The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography on Realizability

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Number of references:345Last update:June 7, 2001
Number of online publications:9Supported:Unknown
Most recent reference:2000

Information on the Bibliography

Lars Birkedal <birkedal @ itu . dk> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
The IT University of Copenhagen
realizability semantics
Author Comments:
This bibliography on realizability has been established in connection with the Workshop on Realizability Semantics and Applications 1999 in Trento, Italy. Additions and corrections are very welcome. Please email them to Lars Birkedal ([email protected]).

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

article(166), inproceedings(78), book(29), phdthesis(18), techreport(17), incollection(14), misc(12), unpublished(8), proceedings(2), booklet(1)
title(345), year(344), author(342), pages(238), volume(191), journal(167), publisher(115), booktitle(93), reviews(92), editor(75), note(68), number(31), series(29), school(18), institution(17), address(15), month(4), type(3), editors(2), howpublished(1), poublisher(1), publiher(1), review(1), source(1), source-date(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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