The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography on real-time systems
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Number of references: | 376 | Last update: | August 26, 1997 |
Number of online publications: | 63 | Supported: | no |
Most recent reference: | January 1993 |
| |
- Author:
- Azer Bestavros <best @ cs . bu . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
- Abstract:
A collection of BibTex entries for papers and references on Real-time Computing (from the IEEE-RTTC repository).
- Author Comments:
Contributions to this file are welcome. Please send your additions/corrections to [email protected].
- Types:
- inproceedings(110), article(108), techreport(69),
book(22), misc(18), unpublished(15), incollection(12),
phdthesis(9), manual(6), inbook(5), booklet(1),
- Fields:
- year(376), title(374), author(369), month(255),
address(135), number(125), booktitle(124), pages(112),
journal(108), volume(94), institution(70),
publisher(61), note(42), key(21), subject(21),
editor(15), type(15), organization(12), remark(12),
school(10), howpublished(5), chapter(3), day(2),
authorsinstitution(1), editors(1), issue(1), misc(1),
- Distribution of publication dates: