The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography on trace theory
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Number of references: 871 Last update: December 9, 2008 Number of online publications: 55 Supported: Unknown Most recent reference: 2008
Volker Diekert <diekert @ informatik . uni-stuttgart . de> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Theoretical Informatics Group Department of Computer Science University of Stuttgart Germany
asynchronous automata, regular trace languages, concurrency, algebra, trace theory, formal languages, combinatorics, domain theory, infinite traces, logic, Petri nets, semi-commutations, trace structures
Author Comments:
Please send comments and additions to Holger Petersen ([email protected] )
article(370), inproceedings(272), book(69),
incollection(57), techreport(52), phdthesis(30),
unpublished(9), proceedings(6), misc(3),
mastersthesis(2), conference(1) Fields:
title(871), year(870), author(862), pages(685),
volume(448), journal(367), publisher(358),
booktitle(331), number(310), series(253), address(243),
editor(238), annote(209), note(71), type(55),
institution(50), mrclass(34), mrnumber(34),
mrnumber-url(34), school(31), mrreviewer(24), issn(23),
chapter(18), month(18), fjournal(17), coden(13),
isbn(8), adress(4), howpublished(3), page(3),
edition(2), organization(2), abstract(1), bibtexurl(1),
copyright(1), ee(1), location(1), notes(1), pdfurl(1),
publishersite(1), publisherurl(1), short(1), url(1),
xaddress(1), xpublisher(1) Distribution of publication dates: