The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography of Work in Philosophy of Language, Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, and Assorted Related Topics
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Number of references: 20190 Last update: May 21, 2008 Number of online publications: 1803 Supported: Unknown Most recent reference: 2008
Richmond H. Thomason <thomason @ thomason . org> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Linguistics Department Intelligent Systems Program Univ. of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
Author Comments:
By making this bibliography available, I am hoping to persuade interested readers to send me more references. Send additions, corrections, and comments to [email protected] Note: I am always interested in BibTeX formated bibligraphies on related topics.
article(8198), incollection(4931), book(3627),
inproceedings(1968), unpublished(836), techreport(438),
phdthesis(173), misc(9), mastersthesis(4), software(3),
corpus(2), proceedings(1) Fields:
title(20189), year(20166), topic(20160),
author(18881), pages(14488), address(10786),
publisher(10239), volume(8227), journal(8200),
editor(7737), number(7227), booktitle(6901),
xref(2639), missinginfo(2014), isbn(1658), note(1352),
organization(834), contentnote(753), acontentnote(442),
institution(438), school(177), url(169), month(144),
type(144), edition(123), series(78), chapter(32),
issue(19), publication(19), contentsnote(9),
quarter(6), noneditor(5), isbn-13(4), isbn13(4),
media(4), contenttnote(3), miscnote(3),
acontenttnote(2), topics(2), xef(2), adress(1),
callnumber(1), comment(1), commentnote(1),
conentnote(1), extrainfo(1), howpublished(1), isbb(1),
isbn-10(1), language(1), location(1), notes(1),
pageso(1), platform(1), rtnpte(1), rztnote(1),
seriew(1), tableofcontents(1), trnote(1), version(1) Distribution of publication dates: