NAME Plack::Middleware::Debug::Profiler::NYTProf - Runs NYTProf on your app SYNOPSIS use Plack::Builder; my $app = ...; ## Build your Plack App builder { enable 'Debug', panels =>['Profiler::NYTProf']; $app; }; # or with options builder { enable 'Debug', panels => [ [ 'Profiler::NYTProf', base_URL => '', root => '/path/to/NYTProf', minimal => 1, ] ]; $app; }; DESCRIPTION Adds a debug panel that runs and displays Devel::NYTProf on your perl source code. OPTIONS This debug panel defines the following options. root Where to store nytprof.out and nytprofhtml output (default: '/tmp'). base_URL By default, this module will grab requests with the string nytprofhtml to the server, and deliver the reports with Plack::App::File. If instead you don't want to serve the reports from the same server you're debugging, then you can set this option to the URL where the root folder above can be reached. exclude List of excluded paths (default: [qw(.*\.css .*\.png .*\.ico .*\.js)]). minimal By default, nytprofhtml will generate graphviz .dot files and block/sub-level reports. Setting this to a true value will disable this behaviour and make nytprofhtml considerably faster. no_merge_evals By defaut, nytprofhtml will merge string evals in the reports. Setting this to a true value will disable this behaviour. Warning: this will make nytprohtml considerably slower, and might timeout the HTTP request. Environment Variable NYTPROF You can customize Devel::NYTProf's behaviour by setting the NYTPROF environment variable as specified in its documentation. However, this module requires the following to hold: addpid=1 start=begin SEE ALSO Plack::Middleware::Debug Devel::NYTProf AUTHOR Sebastian de Castelberg, "<>" CONTRIBUTORS Nuba Princigalli, "<>" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.