The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Forth Bibliography

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Number of references:1244Last update:January 2, 2006
Number of online publications:194Supported:yes
Most recent reference:October 2005

Information on the Bibliography

Peter Knaggs <pjk @ bcs . org . uk> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
School of Design, Engineering and Computing
University of Bournemouth
Talbot Campus
Fern Barrow
BH12 5BB
The Bibliography contains entries (and abstracts) for:
The abstract or summary of a book, report, or research thesis is added as people let me know of them.
Details of Forth related standards are added as the standards are accepted, or when people inform me of them.
Conference Proceedings
euroFORTH Conference:
Abstracts for 1988, and 1990 onwards are available.
Abstracts for 1984 to 1987 and 1989 are not available as I haven't been able to obtain a copy of the proceedings.
Rochester Forth Conference:
Abstracts for 1981 to 1986 are now available.
Abstracts for 1987 to 1997 will be added in due course.
Papers appearing in other conference will be added as I am informed of them.
Journal Articles
Abstracts for The Journal of Forth Application and Research will be added in due course. Abstracts for Forth related material appearing in other Journals will be added as I am informed of them.
Author Comments:
The bibliography is maintained by Peter Knaggs ([email protected]). Further entries and hyperlinks are welcome.

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

inproceedings(927), article(191), book(89), proceedings(28), phdthesis(6), manual(3)
title(1244), author(1205), year(1174), address(956), booktitle(955), organization(914), abstract(461), month(437), pages(285), editor(263), keywords(185), isbn(170), volume(145), journal(131), number(130), issn(128), publisher(120), crossref(60), note(36), abstrct(32), url(24), series(15), xkey(11), edition(10), html(10), key(7), school(6), type(3), version(2)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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