The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Other Bibliographies on Parallel Processing

This page lists bibliographies which could not be integrated into this collection for one reason or another.

Eugene Miya's Multiprocessor/Distributed Processing Bibliography
Eugene Miya has collected about 20,000 references in the area of parallel processing in Refer format. Here are his instructions on how to get a copy:

In order to obtain a copy on the Internet, I am required to ask for a letterhead from an institution stating that they understand portions are copywritten. It's free, so that is not much to ask. Please also send any corrections, typos, additions to me. Annotations and keywords are particularly encouraged, since I can't read everything. Citation in any of your published work is appreciated since this supports my work.
Send letterhead to:
Eugene N. Miya
MS 233-10
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

Please include your return Email address. I maintain copies on some sites, your site may have one already. Check with your site admin. The usual place is kept controlled to abide by terms of the copyright.

See also Eugene's somewhat regular informational posting on comp.parallel.

I have converted the bibliography from Refer to BibTeX format, but because of the copyright it is not available with the collection.

The Petri Nets Bibliography
Please note that you need to be a member of the Petri Net Newsletter in order to search this bibliography. The bibliography is a service of the Petri Net Newsletter.
There are a number of bibliographies on Parlib. Send mail with send index or send index from bibliographies to [email protected] to get the list of available stuff.