The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography on Hardware Verification and Formal Methods
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Number of references: 2602 Last update: April 28, 2000 Number of online publications: 494 Supported: yes
Most recent reference: June 1998
Hardware Verification Group
Hardware Verification Group at the Institute of Computer Design and Fault Tolerance Department of Computer Science University of Karlsruhe Germany
This is a reference list on hardware verification and formal methods in general.
ADL, abstraction, algorithmiclevel, asynchronous, automation, BDD, Benchmarks, CAPRA, circuits, classification of properties, compiler, complexity, concurrent programs, CONLAN, ctl, cve, DDL, Design, ELLA, eventstructure, fair transition system, fairness, finite-state system, firstorderlogic, flowgraph, formal methods, formalism, formalsynthesis, fsm, gatelevel, general, graph, hardware, HDL, higherorderlogic, HOL, HOL-System, itl, KARL, layout, layoutlevel, liveness, Logic, ltl, Methods, microprocessor, ML, modelchecking, modelling, omega, omegafsm, optimization, other, petrinet, processalgebra, program verification, progress, PROLOG, proof systems, propositionallogic, reachability analysis, reactive systems, realtime, recurrence, refinement, registertransferlevel, responsiveness, Rewrite, rewriting, RISC, safety, SFB358, shortest path, SILAGE, simulation, SMAX, SML, software, softwareverification, specification, survey, switchlevel, symbolic state traversal, symbolicsimulation, synthesis, system, systemlevel, techreport, temporallogic, test, textbook, theorem proving, timers, timing, tpcd94, trace, trajectoryevaluation, transistorlevel, transition, transitionsystem, transitionsystemfair, transitionsystemlabelled, transpositionsystem, tutorial, UNITY, verification, verificationformalism, VHDL, VIOLA, voss
Author Comments:
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inproceedings(1621), article(417), techreport(195),
book(175), phdthesis(46), incollection(45),
proceedings(27), inbook(23), manual(18), misc(18),
mastersthesis(14), unpublished(2), booklet(1) Fields:
year(2602), key(2600), title(2600), author(2549),
pages(1746), booktitle(1668), address(1508),
publisher(1497), month(1450), keyword(1155),
editor(1023), volume(914), organization(693),
series(600), journal(417), number(342),
institution(187), note(186), school(59), type(44),
chapter(35), remark(35), edition(24), howpublished(13),
isbn(10) Distribution of publication dates: