# NAME WebService::GigaTools - A simple and fast interface to the GigaTools API # SYNOPSIS use WebService::GigaTools; my $gigatools = new WebService::GigaTools(api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY'); # DESCRIPTION The module provides a simple interface to the GigaTools API. To use this module, you must first sign up at [http://api.gigatools.com](http://api.gigatools.com) to receive an API key. # METHODS These methods usage: [http://api.gigatools.com](http://api.gigatools.com) ### gigs my $data = $gigatools->gigs; $data = $gigatools->gigs( 'from_date[]' => '2013-01-01', 'to_date[]' => '2013-02-01', ); ### city my $data = $gigatools->city( 'cities[]' => 'Berlin', ); $data = $gigatools->city( 'cities[]' => 'Berlin', 'from_date[]' => '2013-01-01', 'to_date[]' => '2013-02-01', ); ### country my $data = $gigatools->country( 'countries[]' => 'Japan', ); $data = $gigatools->country( 'countries[]' => 'Japan', 'from_date[]' => '2014-11-09', 'to_date[]' => '2014-11-15', ); ### venue my $data = $gigatools->venue( 'venues[]' => 'Berghain', ); $data = $gigatools->venue( 'venues[]' => 'Berghain', 'from_date[]' => '2013-11-09', 'to_date[]' => '2014-01-15', ); ### search my $data = $gigatools->search( 'soundcloud_user_ids' => '1039,6251,19986369', ); $data = $gigatools->search( 'soundcloud_username' => 'jochempaap', ); $data = $gigatools->search( 'twitter_username' => 'djflash4eva', ); $data = $gigatools->search( 'mixcloud_username' => 'audioinjection', ); # SEE ALSO [http://api.gigatools.com](http://api.gigatools.com) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Hondallica. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Hondallica <hondallica@gmail.com>