The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography on Finite Model Theory
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Number of references: 552 Last update: May 28, 1998 Number of online publications: 2 Supported: yes
Most recent reference: 1998
Argimiro Arratia-Quesada <arratia @ ldc . usb . ve> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Universidad Simon Bolivar Departamento de Matematicas Apartado 89000, Caracas 1080-A Venezuela
Author Comments:
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article(265), inproceedings(154), incollection(41),
book(29), techreport(21), unpublished(21),
phdthesis(13), misc(4), conference(3), inbook(1) Fields:
author(551), title(551), year(542), pages(427),
volume(272), journal(266), booktitle(199),
publisher(114), note(86), editor(69), number(41),
series(27), institution(22), month(19), school(14),
address(11), type(10), edition(2), chapter(1), city(1),
isbn(1) Distribution of publication dates: