse::PDF::FS default if a name is not
            explicitly provided.

            A version number indicating which filesystem version to roll
            back to before mounting. Use `fs()' and the Fuse::PDF::FS API to
            learn what revisions are available in a PDF filesystem.

    $self->mount($mount_path, $hash_of_fuse_options)
        Calls into Fuse to mount the filesystem to the specified mount
        point. On unmount, a new PDF will be saved with any filesystem

        If the mount point does not exist, this package will try to create
        it as a directory via a simple `mkdir()'. If the `mkdir()' fails, or
        if the mount point exists but is not a directory, `mount()' will

        If the PDF has an existing filesystem which is incompatible with
        this version of the software, `mount()' will `croak()'.

        If the mount is successful, we establish callbacks and hand control
        to the FUSE library. FUSE blocks until the filesystem is unmounted.
        If this blocking is a problem for you, consider daemonizing the
        process like so:

            use Fuse::PDF;
            use Net::Server::Daemonize qw();
            my ($pdffilename, $mountdir) = @ARGV;
            my $fs = Fuse::PDF->new($pdffilename);
            if (Net::Server::Daemonize::safe_fork()) {
                exit 0; # parent process or failure
            Net::Server::Daemonize::daemonize('www', 'www');

        The `mount()' method cleans up after itself sufficiently that you
        may call it again immediately after unmounting.

        The options hash is passed directly to `Fuse::main()'. See the Fuse
        documentation for the allowed keys. A simple example is:

            $fs->mount($mountdir, {debug => 1});

        Return a fresh copy of the Fuse::PDF::FS data structure representing
        this PDF. You should not try to manipulate this object while the
        filesystem is mounted. This module is not yet thread-safe!




    Chris Dolan, **

    Thanks to the Madison Perl Mongers for thinking the idea was stupid
    enough that I was inspired to implement it!