The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography on Combination Methods in Automated Reasoning
[ About | Browse | Statistics ]
Number of references: | 242 | Last update: | August 16, 2005 |
Number of online publications: | 73 | Supported: | yes |
Most recent reference: | 2005 |
| |
- Author:
- Cesare Tinelli <tinelli @ cs . uiowa . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Department of Computer Science
University of Iowa
14 McLean Hall
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
- Copyright:
Use and reproduction of this bibliography is granted to anybody provided that its source is acknowledged and no commercial use is made of it.
- Keywords:
combination of: unification algorithms, satisfiability procedures, algebraic domains, logical theories
- Author Comments:
We invite you to contribute to this database by sending additional entries to [email protected]
- Types:
- inproceedings(139), article(57), techreport(19),
incollection(15), phdthesis(9), mastersthesis(2),
- Fields:
- author(242), title(242), year(242), pages(174),
booktitle(154), publisher(143), volume(140),
editor(137), series(120), month(112), url(76),
number(61), journal(57), address(28), note(20),
institution(19), type(12), school(11), organization(5),
chapter(2), conflocation(2), abstract(1), annote(1),
optnumber(1), optpages(1), optvolume(1)
- Distribution of publication dates: