The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography of KDD and Data Mining Papers

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Number of references:580Last update:January 1, 1997
Number of online publications:133Supported:no
Most recent reference:July 1997

Information on the Bibliography

Andy Pryke <A . N . Pryke @ cs . bham . ac . uk> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Department of Computer Science
The University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
The Master Bibliography of KDD and Data Mining Papers is a bibliography of papers on the topics of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (this includes closely related papers on visualisation and machine learning).
Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery in Databases, KDD
Author Comments:
Andy additional references, or corrections are gratefully received. Please email them to me, Andy Pryke, at [email protected]
Only references in machine readable format (e.g. refer or preferable Bibtex) can be added, due to time constraints. This bibliography had been passed through Bibtool and Bibclean to ensure a standard format.

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

inproceedings(246), article(224), techreport(35), incollection(31), book(20), misc(8), phdthesis(6), proceedings(6), unpublished(3), mastersthesis(1)
title(580), author(557), year(548), pages(458), booktitle(281), publisher(261), address(242), editor(232), volume(217), journal(207), abstract(155), month(146), keywords(144), issue(112), url(96), number(66), annote(54), issn(41), note(31), institution(25), series(22), key_modifier(19), classification(13), affiliation(12), isbn(12), contributedby(11), thesaurus(11), crossref(8), edition(7), key(7), school(6), xxcrossref(6), copyright(4), howpublished(4), size(4), type(4), descriptor(3), lccn(3), org(3), url2(3), abstract-url(2), affiliationaddress(2), chapter(2), day(2), organization(2), page(2), abstract_url(1), comment(1), confdate(1), conference(1), conferenceyear(1), conflocation(1), confsponsor(1), journalabr(1), language(1), meetingaddress(1), meetingdate(1), meetingdate2(1), organisation(1), pubcountry(1), publisherinfo(1), sponsor(1), url_2(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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