The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Image Analysis and Computer Vision Bibliography

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Number of references:7617Last update:August 26, 1997
Number of online publications:2178Supported:no
Most recent reference:1990

Information on the Bibliography

Azriel Rosenfeld
Author Comments:
Thanks go to Mike Clarkson, Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science, York University, North York, Ontario, Canada, for performing the conversion from mebib to BibTeX format!
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 94 12:09:07 +0200
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Corrections to rosenfeld*.bib bibtex files
I placed corrected versions of the rosenfeld*.bib files on the ftp server at Teleos in the subdirectory PUBLIC.
I hope this will be useful for somebody.
Peter Vanroose
Electrotechnical Department, ESAT
K.U. Leuven, Belgium.
[email protected]
The HTML version of this bibliography continues up to the year 1994!

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

article(3804), inproceedings(3254), book(313), proceedings(223), techreport(19), incollection(4)
year(7750), title(7617), author(7335), keywords(7081), pages(7081), institution(7046), volume(3922), journal(3804), booktitle(3296), publisher(2985), address(2035), organization(1222), series(1069), editor(811), month(352), number(253), crossref(90), key(83), note(3), annote(1), ediitor(1), edition(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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