Ken Hinckley <kenh @ microsoft . com> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
This is a fairly comprehensive, but far from complete, bibliography of materials related to 3D interaction, based on the references list of our paper "A Survey of Design Issues in Spatial Input" (Hinckley, Pausch, Goble, Kassell) as published in the ACM UIST'94 Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology, 1994, pp. 213-222. Submissions of new material for this bibliography are encouraged and may be emailed to [email protected]. Please make your subject line read "Spatial.bib contribution".
graphical user interfaces; , Interaction techniques , True three or six-degree-of-freedom techniques , Techniques based on 2D input , Gesture interfaces , Voice input , Audio output (both speech and nonspeech audio) , Touch / Touchscreen , Two handed interaction , Multi-modal interaction , Head tracking , Ubiquitous computing , Input devices , vendor information , studies and comparisons , taxonomies , Telepresence, Virtual reality, and Augmented reality; including Desk top or "Fish tank" VR systems , Systems , Emprical studies , Force display / haptic feedback , Survey papers , Visualization , Computer Graphics , algorithms , toolkits and infrastructure , Cognitive and Perceptual psychology , Depth perception , Visual cues , Human spatial abilities , Motor behavior , Fitt's law studies , Studies of bimanual tasks and two-handed coordination , General readings in human-computer interaction and design
Author Comments:
Submissions of new material for this bibliography are encouraged and may be emailed to [email protected]. Please make your subject line read "Spatial.bib contribution". If you submit a new reference, try to include a brief synopsis of the article or book as well. Most of the references from the UIST paper are annotated herein, but unfortunately many of the other papers still lack annotations. We are providing this bibliography as a free service to the user interface community. As such we cannot guarantee that this bibliography is free from errors, or that new references or annotations will be added in a timely fashion. We will do our best, however, to keep it as correct and up-to-date as our free time permits.