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This dictionary was derived from the
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Version published 1913
by the C. & G. Merriam Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Under the direction of
Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D.
and from
WordNet, a semantic network created by
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Prof. George Miller
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Last edit January 29, 2002.
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Q. 1913 Webster]
Q(k, the seventeenth letter of the English alphabet, has but one sound (that of k), and is always followed by u, the two letters together being sounded like kw, except in some words in which the u is silent. See Guide to Pronunciation, cw being used instead of qu; as in cwic, quick; cwen, queen. The name (kku, which is from the Latin name of the same letter; its form is from the Latin, which derived it, through a Greek alphabet, from the Ph 1913 Webster]
Etymologically, q or qu is most nearly related to a (ch, tch), p, q, and wh; as in cud, quid, L. equus, ecus, horse, Gr. /, whence E. equine, hippic; L. quod which, E. what; L. aquila, E. eaqle; E. kitchen, OE. kichene, AS. cycene, L. coquina. 1913 Webster]
Q.E.D, QED(k, interj.[From Latin, quod erat demonstrandum, i.e. which was demonstrated.]Which was demonstrated; -- a phrase used after the conclusion of some line of reasoning, especially in mathematical or logical proofs. [abbrev.] PJC]
Qua(?), conj.[L., abl. of qui who.]In so far as; in the capacity or character of; as. 1913 Webster]
It is with Shelley's biographers qua biographers that we have to deal.London Spectator. 1913 Webster]
Quab(?), n.[Cf. D. kwab eelpout, Dan. quabbe, G. quabbe, quappe, LG. quabbe a fat lump of flesh, and L. capito a kind of fish with a large head, fr. caput the head, also E. squab.]An unfledged bird; hence, something immature or unfinished.Ford. 1913 Webster]
Quab, v. i.See Quob, v. i. 1913 Webster]
Qua"-bird`(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The American night heron. See under Night. 1913 Webster]
Qua"cha(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The quagga. 1913 Webster]
Quack(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Qvacked(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quacking.][Of imitative origin; cf. D. kwaken, G. quacken, quaken, Icel. kvaka to twitter.] 1913 Webster]
1.To utter a sound like the cry of a duck. 1913 Webster]
2.To make vain and loud pretensions; to boast. \'bd To quack of universal cures.\'b8 Hudibras. 1913 Webster]
3.To act the part of a quack, or pretender. 1913 Webster]
Quack, n.1.The cry of the duck, or a sound in imitation of it; a hoarse, quacking noise.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.[Cf. Quacksalver.]A boastful pretender to medical skill; an empiric; an ignorant practitioner. 1913 Webster]
3.Hence, one who boastfully pretends to skill or knowledge of any kind not possessed; a charlatan. 1913 Webster]
Quack, a.Pertaining to or characterized by, boasting and pretension; used by quacks; pretending to cure diseases; as, a quack medicine; a quack doctor. 1913 Webster]
Quack"er*y(?), n.; pl.Quackeries(/).The acts, arts, or boastful pretensions of a quack; false pretensions to any art; empiricism.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Quack"ish, a.Like a quack; boasting; characterized by quackery.Burke. 1913 Webster]
Quack"ism(?), n.Quackery.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Quac"kle(?), v. i. & t.[imp. & p. p.Quackled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quackling(?).][Cf.Querken.]To suffocate; to choke. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Quack"sal*ver(?), n.[D. kwakzalver; cf. kwakzalven to quack or boast of one's salves. See Quack, Salve, n.]One who boasts of his skill in medicines and salves, or of the efficacy of his prescriptions; a charlatan; a quack; a mountebank. [Obs.] Burton. 1913 Webster]
{ Quad(?), Quade(?) }, a.[Akin to AS. cw, cwead, dung, evil, G. kot, dung, OHG. qu\'bet.]Evil; bad; baffling; as, a quade wind. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Sooth play, quad play, as the Fleming saith.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quad, n.(Print.)A quadrat. 1913 Webster]
Quad, n.(Arch.)A quadrangle; hence, a prison. [Cant or Slang] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad"ra(?), n.; pl.Quadr\'91(#).[L., a square, the socle, a platband, a fillet.](Arch.)(a)The plinth, or lowest member, of any pedestal, podium, water table, or the like.(b)A fillet, or listel. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ra*ble(?), a.[See Quadrate.](Math.)That may be sqyared, or reduced to an equivalent square; -- said of a surface when the area limited by a curve can be exactly found, and expressed in a finite number of algebraic terms. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ra*ge*na"ri*ous(?), a.[L. quadragenarius, fr. qyadrageni forty each.]Consisting of forty; forty years old. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ra*gene(?), n.[LL. quadragena, fr. L. quadrageni forty each, akin to quadraginta forty.](R. C. Ch.)An indulgence of forty days, corresponding to the forty days of ancient canonical penance. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad`ra*ges"i*ma(?), n.[L., fr. quadragesimus the fortieth, fr. quadraginta forty; akin to quattuor four. See Four.](Eccl.)The forty days of fast preceding Easter; Lent. 1913 Webster]
Quadragesima Sunday, the first Sunday in Lent, about forty days before Easter. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ra*ges"i*mal(?), a.[Cf. F. quadrag\'82simal.]Belonging to Lent; used in Lent; Lenten. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ra*ges"i*mals(?), n. pl.Offerings formerly made to the mother church of a diocese on Mid-Lent Sunday. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ran`gle(?), n.[F., fr. L. quadrangulum; quattuor four + angulus an angle. See Four, and Angle a corner.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Geom.)A plane figure having four angles, and consequently four sides; any figure having four angles. 1913 Webster]
2.A square or quadrangular space or inclosure, such a space or court surrounded by buildings, esp. such a court in a college or public school in England. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ran"gu*lar(?), a.[Cf. F. quadrangulaire.]Having four angles, and consequently four sides; tetragonal. -- Quad*ran"gu*lar*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad"rans(?), n.; pl.Quadrantes(#).[L.]1.(Rom. Antiq.)A fourth part of the coin called an as. See 3d As, 2. 1913 Webster]
2.The fourth of a penny; a farthing. See Cur. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rant(?), n.[L. quadrans, -antis, a fourth part, a fourth of a whole, fr. quattuor four: cf. F. quadrant, cadran. See Four, and cf. Cadrans.]1.The fourth part; the quarter. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geom.)The quarter of a circle, or of the circumference of a circle, an arc of 90 1913 Webster]
3.(Anal. (Geom.)One of the four parts into which a plane is divided by the co\'94rdinate axes. The upper right-hand part is the first quadrant; the upper left-hand part the second; the lower left-hand part the third; and the lower right-hand part the fourth quadrant. 1913 Webster]
4.An instrument for measuring altitudes, variously constructed and mounted for different specific uses in astronomy, surveying, gunnery, etc., consisting commonly of a graduated arc of 90 1913 Webster]
Gunner's quadrant, an instrument consisting of a graduated limb, with a plumb line or spirit level, and an arm by which it is applied to a cannon or mortar in adjusting it to the elevation required for attaining the desired range. --
Gunter's quadrant. See Gunter's quadrant, in the Vocabulary. --
Hadley's quadrant, a hand instrument used chiefly at sea to measure the altitude of the sun or other celestial body in ascertaining the vessel's position. It consists of a frame in the form of an octant having a graduated scale upon its arc, and an index arm, or alidade pivoted at its apex. Mirrors, called the index glass and the horizon glass, are fixed one upon the index arm and the other upon one side of the frame, respectively. When the instrument is held upright, the index arm may be swung so that the index glass will reflect an image of the sun upon the horizon glass, and when the reflected image of the sun coincides, to the observer's eye, with the horizon as seen directly through an opening at the side of the horizon glass, the index shows the sun's altitude upon the scale; -- more properly, but less commonly, called an octant. --
Quadrant of altitude, an appendage of the artificial globe, consisting of a slip of brass of the length of a quadrant of one of the great circles of the globe, and graduated. It may be fitted to the meridian, and being movable round to all points of the horizon, serves as a scale in measuring altitudes, azimuths, etc. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ran"tal(?), a.[L. quadrantalis containing the fourth fourth part of a measure.](Geom.)Of or pertaining to a quadrant; also, included in the fourth part of a circle; as, quadrantal space. 1913 Webster]
Quadrantal triangle, a spherical triangle having one side equal to a quadrant or arc of 90 --
Quadrantal versor, a versor that expresses rotation through one right angle. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ran"tal, n.[L.]1.(Rom. Antiq.)A cubical vessel containing a Roman cubic foot, each side being a Roman square foot; -- used as a measure. 1913 Webster]
2.A cube. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Quad"rat(?), n.[F. quadrat, cadrat. See Quadrate.]1.(Print.)A block of type metal lower than the letters, -- used in spacing and in blank lines. [Abbrev. quad.] 1913 Webster]
2.An old instrument used for taking altitudes; -- called also geometrical square, and line of shadows. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rate(?), a.[L. quadratus squared, p. p. of quadrare to make four-cornered, to make square, to square, to fit, suit, from quadrus square, quattuor four. See Quadrant, and cf. Quadrat, Quarry an arrow, Square.]1.Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square. 1913 Webster]
Figures, some round, some triangle, some quadrate.Foxe. 1913 Webster]
2.Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square. \'bd Quadrate and cubical numbers.\'b8 Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
4.Squared; suited; correspondent. [Archaic] \'bd A generical description quadrate to both.\'b8 Harvey. 1913 Webster]
Quadrate bone(Anat.), a bone between the base of the lower jaw and the skull in most vertebrates below the mammals. In reptiles and birds it articulates the lower jaw with the skull; in mammals it is represented by the malleus or incus. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rate(?), n.[L. quadratum. See Quadrate, a.]1.(Geom.)A plane surface with four equal sides and four right angles; a square; hence, figuratively, anything having the outline of a square. 1913 Webster]
At which command, the powers militant quadrate joined.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.(Astrol.)An aspect of the heavenly bodies in which they are distant from each other 90Note under Aspect, 6. 1913 Webster]
3.(Anat.)The quadrate bone. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rate(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quadrated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quadrating.][See Quadrate, a.]To square; to agree; to suit; to correspond; -- followed by with. [Archaic] 1913 Webster]
The objections of these speculatists of its forms do not quadrate with their theories.Burke. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rate, v. t.To adjust (a gun) on its carriage; also, to train (a gun) for horizontal firing. 1913 Webster]
Quad*rat"ic(?), a.[Cf. F. quadratique.] 1913 Webster]
1.Of or pertaining to a square, or to squares; resembling a quadrate, or square; square. 1913 Webster]
2.(Crystallog.)Tetragonal. 1913 Webster]
3.(Alg.)Pertaining to terms of the second degree; as, a quadratic equation, in which the highest power of the unknown quantity is a square. 1913 Webster]
Quad*rat"ics(?), n.(Alg.)That branch of algebra which treats of quadratic equations. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ra`to*ju"gal(?), a.(Anat.)(a)Of or pertaining to the quadrate and jugal bones.(b)Of or pertaining to the quadratojugal bone. -- n.The quadratojugal bone. 1913 Webster]
Quadratojugal bone(Anat.), a bone at the base of the lower jaw in many animals. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ra"trix(?), n.; pl.-trixes(#), or-trices(#).[NL.](Geom.)A curve made use of in the quadrature of other curves; as the quadratrix, of Dinostratus, or of Tschirnhausen. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ra*ture(?), n.[L. quadratura: cf. F. quadrature. See Quadrate, a.]1.(Math.)The act of squaring; the finding of a square having the same area as some given curvilinear figure; as, the quadrature of a circle; the operation of finding an expression for the area of a figure bounded wholly or in part by a curved line, as by a curve, two ordinates, and the axis of abscissas. 1913 Webster]
2.A quadrate; a square.Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.(Integral Calculus)The integral used in obtaining the area bounded by a curve; hence, the definite integral of the product of any function of one variable into the differential of that variable. 1913 Webster]
4.(Astron.)The position of one heavenly body in respect to another when distant from it 90 1913 Webster]
Quadrature of the moon(Astron.), the position of the moon when one half of the disk is illuminated. --
Quadrature of an orbit(Astron.), a point in an orbit which is at either extremity of the latus rectum drawn through the empty focus of the orbit. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rel(?), n.[It. quadrello, LL. quadrellus, fr. L. quadrus square. See Quadrate, and cf. Quarrel an arrow.]1.A square piece of turf or peat. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
2.A square brick, tile, or the like. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ren"ni*al(?), a.[L. quadriennium a space of four years; quattuor four + annus year; cf. L. quadriennis. See Quadrate, and Annual.]1.Comprising four years; as, a quadrennial period. 1913 Webster]
2.Occurring once in four years, or at the end of every four years; as, quadrennial games. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ren"ni*al*ly, adv.Once in four years. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad*ren"ni*um(?), n.[NL. See Quadrennial.]A space or period of four years. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ri-(?). [L., from quattuor four. See Four.]A combining form meaning four, four times, fourfold; as, quadricapsular, having four capsules. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*ba"sic(?), a.[Quadri- + basic.](Chem.)Same as Tetrabasic. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ri*ble(?), a.Quadrable. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Quad"ric(?), a.(Math.)Of or pertaining to the second degree. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ric, n.(a)(Alg.)A quantic of the second degree. See Quantic.(b)(Geom.)A surface whose equation in three variables is of the second degree. Spheres, spheroids, ellipsoids, paraboloids, hyperboloids, also cones and cylinders with circular bases, are quadrics. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*cap"su*lar(?), a.[Quadri- + capsular.](Bot.)Having four capsules. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad"ri*ceps(?), n.[NL., fr. L. qyattuor four + caput head.](Anat.)The great extensor muscle of the knee, divided above into four parts which unite in a single tendon at the knee. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*cip"i*tal(?), n.(Anat.)Of or pertaining to the quadriceps. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*cor"nous(?), a.[Quadri- + L. cornu horn: cf. F. quadricorne.](Zo\'94l.)Having four horns, or hornlike organs; as, a quadricornous beetle. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*cos"tate(?), a.[Quadri- + costate.]Having four ribs. 1913 Webster]
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Quad`ri*den"tate(?), a.[Quadri- + dentate.]Having four teeth; as, a quadridentate leaf. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*en"ni*al(?), a.Same as Quadrennial. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*fa"ri*ous(?), a.[L. quadrifarius fourfold, fr. quattuor four: cf. F. quadrifari\'82. Cf. Multifarious.]Arranged in four rows or ranks; as, quadrifarious leaves.Loudon. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ri*fid(?), a.[L. quadrifidus; quattuor four + findere to cleave: cf. F. quadrifide.]Divided, or deeply cleft, into four parts; as, a quadrifid perianth; a quadrifid leaf. 1913 Webster]
{ Quad"ri*foil(?), Quad`ri*fo"li*ate(?), }a.[Quadri- + L. folium leaf.](Bot.)Four-leaved; having the leaves in whorls of four. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*fur"ca*ted(?), a.[Quadri- + furcated.]Having four forks, or branches. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad*ri"ga(?), n.; pl.Quadrig\'91(#).[L. See Quadrijugous.](Rom. Antiq.)A car or chariot drawn by four horses abreast. 1913 Webster]
{ Quad`ri*gem"i*nal(?), Quad`ri*gem"i*nous(?), }a.[Quadri- + L. gemini twins.]Fourfold; having four similar parts, or two pairs of similar parts. 1913 Webster]
Quadrigeminal bodies(Anat.), two pairs of lobes, or elevations, on the dorsal side of the midbrain of most mammals; the optic lobes. The anterior pair are called the nates, and the posterior the testes. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*ge*na"ri*ous(?), a.[L. quadrigeni, quadringeni, four hundred each.]Consisting of four hundred. 1913 Webster]
Quad*rij"u*gate(?), a.Same as Quadrijugous. 1913 Webster]
Quad*rij"u*gous(?), a.[L. quadrijugus of a team of four; quattuor four + jugum yoke.](Bot.)Pinnate, with four pairs of leaflets; as, a quadrijugous leaf. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*lat"er*al(?), a.[L. quadrilaterus: cf. F. quadrilat\'8are, quadrilat\'82ral. See Quadri- and Lateral.]Having four sides, and consequently four angles; quadrangular. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*lat"er*al, n.1.(Geom.)A plane figure having four sides, and consequently four angles; a quadrangular figure; any figure formed by four lines. 1913 Webster]
2.An area defended by four fortresses supporting each other; as, the Venetian quadrilateral, comprising Mantua, Peschiera, Verona, and Legnano. 1913 Webster]
Complete quadrilateral(Geom.), the figure made up of the six straight lines that can be drawn through four points, A, B, C, I, the lines being supposed to be produced indefinitely.
<-- reference is to a figure of a complete quadrilateral. --> 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*lat"er*al*ness, n.The property of being quadrilateral. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*lit"er*al(?), a.[Quadri- + literal.]Consisting of four letters. 1913 Webster]
Qua`dril`l\'82"(?), a.[F.](Art)Marked with squares, generally by thin lines crossing at right angles and at equal intervals; as, quadrill\'82 paper, or plotting paper. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Qua*drille"(?), n.[F. quadrille, n. fem., fr. Sp. cuadrilla meeting of four or more persons or It. quadriglia a band of soldiers, a sort of dance; dim. fr. L. quadra a square, fr. quattuor four. See Quadrate.]1.A dance having five figures, in common time, four couples of dancers being in each set. 1913 Webster]
2.The appropriate music for a quadrille. 1913 Webster]
Qua*drille", n.[F. quadrille, n. masc., cf. It. quadriglio; or perhaps from the Spanish. See Quadrille a dance.]A game played by four persons with forty cards, being the remainder of an ordinary pack after the tens, nines, and eights are discarded.Hoyle. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ril"lion(?), n.[F., fr. L. quater four times, akin to quattuor four, E. four; -- formed like million. See Four, Million.]According to the French notation, which is followed also upon the Continent and in the United States, a unit with fifteen ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, the number produced by involving a million to the fourth power, or the number represented by a unit with twenty-four ciphers annexed. See the Note under Numeration. 1913 Webster]
{ Quad`ri*lo"bate(?), Quad`ri*lobed(?), }a.[Quadri- + lobe: cf. F. quadrilob\'82.]Having four lobes; as, a quadrilobate leaf. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*loc"u*lar(?), a.[Quadri- + locular: cf. F. quadriloculaire.]Having four cells, or cavities; as, a quadrilocular heart. 1913 Webster]
Quad"rin(?), n.[OF., fr. L. quadrini four each, fr. quattuor four.]A small piece of money, in value about a farthing, or a half cent. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*no"mi*al(?), n.[Quadri- + nomial, as in binomial: cf. F. quadrin\'93me.](Alg.)A polynomial of four terms connected by the signs plus or minus. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*nom"i*nal(?), a.[Quadri- + nominal.](Alg.)Quadrinomial.Sir W. R. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
Quad*rip"ar*tite(?), a.[L. quadripartitus, p. p. of quadripartire to divide into four parts; quattuor four + partire to divide: cf. F. quadripartite.]Divided into four parts. 1913 Webster]
Quad*rip"ar*tite*ly, adv.In four parts. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*par*ti"tion(?), n.[L. quadripartitio: cf. F. quadripartition.]A division or distribution by four, or into four parts; also, a taking the fourth part of any quantity or number. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*pen"nate(?), a.[Quadri- + pennate.](Zo\'94l.)Having four wings; -- said of insects. 1913 Webster]
Quad*riph"yl*lous(?), a.[Quadri + Gr. / leaf.](Bot.)Having four leaves; quadrifoliate. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ri*reme(?), n.[L. quadriremis; quattuor four + remus an oar: cf. F. quadrir\'8ame.](Antiq.)A galley with four banks of oars or rowers. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*sec"tion(?), n.[Quadri- + section.]A subdivision into four parts. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*sul"cate(?), a.[Quadri + sulcate.](Zo\'94l.)Having four hoofs; as, a quadrisulcate foot; a quadrisulcate animal. 1913 Webster]
{ Quad`ri*syl*lab"ic(?), Quad`ri-syl*lab"ic*al(?), }Having four syllables; of or pertaining to quadrisyllables; as, a quadrisyllabic word. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*syl"la*ble(?), n.[Quadri- + syllable: cf. F. quadrisyllabe.]A word consisting of four syllables.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
Quad*riv"a*lence(?), n.(Chem.)The quality or state of being quadrivalent; tetravalence. 1913 Webster]
Quad*riv"a*lent(?), a.[Quadri- + L. valens, -entis, p. pr. See Valence.](Chem.)Having a valence of four; capable of combining with, being replaced by, or compared with, four monad atoms; tetravalent; -- said of certain atoms and radicals; thus, carbon and silicon are quadrivalent elements. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ri*valve(?), a.[Quadri- + valve: cf. F. quadrivalve.](Bot.)Dehiscent into four similar parts; four-valved; as, a quadrivalve pericarp. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ri*valve, n.(Arch.)A door, shutter, or the like, having four folds. 1913 Webster]
Quad`ri*val"vu*lar(?), a.Having four valves; quadrivalve. 1913 Webster]
Quad*riv"i*al(?), a.[L. quadrivium a place where four ways meet; quattuor four + via way.]Having four ways meeting in a point.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Quad*riv"i*al, n.One of the four \'bdliberal arts\'b8 making up the quadrivium. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad*riv"i*um(?), n.[L.]The four \'bdliberal arts,\'b8 arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy; -- so called by the schoolmen. See Trivium. 1913 Webster]
Quad*roon"(?), n.[F. quarteron, or Sp. cuarteron. See Quarter a fourth part, and cf. Quarteron.]The offspring of a mulatto and a white person; a person quarter-blooded.[Written also quarteron, quarteroon, and quateron.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quad*ru"ma*na(?), n. pl.[NL. See Quadrumane.](Zo\'94l.)A division of the Primates comprising the apes and monkeys; -- so called because the hind foot is usually prehensile, and the great toe opposable somewhat like a thumb. Formerly the Quadrumana were considered an order distinct from the Bimana, which last included man alone. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*mane(?), n.[L. quattuor four + manus a hand: cf. F. quadrumane.](Zo\'94l.)One of the Quadrumana. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ru"ma*nous(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Having four hands; of or pertaining to the Quadrumana. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*ped(?), a.[L. quadrupes, -pedis; quattuor four + pes, pedis, a foot: cf. F. quadrup\'8ade. See Quadrate, and Foot.]Having four feet. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*ped, n.(Zo\'94l.)An animal having four feet, as most mammals and reptiles; -- often restricted to the mammals. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ru"pe*dal(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Having four feet; of or pertaining to a quadruped. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*plane(?), n.[L. quadru- in comp. + E. plane.]An airplane with four superposed main supporting surfaces. Contrasted with triplanebiplane and monoplane. They are now used only for hobbyist or historical activities. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Quad"ru*ple(?), a.[L. quadruplus, from quattuor four: cf. F. quadruple. See Quadrate, and cf. Double.]Fourfold; as, to make quadruple restitution; a quadruple alliance. 1913 Webster]
Quadruple time(Mus.), that in which each measure is divided into four equal parts. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*ple, n.[Cf. F. quadruple, L. quadruplum.]four times the sum or number; a fourfold amount; as, to receive to quadruple of the amount in damages. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*ple, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quadrupled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quadrupling(?).][L. quadruplare: cf. F. quadrupler.]To multiply by four; to increase fourfold; to double; to double twice.A. Smith. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*ple, v. i.To be multiplied by four; to increase fourfold; to become four times as much. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*plet(?), n.[From Quadruple.]1.A collection or combination of four of a kind. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.pl. Four children born in the same labor. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.A cycle for carrying four riders, so arranged that all the riders can assist in the propulsion. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quad"ru*plex(?), a.[L., from quattuor four + plicare to fold.]Fourfold; folded or doubled twice. 1913 Webster]
Quadruplex system(Electric Telegraph), a system by which four messages, two in each direction, may be sent simultaneously over the wire. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ru"pli*cate(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quadruplicated(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quadruplicating.][L. quadruplicatus, p. p. of quadruplicare, fr. quadruple/ fourfold. See Quadruplex.]To make fourfold; to double twice; to quadruple. 1913 Webster]
Quad*ru"pli*cate(?), a.[L. quadruplicatus, p. p.] 1913 Webster]
1.Fourfold; doubled twice; four times repeated; as, a quadruplicate ratio, or a quadruplicate proportion. 1913 Webster]
2.(Math.)Raised to the fourth power. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Quad`ru*pli*ca"tion(?), n.[L. quadruplicatio: cf. F. quadruplication.]The act of making fourfold; a taking four times the simple sum or amount. 1913 Webster]
Quad"ru*ply(?), adv.To a fourfold quantity; so as to be, or cause to be, quadruple; as, to be quadruply recompensed. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Qu\'91"re(?), v. imperative.[L., imperative of quaerere to seek.]Inquire; question; see; -- used to signify doubt or to suggest investigation. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Qu\'91s"tor(?), n.[L.]Same as Questor. 1913 Webster]
Quaff(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quaffed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quaffing.][For quach, fr. Gael. & Ir. cuach a drinking cup; cf. L. caucus a drinking vessel. Cf. Quaigh.]To drink with relish; to drink copiously of; to swallow in large draughts. \'bdQuaffed off the muscadel.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
They eat, they drink, and in communion sweet Quaff immortality and joy.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Quaff(?), v. i.To drink largely or luxuriously. 1913 Webster]
Twelve days the gods their solemn revels keep, quaff with blameless Ethiops in the deep.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Quaff"er(?), n.One who quaffs, or drinks largely. 1913 Webster]
Quag(?), n.A quagmire. [R.] \'bdCrooked or straight, through quags or thorny dells.\'b8 Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Quag"ga(?), n.[Hottentot.](Zo\'94l.)A South African wild ass (Equus quagga syn. Hippotigris quagga). The upper parts are reddish brown, becoming paler behind and behind and beneath, with dark stripes on the face, neck, and fore part of the body. The species became extinct in the late 1800's, largely due to excessive hunting. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Quag"gy(?), a.[See Quag, Quagmire.]Of the nature of a quagmire; yielding or trembling under the foot, as soft, wet earth; spongy; boggy. \'bdO'er the watery strath, or quaggy moss.\'b8 Collins. 1913 Webster]
Quag"mire`(?), n.[Quake + mire.]Soft, wet, miry land, which shakes or yields under the feet. \'bdA spot surrounded by quagmires, which rendered it difficult of access.\'b8 Palfrey. 1913 Webster]
{ Qua"hog, Qua"haug }(?), n.[Abbrev. fr. Narragansett Indian poqua\'96hock.](Zo\'94l.)An American market clam (Venus mercenaria). It is sold in large quantities, and is highly valued as food. Called also round clam, and hard clam. 1913 Webster]
Venus Mortoni of the Gulf of Mexico. 1913 Webster]
{ Quaigh, Quaich }(?), n.[Gael. cuach. Cf. Quaff.]A small shallow cup or drinking vessel. [Scot.] [Written also quegh.] 1913 Webster]
Quail(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Qualled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Qualling.][AS. cwelan to die, perish; akin to cwalu violent death, D. kwaal pain, G. qual torment, OHG. quelan to suffer torment, Lith. gelti to hurt, gela pain. Cf. Quell.]1.To die; to perish; hence, to wither; to fade. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.To become quelled; to become cast down; to sink under trial or apprehension of danger; to lose the spirit and power of resistance; to lose heart; to give way; to shrink; to cower. 1913 Webster]
The atheist power shall quail, and confess his fears. I. Taylor. quailed in this terrible winter.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Quail, v. t.[Cf. Quell.]To cause to fail in spirit or power; to quell; to crush; to subdue. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quail, v. i.[OF. coaillier, F. cailler, from L. coagulare. See Coagulate.]To curdle; to coagulate, as milk. [Obs.] Holland. 1913 Webster]
Quail, n.[OF. quaille, F. caille, LL. quaquila, qualia, qualea, of Dutch or German origin; cf. D. kwakkel, kwartel, OHG. wahtala, G. wachtel.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Zo\'94l.)Any gallinaceous bird belonging to Coturnix and several allied genera of the Old World, especially the common European quail (Coturnix communis), the rain quail (Coturnix Coromandelica) of India, the stubble quail (Coturnix pectoralis), and the Australian swamp quail (Synoicus australis). 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of several American partridges belonging to Colinus, Callipepla, and allied genera, especially the bobwhite (called Virginia quail, and Maryland quail), and the California quail (Calipepla Californica). 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of numerous species of Turnix and allied genera, native of the Old World, as the Australian painted quail (Turnix varius). See Turnix. 1913 Webster]
4.A prostitute; -- so called because the quail was thought to be a very amorous bird. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Bustard quail(Zo\'94l.), a small Asiatic quail-like bird of the genus Turnix, as Turnix taigoor, a black-breasted species, and the hill bustard quail (Turnix ocellatus). See Turnix. --
Button quail(Zo\'94l.), one of several small Asiatic species of Turnix, as Turnix Sykesii, which is said to be the smallest game bird of India. --
Mountain quail. See under Mountain. --
Quail call, a call or pipe for alluring quails into a net or within range. --
Quail dove(Zo\'94l.), any one of several American ground pigeons belonging to Geotrygon and allied genera. --
Quail hawk(Zo\'94l.), the New Zealand sparrow hawk (Hieracidea Nov\'91-Hollandi\'91). --
Quail pipe. See Quail call, above. --
Quail snipe(Zo\'94l.), the dowitcher, or red-breasted snipe; -- called also robin snipe, and brown snipe. --
Sea quail(Zo\'94l.), the turnstone. [Local, U. S.] 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1173 -->
Quail"y(?), n.[Cf. Quail the bird.](Zo\'94l.)The upland plover. [Canadian] 1913 Webster]
Quaint(?), a.[OE. queint, queynte, coint, prudent, wise, cunning, pretty, odd, OF. cointe cultivated, amiable, agreeable, neat, fr. L. cognitus known, p. p. of cognoscere to know; con + noscere (for gnoscere) to know. See Know, and cf. Acquaint, Cognition.]1.Prudent; wise; hence, crafty; artful; wily. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Clerks be full subtle and full quaint.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.Characterized by ingenuity or art; finely fashioned; skillfully wrought; elegant; graceful; nice; neat. [Archaic] \'bd The queynte ring.\'b8 \'bd His queynte spear.\'b8 Chaucer. \'bd A shepherd young quaint.\'b8 Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Every look was coy and wondrous quaint.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
To show bow quaint an orator you are.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Curious and fanciful; affected; odd; whimsical; antique; archaic; singular; unusual; as, quaint architecture; a quaint expression. 1913 Webster]
Some stroke of quaint yet simple pleasantry.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
An old, long-faced, long-bodied servant in quaint livery.W. Irving. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Quaint, Odd, Antique.Antique is applied to that which has come down from the ancients, or which is made to imitate some ancient work of art. Odd implies disharmony, incongruity, or unevenness. An odd thing or person is an exception to general rules of calculation and procedure, or expectation and common experience. In the current use of quaint, the two ideas of odd and antique are combined, and the word is commonly applied to that which is pleasing by reason of both these qualities. Thus, we speak of the quaint architecture of many old buildings in London; or a quaint expression, uniting at once the antique and the fanciful. 1913 Webster]
Quain"tise(?), n.[OF. cointise.]1.Craft; subtlety; cunning. [Obs.] Chaucer. R. of Glouces. 1913 Webster]
2.Elegance; beauty. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quaint"ly(?), adv.In a quaint manner.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quaint"ness, n.The quality of being quaint.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Quair(?), n.[See 3d Quire.]A quire; a book. [Obs.] \'bdThe king's quhair.\'b8 James I. (of Scotland). 1913 Webster]
Quake(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quaked(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quaking.][AS. cwacian; cf. G. quackeln. Cf. Quagmire.]1.To be agitated with quick, short motions continually repeated; to shake with fear, cold, etc.; to shudder; to tremble. \'bdQuaking for dread.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
She stood quaking like the partridge on which the hawk is ready to seize.Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
2.To shake, vibrate, or quiver, either from not being solid, as soft, wet land, or from violent convulsion of any kind; as, the earth quakes; the mountains quake. \'bd Over quaking bogs.\'b8 Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Quake, v. t.[Cf. AS. cweccan to move, shake. See Quake, v. t.]To cause to quake. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quake, n.A tremulous agitation; a quick vibratory movement; a shudder; a quivering. 1913 Webster]
Quak"er(?), n.1.One who quakes. 1913 Webster]
2.One of a religious sect founded by George Fox, of Leicestershire, England, about 1650, -- the members of which call themselves Friends. They were called Quakers, originally, in derision. See Friend, n., 4. 1913 Webster]
Fox's teaching was primarily a preaching of repentance . . . The trembling among the listening crowd caused or confirmed the name of Quakers given to the body; men and women sometimes fell down and lay struggling as if for life.Encyc. Brit. 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)(a)The nankeen bird.(b)The sooty albatross.(c)Any grasshopper or locust of the genus Edipoda; -- so called from the quaking noise made during flight. 1913 Webster]
Quaker buttons. (Bot.)See Nux vomica. --
Quaker gun, a dummy cannon made of wood or other material; -- so called because the sect of Friends, or Quakers, hold to the doctrine, of nonresistance. --
Quaker ladies(Bot.), a low American biennial plant (Houstonia c\'91rulea), with pretty four-lobed corollas which are pale blue with a yellowish center; -- also called bluets, and little innocents. 1913 Webster]
Quak"er*ess, n.A woman who is a member of the Society of Friends. 1913 Webster]
Quak"er*ish, a.Like or pertaining to a Quaker; Quakerlike. 1913 Webster]
Quak"er*ism(?), n.The peculiar character, manners, tenets, etc., of the Quakers. 1913 Webster]
Quak"i*ness(?), n.The state of being quaky; liability to quake. 1913 Webster]
Quak"ing, a. & n. from Quake, v. 1913 Webster]
Quaking aspen(Bot.), an American species of poplar (Populus tremuloides), the leaves of which tremble in the lightest breeze. It much resembles the European aspen. See Aspen.<-- #err in original written "Quaking asp"! --> --
Quaking bog, a bog of forming peat so saturated with water that it shakes when trodden upon. --
Quaking grass. (Bot.)(a)One of several grasses of the genus Briza, having slender-stalked and pendulous ovate spikelets, which quake and rattle in the wind. Briza maxima is the large quaking grass; Briza media and Briza minor are the smaller kinds.(b)Rattlesnake grass (Glyceria Canadensis). 1913 Webster]
Quak"ing*ly(?), adv.In a quaking manner; fearfully.Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
Quak"y(?), a.Shaky, or tremulous; quaking. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fi`a*ble(?), a.Capable of being qualified; abatable; modifiable.Barrow. 1913 Webster]
Qual`i*fi*ca"tion(?), n.[Cf. F. qualification. See Qualify.]1.The act of qualifying, or the condition of being qualified. 1913 Webster]
2.That which qualifies; any natural endowment, or any acquirement, which fits a person for a place, office, or employment, or which enables him to sustian any character with success; an enabling quality or circumstance; requisite capacity or possession. 1913 Webster]
There is no qualification for government but virtue and wisdom, actual or presumptive.Burke. 1913 Webster]
3.The act of limiting, or the state of being limited; that which qualifies by limiting; modification; restriction; hence, abatement; diminution; as, to use words without any qualification. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fi*ca*tive(?), n.That which qualifies, modifies, or restricts; a qualifying term or statement. 1913 Webster]
How many qualificatives, correctives, and restrictives he inserteth in this relation.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fi*ca`tor(?), n.[LL.](R. C. Ch.)An officer whose business it is to examine and prepare causes for trial in the ecclesiastical courts. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fied(?), a.1.Fitted by accomplishments or endowments. 1913 Webster]
2.Modified; limited; as, a qualified statement. 1913 Webster]
Qualified fee(Law), a base fee, or an estate which has a qualification annexed to it, the fee ceasing with the qualification, as a grant to A and his heirs, tenants of the manor of Dale. --
Qualified indorsement(Law), an indorsement which modifies the liability of the indorser that would result from the general principles of law, but does not affect the negotiability of the instrument.Story. --
Qualified negative(Legislation), a limited veto power, by which the chief executive in a constitutional government may refuse assent to bills passed by the legislative body, which bills therefore fail to become laws unless upon a reconsideration the legislature again passes them by a certain majority specified in the constitution, when they become laws without the approval of the executive. --
Qualified property(Law), that which depends on temporary possession, as that in wild animals reclaimed, or as in the case of a bailment. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Competent; fit; adapted. -- Qualified, Competent. Competent is most commonly used with respect to native endowments and general ability suited to the performance of a task or duty; qualified with respect to specific acquirements and training. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fied`ly, adv.In the way of qualification; with modification or qualification. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fied`ness, n.The state of being qualified. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fi`er(?), n.One who, or that which, qualifies; that which modifies, reduces, tempers or restrains. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fy(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Qualified(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Qualifying(?).][F. qualifier, LL. qualificare, fr. L. qualis how constituted, as + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See Quality, and -Fy.]1.To make such as is required; to give added or requisite qualities to; to fit, as for a place, office, occupation, or character; to furnish with the knowledge, skill, or other accomplishment necessary for a purpose; to make capable, as of an employment or privilege; to supply with legal power or capacity. 1913 Webster]
He had qualified himself for municipal office by taking the oaths to the sovereigns in possession.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
2.To give individual quality to; to modulate; to vary; to regulate. 1913 Webster]
It hath no larynx . . . to qualify the sound. Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
3.To reduce from a general, undefined, or comprehensive form, to particular or restricted form; to modify; to limit; to restrict; to restrain; as, to qualify a statement, claim, or proposition. 1913 Webster]
4.Hence, to soften; to abate; to diminish; to assuage; to reduce the strength of, as liquors. 1913 Webster]
I do not seek to quench your love's hot fire, qualify the fire's extreme rage.Shak. 1913 Webster]
5.To soothe; to cure; -- said of persons. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
In short space he has them qualified.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*fy, v. i.1.To be or become qualified; to be fit, as for an office or employment. 1913 Webster]
2.To obtain legal power or capacity by taking the oath, or complying with the forms required, on assuming an office. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*ta*tive(?), a.[Cf. LL. gualitativus, F. qualitatif.]Relating to quality; having the character of quality. -- Qual"i*ta*tive*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Qualitative analysis(Chem.), analysis which merely determines the constituents of a substance without any regard to the quantity of each ingredient; -- contrasted with quantitative analysis. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*tied(?), a.Furnished with qualities; endowed. [Obs.] \'bdHe was well qualitied.\'b8 Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Qual"i*ty(?), n.; pl.Qualities(#).[F. qualit\'82, L. qualitas, fr. qualis how constituted, as; akin to E. which. See Which.]1.The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; sort; rank. 1913 Webster]
We lived most joyful, obtaining acquaintance with many of the city not of the meanest quality.Bacon 1913 Webster]
2.Special or temporary character; profession; occupation; assumed or asserted rank, part, or position. 1913 Webster]
I made that inquiry in quality of an antiquary.Gray. 1913 Webster]
3.That which makes, or helps to make, anything such as it is; anything belonging to a subject, or predicable of it; distinguishing property, characteristic, or attribute; peculiar power, capacity, or virtue; distinctive trait; as, the tones of a flute differ from those of a violin in quality; the great quality of a statesman. 1913 Webster]
Qualities, in metaphysics, are primary or secondary. Primary are those essential to the existence, and even the conception, of the thing, as of matter or spirit Secondary are those not essential to such a conception. 1913 Webster]
He had those qualities of horsemanship, dancing, and fencing which accompany a good breeding.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
5.Superior birth or station; high rank; elevated character. \'bdPersons of quality.\'b8 Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Quality binding, a kind of worsted tape used in Scotland for binding carpets, and the like. --
The quality, those of high rank or station, as distinguished from the masses, or common people; the nobility; the gentry. 1913 Webster]
I shall appear at the masquerade dressed up in my feathers, that the quality may see how pretty they will look in their traveling habits.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Qualm(?), n.[AS. cwealm death, slaughter, pestilence, akin to OS. & OHG. qualm. See Quail to cower.]1.Sickness; disease; pestilence; death. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
thousand slain and not of qualm ystorve [dead].Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.A sudden attack of illness, faintness, or pain; an agony. \'bd Qualms of heartsick agony.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.Especially, a sudden sensation of nausea. 1913 Webster]
For who, without a qualm, hath ever looked Roscommon. 1913 Webster]
4.A prick or scruple of conscience; uneasiness of conscience; compunction.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Qualm"ish, a.Sick at the stomach; affected with nausea or sickly languor; inclined to vomit.Shak. 1913 Webster]
-- Qualm"ish*ly, adv. -- Qualm"ish*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Quam"ash(?), n.(Bot.)See Camass. 1913 Webster]
Quam"o*clit(?), n.[Gr. / a bean + / to bend, to slope.](Bot.)Formerly, a genus of plants including the cypress vine (Quamoclit vulgaris, now called Ipom\'d2a Quamoclit). The genus is now merged in Ipom\'d2a. 1913 Webster]
Quan"da*ry(?), n.; pl.Quandaries(#).[Prob. fr. OE. wandreth adversity, perplexity, Icel. wandr\'91 difficulty, trouble, fr. vandr difficult.]A state of difficulty or perplexity; doubt; uncertainty. 1913 Webster]
Quan"da*ry, v. t.To bring into a state of uncertainty, perplexity, or difficulty. [Obs.] Otway. 1913 Webster]
Quan"dong(?), n.(Bot.)The edible drupaceous fruit of an Australian tree (Fusanus acuminatus) of the Sandalwood family; -- called also quandang. 1913 Webster]
Quan"dy(?), n.[Etymol. uncertain.](Zo\'94l.)The old squaw. [Local, U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Quan"net(?), n.A flat file having the handle at one side, so as to be used like a plane. 1913 Webster]
Quant(?), n.A punting pole with a broad flange near the end to prevent it from sinking into the mud; a setting pole. 1913 Webster]
Quan"tic(?), n.[L. quantus how much. See Quantity.](Math.)A homogeneous algebraic function of two or more variables, in general containing only positive integral powers of the variables, and called quadric, cubic, quartic, etc., according as it is of the second, third, fourth, fifth, or a higher degree. These are further called binary, ternary, quaternary, etc., according as they contain two, three, four, or more variables; thus, the quantic / is a binary cubic. 1913 Webster]
Quan`ti*fi*ca"tion(?), n.[See Quantity.]Modification by a reference to quantity; the introduction of the element of quantity. 1913 Webster]
The quantification of the predicate belongs in part to Sir William Hamilton; viz., in its extension to negative propositions.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
Quan"ti*fy(?), v. t.[L. quantus now much + -fy.]1.To modify or qualify with respect to quantity; to determine, fix or express the quantity of; to rate. 1913 Webster]
2.(Logic)To make explicit the quantity of; as, to quantify a variable. PJC]
Quan"ti*ta*tive(?), a.[Cf. F. quantitatif.]Relating to quantity. -- Quan"ti*ta*tive*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Quantitative analysis(Chem.), analysis which determines the amount or quantity of each ingredient of a substance, by weight or by volume; -- contrasted with qualitative analysis. 1913 Webster]
Quan"ti*tive(?), a.[See Quantity.]Estimable according to quantity; quantitative.Sir K. Digby. 1913 Webster]
Quan"ti*tive*ly, adv.So as to be measurable by quantity; quantitatively. 1913 Webster]
Quan"ti*ty(?), n.; pl.Quantities(#).[F. quantite, L. quantitas, fr. quantus bow great, how much, akin to quam bow, E. how, who. See Who.] 1913 Webster]
1.The attribute of being so much, and not more or less; the property of being measurable, or capable of increase and decrease, multiplication and division; greatness; and more concretely, that which answers the question \'bdHow much?\'b8; measure in regard to bulk or amount; determinate or comparative dimensions; measure; amount; bulk; extent; size. Hence, in specific uses: (a)(Logic)The extent or extension of a general conception, that is, the number of species or individuals to which it may be applied; also, its content or comprehension, that is, the number of its constituent qualities, attributes, or relations.(b)(Gram.)The measure of a syllable; that which determines the time in which it is pronounced; as, the long or short quantity of a vowel or syllable.(c)(Mus.)The relative duration of a tone. 1913 Webster]
2.That which can be increased, diminished, or measured; especially (Math.), anything to which mathematical processes are applicable. 1913 Webster]
discrete when it is applied to separate objects, as in number; continuous, when the parts are connected, either in succession, as in time, motion, etc., or in extension, as by the dimensions of space, viz., length, breadth, and thickness. 1913 Webster]
3.A determinate or estimated amount; a sum or bulk; a certain portion or part; sometimes, a considerable amount; a large portion, bulk, or sum; as, a medicine taken in quantities, that is, in large quantities. 1913 Webster]
The quantity of extensive and curious information which he had picked up during many months of desultory, but not unprofitable, study.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Quantity of estate(Law), its time of continuance, or degree of interest, as in fee, for life, or for years.Wharton (Law Dict. ) --
Quantity of matter, in a body, its mass, as determined by its weight, or by its momentum under a given velocity. --
Quantity of motion(Mech.), in a body, the relative amount of its motion, as measured by its momentum, varying as the product of mass and velocity. --
Known quantities(Math.), quantities whose values are given. --
Unknown quantities(Math.), quantities whose values are sought. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1174 -->
Quan*tiv"a*lence(?), n.[L. quantus how much + E. valence.](Chem.)Valence. [Archaic] 1913 Webster]
Quan*tiv"a*lent(?), a.(Chem.)Of or pertaining to quantivalence. [Archaic] 1913 Webster]
Quan"tum(?), n.; pl.Quanta(#).[L., neuter of quantus how great, how much. See Quantity,]1.Quantity; amount. \'bdWithout authenticating . . . the quantum of the charges.\'b8 Burke. 1913 Webster]
2.(Math.)A definite portion of a manifoldness, limited by a mark or by a boundary.W. K. Clifford. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quantum meruit(/)[L., as much as he merited](Law), a count in an action grounded on a promise that the defendant would pay to the plaintiff for his service as much as he should deserve. --
\'d8Quantum sufficit(/), or
Quantum suff.[L., as much suffices](Med.), a sufficient quantity; -- abbreviated q. s. in pharmacy. --
\'d8Quantum valebat(/)[L., as much at it was worth](Law), a count in an action to recover of the defendant, for goods sold, as much as they were worth.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
Quap(?), v. i.To quaver. [Obs.] See Quob. 1913 Webster]
Qua`qua*ver"sal(?), a.[L. quaqua wheresoever, whithersoever + versus, p. p. of vertere to turn.]1.Turning or dipping in any or every direction. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geol.)Dipping toward all points of the compass round a center, as beds of lava round a crater. 1913 Webster]
Quar(?), n.A quarry. [Prov. Eng.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Quar"an*tine(?), n.[F. quarantaine, OF. quaranteine, fr. F. quarante forty, L. quadraginta, akin to quattuor four, and E. four: cf. It. quarantina, quarentine. See Four, and cf. Quadragesima.]1.A space of forty days; -- used of Lent. 1913 Webster]
2.Specifically, the term, originally of forty days, during which a ship arriving in port, and suspected of being infected a malignant contagious disease, is obliged to forbear all intercourse with the shore; hence, such restraint or inhibition of intercourse; also, the place where infected or prohibited vessels are stationed. 1913 Webster]
Quarantine is now applied also to any forced stoppage of travel or communication on account of malignant contagious disease, on land as well as by sea. 1913 Webster]
3.(Eng. Law)The period of forty days during which the widow had the privilege of remaining in the mansion house of which her husband died seized. 1913 Webster]
Quarantine flag, a yellow flag hoisted at the fore of a vessel or hung from a building, to give warning of an infectious disease; -- called also the yellow jack, and yellow flag. 1913 Webster]
Quar`an*tine"(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quarantined(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quarantining.]To compel to remain at a distance, or in a given place, without intercourse, when suspected of having contagious disease; to put under, or in, quarantine. 1913 Webster]
Quarl(?), n.[Cf. G. qualle.](Zo\'94l.)A medusa, or jellyfish. [R.] 1913 Webster]
The jellied quarl that flings J. R. Drake. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel(?), n.[OE. quarel, OF. quarrel, F. carreau, LL. quadrellus, from L. quadrus square. See Quadrate, and cf. Quadrel, Quarry an arrow, Carrel.]1.An arrow for a crossbow; -- so named because it commonly had a square head. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
To shoot with arrows and quarrel.Sir J. Mandeville. 1913 Webster]
Two arblasts, . . . with windlaces and quarrels.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
2.(Arch.)Any small square or quadrangular member; as: (a)A square of glass, esp. when set diagonally.(b)A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps, etc., make the form nearly square.(c)A square or lozenge-shaped paving tile. 1913 Webster]
3.A glazier's diamond.Simmonds. 1913 Webster]
4.A four-sided cutting tool or chisel having a diamond-shaped end. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel, n.[OE. querele, OF. querele, F. querelle, fr. L. querela, querella, a complaint, fr. queri to complain. See Querulous.]1.A breach of concord, amity, or obligation; a falling out; a difference; a disagreement; an antagonism in opinion, feeling, or conduct; esp., an angry dispute, contest, or strife; a brawl; an altercation; as, he had a quarrel with his father about expenses. 1913 Webster]
I will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant.Lev. xxvi. 25. 1913 Webster]
On open seas their quarrels they debate.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.Ground of objection, dislike, difference, or hostility; cause of dispute or contest; occasion of altercation. 1913 Webster]
Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him.Mark vi. 19. 1913 Webster]
No man hath any quarrel to me.Shak. 1913 Webster]
He thought he had a good quarrel to attack him.Holinshed. 1913 Webster]
3.Earnest desire or longing. [Obs.] Holland. 1913 Webster]
To pick a quarrel. See under Pick, v. t. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quarreled(?) or Quarrelled; p. pr. & vb. n.Quarreling or Quarrelling.]1.To violate concord or agreement; to have a difference; to fall out; to be or become antagonistic. 1913 Webster]
Our people quarrel with obedience.Shak. 1913 Webster]
But some defect in her quarrel with the noblest grace she owed.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To dispute angrily, or violently; to wrangle; to scold; to altercate; to contend; to fight. 1913 Webster]
Beasts called sociable quarrel in hunger and lust.Sir W. Temple. 1913 Webster]
3.To find fault; to cavil; as, to quarrel with one's lot. 1913 Webster]
I will not quarrel with a slight mistake.Roscommon. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel(?), v. t.1.To quarrel with. [R.] \'bdI had quarelled my brother purposely.\'b8 B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
2.To compel by a quarrel; as, to quarrel a man out of his estate or rights. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel(?), n.[Written also quarreller.]One who quarrels or wrangles; one who is quarrelsome.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel*et(?), n.A little quarrel. See 1st Quarrel, 2. [Obs.] \'bdQuarrelets of pearl [teeth].\'b8 Herrick. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel*ing, a.Engaged in a quarrel; apt or disposed to quarrel; as, quarreling factions; a quarreling mood. -- Quar"rel*ing*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel*lous(?), a.[OF. querelous, F. querelleux, L. querulosus and querulus, fr. queri to complain. See 2d Quarrel.]Quarrelsome. [Obs.] [Written also quarrellous.]Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quar"rel*some(?), a.Apt or disposed to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; easily irritated or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric. 1913 Webster]
-- Quar"rel*some*ly, adv. -- Quar"rel*some*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ried(?), a.Provided with prey. 1913 Webster]
Now I am bravely quarried.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ri*er(?), n.A worker in a stone quarry. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry(?), n.[OE. quarre, OF. quarr\'82 square, F. carr\'82, from L. quadratus square, quadrate, quadratum a square. See Quadrate, and cf. Quarrel an arrow.]Same as 1st Quarrel. [Obs.] Fairfax. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry, n.; pl.Quarries(#).[OE. querre, OF. cuiri\'82e, F. cur\'82e, fr. cuir hide, leather, fr. L. corium; the quarry given to the dogs being wrapped in the akin of the beast. See Cuirass.]1.(a)A part of the entrails of the beast taken, given to the hounds.(b)A heap of game killed. 1913 Webster]
2.The object of the chase; the animal hunted for; game; especially, the game hunted with hawks. \'bdThe stone-dead quarry.\'b8 Spenser. 1913 Webster]
The wily quarry shunned the shock.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry, v. i.To secure prey; to prey, as a vulture or harpy.L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry, n.[OE. quarrere, OF. quariere, F. carri\'8are, LL. quadraria a quarry, whence squared (quadrati) stones are dug, fr. quadratus square. See Quadrate.]A place, cavern, or pit where stone is taken from the rock or ledge, or dug from the earth, for building or other purposes; a stone pit. See 5th Mine(a). 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quarried(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quarrying.]To dig or take from a quarry; as, to quarry marble. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry-faced`(?), a.(Stone Masonry)Having a face left as it comes from the quarry and not smoothed with the chisel or point; -- said of stones. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ry-man(?), n.; pl.Quarrymen(/).A man who is engaged in quarrying stones; a quarrier. 1913 Webster]
Quart(?), n.[F. quart, n. masc., fr. L. quartus the fourth, akin to quattuor four. See Four, and cf. 2d Carte, Quarto.]The fourth part; a quarter; hence, a region of the earth. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Camber did possess the western quart.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quart, n.[F. quarte, n. fem., fr. quart fourth. See Quart a quarter.]1.A measure of capacity, both in dry and in liquid measure; the fourth part of a gallon; the eighth part of a peck; two pints. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
2.A vessel or measure containing a quart. 1913 Webster]
Quart(?), n.[See Quart a quarter.]In cards, four successive cards of the same suit. Cf. Tierce, 4.Hoyle. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tan(?), a.[F. quartain, in fi\'8avre quartaine, L. quartanus, fr. quartus the fourth. See Quart.]Of or pertaining to the fourth; occurring every fourth day, reckoning inclusively; as, a quartan ague, or fever. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tan, n.1.(Med.)An intermittent fever which returns every fourth day, reckoning inclusively, that is, one in which the interval between paroxysms is two days. 1913 Webster]
2.A measure, the fourth part of some other measure. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tane(?), n.[L. quartus the fourth.](Chem.)Butane, each molecule of which has four carbon atoms. 1913 Webster]
Quar*ta"tion(?), n.[L. quartus the fourth: cf. F. quartation. So called because usually enough silver is added to make the amount of gold in the alloyed button about one fourth.](Chem. & Assaying)The act, process, or result (in the process of parting) of alloying a button of nearly pure gold with enough silver to reduce the fineness so as to allow acids to attack and remove all metals except the gold; -- called also inquartation. Compare Parting. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quarte(?), n.[F.]Same as 2d Carte. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tene(?), n.[Ouartane + ethylene.](Chem.)Same as Butylene. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ten*yl"ic(?), a.[Quartene + -yl + -ic.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the acrylic acid series, metameric with crotonic acid, and obtained as a colorless liquid; -- so called from having four carbon atoms in the molecule. Called also isocrotonic acid. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter(kw, n.[F. quartier, L. quartarius a fourth part, fr. quartus the fourth. See Quart.]1.One of four equal parts into which anything is divided, or is regarded as divided; a fourth part or portion; as, a quarter of a dollar, of a pound, of a yard, of an hour, etc. Hence, specifically: (a)The fourth of a hundred-weight, being 25 or 28 pounds, according as the hundredweight is reckoned at 100 or 112 pounds.(b)The fourth of a ton in weight, or eight bushels of grain; as, a quarter of wheat; also, the fourth part of a chaldron of coal.Hutton.(c)(Astron.)The fourth part of the moon's period, or monthly revolution; as, the first quarter after the change or full.(d)One limb of a quadruped with the adjacent parts; one fourth part of the carcass of a slaughtered animal, including a leg; as, the fore quarters; the hind quarters.(e)That part of a boot or shoe which forms the side, from the heel to the vamp.(f)(Far.)That part on either side of a horse's hoof between the toe and heel, being the side of the coffin.(g)A term of study in a seminary, college, etc, etc.; properly, a fourth part of the year, but often longer or shorter.(h)pl.(Mil.)The encampment on one of the principal passages round a place besieged, to prevent relief and intercept convoys.(i)(Naut.)The after-part of a vessel's side, generally corresponding in extent with the quarter-deck; also, the part of the yardarm outside of the slings.(j)(Her.)One of the divisions of an escutcheon when it is divided into four portions by a horizontal and a perpendicular line meeting in the fess point. 1913 Webster]
Quarter, v. t., 5. 1913 Webster]
(k) One of the four parts into which the horizon is regarded as divided; a cardinal point; a direction' principal division; a region; a territory. 1913 Webster]
Scouts each coast light-armed scour, quarter, to descry the distant foe.Milton. 1913 Webster]
(l)A division of a town, city, or county; a particular district; a locality; as, the Latin quarter in Paris.(m)(Arch.)A small upright timber post, used in partitions; -- in the United States more commonly called stud.(n)(Naut.)The fourth part of the distance from one point of the compass to another, being the fourth part of 11\'f8 15\'b7, that is, about 2\'f8 49\'b7; -- called also quarter point. 1913 Webster]
<-- (o) One fourth of a dollar, i. e. twenty five cents. Also, the twenty-five cent piece. Also called a quarter dollar, and two bits --> 1913 Webster]
2.Proper station; specific place; assigned position; special location. 1913 Webster]
Swift to their several quarters hasted then Milton. 1913 Webster]
Hence, specifically: (a)(Naut.)A station at which officers and men are posted in battle; -- usually in the plural.(b)Place of lodging or temporary residence; shelter; entertainment; -- usually in the plural. 1913 Webster]
The banter turned as to what quarters each would find.W. Irving. 1913 Webster]
(c)pl.(Mil.)A station or encampment occupied by troops; a place of lodging for soldiers or officers; as, winter quarters.(d)Treatment shown by an enemy; mercy; especially, the act of sparing the life a conquered enemy; a refraining from pushing one's advantage to extremes. 1913 Webster]
He magnified his own clemency, now they were at his mercy, to offer them quarter for their lives.Clarendon. 1913 Webster]
Cocks and lambs . . . at the mercy of cats and wolves . . . must never expect better quarter.L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
3.Friendship; amity; concord. [Obs.] To keep quarter, to keep one's proper place, and so be on good terms with another. [Obs.]
<-- ## abnormal format. Shold be a collocataion. --> 1913 Webster]
In quarter, and in terms like bride and groom.Shak. 1913 Webster]
I knew two that were competitors for the secretary's place, . . . and yet kept good quarter between themselves.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
False quarter, a cleft in the quarter of a horse's foot. --
Fifth quarter, the hide and fat; -- a butcher's term. --
On the quarter(Naut.), in a direction between abeam and astern; opposite, or nearly opposite, a vessel's quarter. --
Quarter aspect. (Astrol.)Same as Quadrate. --
Quarter back(Football), the player who has position next behind center rush, and receives the ball on the snap back. --
Quarter badge(Naut.), an ornament on the side of a vessel near, the stern.Mar. Dict. --
Quarter bill(Naut.), a list specifying the different stations to be taken by the officers and crew in time of action, and the names of the men assigned to each. --
Quarter block(Naut.), a block fitted under the quarters of a yard on each side of the slings, through which the clew lines and sheets are reeved.R. H. Dana, Jr. --
Quarter boat(Naut.), a boat hung at a vessel's quarter. --
Quarter cloths(Naut.), long pieces of painted canvas, used to cover the quarter netting. --
Quarter day, a day regarded as terminating a quarter of the year; hence, one on which any payment, especially rent, becomes due. In matters influenced by United States statutes, quarter days are the first days of January, April, July, and October. In New York and many other places, as between landlord and tenant, they are the first days of May, August, November, and February. The quarter days usually recognized in England are 25th of March (Lady Day), the 24th of June (Midsummer Day), the 29th of September (Michaelmas Day), and the 25th of December (Christmas Day). --
Quarter face, in fine arts, portrait painting, etc., a face turned away so that but one quarter is visible. --
Quarter gallery(Naut.), a balcony on the quarter of a ship. See Gallery, 4. --
Quarter gunner(Naut.), a petty officer who assists the gunner. --
Quarter look, a side glance. [Obs.] B. Jonson. --
Quarter nettings(Naut.), hammock nettings along the quarter rails. --
Quarter note(Mus.), a note equal in duration to half a minim or a fourth of semibreve; a crochet. --
Quarter pieces(Naut.), several pieces of timber at the after-part of the quarter gallery, near the taffrail.Totten. --
Quarter point. (Naut.)See Quarter, n., 1 (n). --
Quarter railing, or
Quarter rails(Naut.), narrow molded planks reaching from the top of the stern to the gangway, serving as a fence to the quarter-deck. --
Quarter sessions(Eng. Law), a general court of criminal jurisdiction held quarterly by the justices of peace in counties and by the recorders in boroughs. --
Quarter square(Math.), the fourth part of the square of a number. Tables of quarter squares have been devised to save labor in multiplying numbers. --
Quarter turn,
Quarter turn belt(Mach.), an arrangement in which a belt transmits motion between two shafts which are at right angles with each other. --
Quarter watch(Naut.), a subdivision of the full watch (one fourth of the crew) on a man-of- war. --
To give quarter, or
To show quarter(Mil.), to accept as prisoner, on submission in battle; to forbear to kill, as a vanquished enemy. --
To keep quarter. See Quarter, n., 3. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter(kw, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quartered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quartering.]1.To divide into four equal parts. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1175 -->
2.To divide; to separate into parts or regions. 1913 Webster]
Then sailors quartered heaven.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
3.To furnish with shelter or entertainment; to supply with the means of living for a time; especially, to furnish shelter to; as, to quarter soldiers. 1913 Webster]
They mean this night in Sardis to be quartered.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.To furnish as a portion; to allot. [R.] 1913 Webster]
This isle . . . quarters to his blue-haired deities. Milton. 1913 Webster]
5.(Her.)To arrange (different coats of arms) upon one escutcheon, as when a man inherits from both father and mother the right to bear arms. 1913 Webster]
Quarter, n., 1 (f). 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter(kw, v. i.To lodge; to have a temporary residence. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter, v. i.[F. cartayer.]To drive a carriage so as to prevent the wheels from going into the ruts, or so that a rut shall be between the wheels. 1913 Webster]
Every creature that met us would rely on us for quartering.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
2.Assignment of quarters for soldiers; quarters. 1913 Webster]
3.(Her.)(a)The division of a shield containing different coats of arms into four or more compartments.(b)One of the different coats of arms arranged upon an escutcheon, denoting the descent of the bearer. 1913 Webster]
4.(Arch.)A series of quarters, or small upright posts. See Quarter, n., 1 (m)(Arch.)Gwilt. 1913 Webster]
Quartering block, a block on which the body of a condemned criminal was quartered.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter*ly, a.1.Containing, or consisting of, a fourth part; as, quarterly seasons. 1913 Webster]
2.Recurring during, or at the end of, each quarter; as, quarterly payments of rent; a quarterly meeting. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter*ly, n.; pl.Quarterlies(/).A periodical work published once a quarter, or four times in a year. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter*ly, adv.1.By quarters; once in a quarter of a year; as, the returns are made quarterly. 1913 Webster]
2.(Her.)In quarters, or quarterings; as, to bear arms quarterly; in four or more parts; -- said of a shield thus divided by lines drawn through it at right angles. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter*mas`ter(?), n.[Quarter + master: cf. F. quartier-ma\'8ctre.]1.(Mil.)An officer whose duty is to provide quarters, provisions, storage, clothing, fuel, stationery, and transportation for a regiment or other body of troops, and superintend the supplies. 1913 Webster]
2.(Naut.)A petty officer who attends to the helm, binnacle, signals, and the like, under the direction of the master.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Quartermaster general(Mil.), in the United States a staff officer, who has the rank of brigadier general and is the chief officer in the quartermaster's department; in England, an officer of high rank stationed at the War Office having similar duties; also, a staff officer, usually a general officer, accompanying each complete army in the field. --
Quartermaster sergeant. See Sergeant. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tern(?), n.[OE. quarteroun, quartron, F. quarteron, the fourth part of a pound, or of a hundred; cf. L. quartarius a fourth part, quarter of any measure, quartern, gill. See Quarter, and cf. Quarteron, Quadroon.]1.A quarter. Specifically: (a) The fourth part of a pint; a gill. (b) The fourth part of a peck, or of a stone (14 ibs.). 1913 Webster]
2.A loaf of bread weighing about four pounds; -- called also quartern loaf.Simmonds. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter*on(?), n.[F. See Quartern.]A quarter; esp., a quarter of a pound, or a quarter of a hundred.Piers Plowman. 1913 Webster]
Quar"ter-saw`(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quarter-sawed-sawn; p. pr. & vb. n.Quarter-sawing.]To saw (a log) into quarters; specif., to saw into quarters and then into boards, as by cutting alternately from each face of a quarter, to secure lumber that will warp relatively little or show the grain advantageously. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quar"ter*staff`(?), n.; pl.Quarterstaves(/).A long and stout staff formerly used as a weapon of defense and offense; -- so called because in holding it one hand was placed in the middle, and the other between the middle and the end. 1913 Webster]
{ Quar*tet", Quar*tette" }(?), n.[It. quartetto, dim. of quarto the fourth, a fourth part, fr. L. quartus the fourth. See Quart.]1.(Mus.)(a)A composition in four parts, each performed by a single voice or instrument.(b)The set of four person who perform a piece of music in four parts. 1913 Webster]
2.(Poet.)A stanza of four lines. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tic(?), a.[L. quartus fourth.](Mach.)Of the fourth degree. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tic(?), n.(a)(Alg.)A quantic of the fourth degree. See Quantic.(b)(Geom.)A curve or surface whose equation is of the fourth degree in the variables. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tile(?), n.[F. quartile aspect, fr. L. quartus the fourth. See Quart.](Astrol.)Same as Quadrate. 1913 Webster]
Quar"tine(?), n.[F., fr. L. quartus the fourth.](Bot.)A supposed fourth integument of an ovule, counting from the outside. 1913 Webster]
Quar"to(?), a.[L. in quarto in fourth, from quartus the fourth: cf. F. (in) quarto. See Quart.]Having four leaves to the sheet; of the form or size of a quarto. 1913 Webster]
Quar"to, n.; pl.Quartos(/).Originally, a book of the size of the fourth of sheet of printing paper; a size leaves; in present usage, a book of a square or nearly square form, and usually of large size. 1913 Webster]
Quartz(?), n.[G. quarz.](Min.)A form of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), occurring in hexagonal crystals, which are commonly colorless and transparent, but sometimes also yellow, brown, purple, green, and of other colors; also in cryptocrystalline massive forms varying in color and degree of transparency, being sometimes opaque. 1913 Webster]
amethyst, violet; citrine and false topaz, pale yellow; rock crystal, transparent and colorless or nearly so; rose quartz, rosecolored; smoky quartz, smoky brown. The chief crypto-crystalline varieties are: agate, a chalcedony in layers or clouded with different colors, including the onyx and sardonyx; carnelian and sard, red or flesh-colored chalcedony; chalcedony, nearly white, and waxy in luster; chrysoprase, an apple-green chalcedony; flint, hornstone, basanite, or touchstone, brown to black in color and compact in texture; heliotrope, green dotted with red; jasper, opaque, red yellow, or brown, colored by iron or ferruginous clay; prase, translucent and dull leek-green. Quartz is an essential constituent of granite, and abounds in rocks of all ages. It forms the rocks quartzite (quartz rock) and sandstone, and makes most of the sand of the seashore. 1913 Webster]
Quartz"ite(?), n.[Cf. F. quartzite.](Min.)Massive quartz occurring as a rock; a metamorphosed sandstone; -- called also quartz rock. 1913 Webster]
Quartz"oid(?), n.[Quartz + -oid.](Crystallog.)A form of crystal common with quartz, consisting of two six-sided pyramids, base to base. 1913 Webster]
Quartz"ose`(?), a.[Cf. F. quartzeux, G. quarzig.](Min.)Containing, or resembling, quartz; partaking of the nature or qualities of quartz. 1913 Webster]
quartz"ous(?), a.(Min.)Quarzose. 1913 Webster]
Quartz"y(?), a.(Min.)Quartzose. 1913 Webster]
Quas(?), n.A kind of beer. Same as Quass. 1913 Webster]
{ Quas"chi(?), Quas"je(?) }, n.(Zo\'94l.)The brown coati. See Coati. 1913 Webster]
Quash(?), n.Same as Squash. 1913 Webster]
Quash, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quashed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quashing.][OF. quasser, F. casser, fr. L. cassare to annihilate, annul, fr. cassus empty, vain, of uncertain origin. The word has been confused with L. quassare to shake, F. casser to break, which is probably of different origin. Cf. Cashier, v. t.](Law)To abate, annul, overthrow, or make void; as, to quash an indictment.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
Quash, v. t.[OF. quasser, F. casser, fr. L. quassare to shake, shatter, shiver, v. intens. fr. quatere, quassum, to shake, shatter. Cf. Concussion, Discuss, Rescue, and also Quash to annul.]1.To beat down, or beat in pieces; to dash forcibly; to crush. 1913 Webster]
The whales quashed, Waller. 1913 Webster]
2.To crush; to subdue; to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely; as, to quash a rebellion. 1913 Webster]
Contrition is apt to quash or allay all worldly grief.Barrow. 1913 Webster]
Quash, v. i.To be shaken, or dashed about, with noise. 1913 Webster]
Quash"ee(?), n.A negro of the West Indies. 1913 Webster]
Qua"si(?). [L.]As if; as though; as it were; in a manner sense or degree; having some resemblance to; qualified; -- used as an adjective, or a prefix with a noun or an adjective; as, a quasi contract, an implied contract, an obligation which has arisen from some act, as if from a contract; a quasi corporation, a body that has some, but not all, of the peculiar attributes of a corporation; a quasi argument, that which resembles, or is used as, an argument; quasi historical, apparently historical, seeming to be historical. 1913 Webster]
Qua"si cor`po*ra"tion. A corporation consisting of a person or body of persons invested with some of the qualities of an artificial person, though not expressly incorporated, esp. the official of certain municipal divisions such as counties, schools districts, and the towns of some States of the United States, certain church officials, as a churchwarden, etc. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quas`i*mo"do(?), n.[So called from the first words of the Latin introit, quasi modo geniti infantes as newborn babes, 1 Pet. ii. 2.](R. C. Ch.)The first Sunday after Easter; Low Sunday. 1913 Webster]
Quass(?), n.[Russ. kvas'.]A thin, sour beer, made by pouring warm water on rye or barley meal and letting it ferment, -- much used by the Russians. Called also kvass.[written also quas.] 1913 Webster]
Quas*sa"tion(?), n.[L. quassatio, from quassare to shake. See Quash to crush.]The act of shaking, or the state of being shaken.Gayton. 1913 Webster]
Quas"si*a(?), n.[NL. From the name of a negro, Quassy, or Quash, who prescribed this article as a specific.]The wood of several tropical American trees of the order Simarube\'91, as Quassia amara, Picr\'91na excelsa, and Simaruba amara. It is intensely bitter, and is used in medicine and sometimes as a substitute for hops in making beer. 1913 Webster]
Quas"sin(?), n.[Cf. F. quassine. See Quassia.](Chem.)The bitter principle of quassia, extracted as a white crystalline substance; -- formerly called quassite.[Written also quass\'c6in, and quassine.] 1913 Webster]
Qua"ter-cous`in(?), n.[F. quatre four + cousin, E. cousin.]A cousin within the first four degrees of kindred. 1913 Webster]
Qua*ter"na*ry(?), a.[L. quaternarius consisting of four each, containing four, fr. quaterni four each, fr. quattuor four: cf. F. quaternaire. See Four.] 1913 Webster]
1.Consisting of four; by fours, or in sets of four. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geol.)Later than, or subsequent to, the Tertiary; Post-tertiary; as, the Quaternary age, or Age of man. 1913 Webster]
Qua*ter"na*ry, n.[L. numerus quaternarius: cf. F. quaternaire.]1.The number four.Boyle. 1913 Webster]
2.(Geol.)The Quaternary age, era, or formation. See the Chart of Geology. 1913 Webster]
Qua*ter"nate(?), a.Composed of, or arranged in, sets of four; quaternary; as, quaternate leaves. 1913 Webster]
Qua*ter"ni*on(?), n.[L. quaternio, fr. quaterni four each. See Quaternary.]1.The number four. [Poetic] 1913 Webster]
2.A set of four parts, things, or person; four things taken collectively; a group of four words, phrases, circumstances, facts, or the like. 1913 Webster]
Delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers.Acts xii. 4. 1913 Webster]
Ye elements, the eldest birth quaternion run.Milton. 1913 Webster]
The triads and quaternions with which he loaded his sentences. Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
3.A word of four syllables; a quadrisyllable. 1913 Webster]
4.(Math.)The quotient of two vectors, or of two directed right lines in space, considered as depending on four geometrical elements, and as expressible by an algebraic symbol of quadrinomial form. 1913 Webster]
quaternions is a new mathematical method, in which the conception of a quaternion is unfolded and symbolically expressed, and is applied to various classes of algebraical, geometrical, and physical questions, so as to discover theorems, and to arrive at the solution of problems.Sir W. R. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
Qua*ter"ni*on, v. t.To divide into quaternions, files, or companies.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Qua*ter"ni*ty(?), n.[LL. quaternitas, fr. L. quaterni four each: cf. F. quaternit\'82.]1.The number four. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
2.The union of four in one, as of four persons; -- analogous to the theological term trinity. 1913 Webster]
Qua"ter*on(?), n.See 2d Quarteron. 1913 Webster]
Qua*torz"ain(?), n.[See Quatorze.]A poem of fourteen lines; a sonnet.R. H. Stoddard. 1913 Webster]
Qua*torze"(?), n.[F. quatorze fourteen, L. quattuordecim. See Fourteen.]The four aces, kings, queens, knaves, or tens, in the game of piquet; -- so called because quatorze counts as fourteen points. 1913 Webster]
Quat"rain(?), n.[F., fr. quatre four, L. quattuor, quatuor. See Four.](Pros.)A stanza of four lines rhyming alternately.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Qua"tre(?), n.[F.]A card, die. or domino, having four spots, or pips 1913 Webster]
{ Qua"tre*feuille(?), Qua"tre*foil(?), }n.[F. quatre feuilles.]Same as Quarterfoil. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quat`tro*cen"to(?), n. & a.[It., four hundred, used as an abbreviated expression for the dates beginning with fourteen hundred.]The fifteenth century, when applied to Italian art or literature; as, the sculpture of the quattrocento; quattrocento style. -- Quat`tro*cen"tist(#), n. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quat"u*or(?), n.[F., fr. L. quattuor, quatuor, four. See Quartet.](Mus.)A quartet; -- applied chiefly to instrumental compositions. 1913 Webster]
Quave(?), n.See Quaver. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Quave, v. i.To quaver. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Qua"ver, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quavered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quavering.][OE. quaven to shake, to tremble; cf. LG. quabbeln to shake, to be soft, of fat substances, quabbe a fat lump of flesh, a dewlap, D. kwabbe, and E. quiver, v.]1.To tremble; to vibrate; to shake.Sir I. Newton. 1913 Webster]
2.Especially, to shake the voice; to utter or form sound with rapid or tremulous vibrations, as in singing; also, to trill on a musical instrument 1913 Webster]
Qua"ver, v. t.To utter with quavers. 1913 Webster]
We shall hear her quavering them . . . to some sprightly airs of the opera.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Qua"ver, n.1.A shake, or rapid and tremulous vibration, of the voice, or of an instrument of music. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mus.)An eighth note. See Eighth. 1913 Webster]
Qua"ver*er(?), n.One who quavers; a warbler. 1913 Webster]
Quay(?), n.[F. quai. See Key quay.]A mole, bank, or wharf, formed toward the sea, or at the side of a harbor, river, or other navigable water, for convenience in loading and unloading vessels.[Written also key.] 1913 Webster]
Quay(?), v. t.To furnish with quays. 1913 Webster]
Queach, v. i.[Cf. E. quich, v. i., quick, v. i.; or AS. cweccan to shake.]To stir; to move. See Quick, v. i. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Queach"y(?), a.1.Yielding or trembling under the feet, as moist or boggy ground; shaking; moving. \'bdThe queachy fens.\'b8 \'bdGodwin's queachy sands.\'b8 Drayton. 1913 Webster]
2.Like a queach; thick; bushy. [Obs.] Cockeram. 1913 Webster]
Quean(?), n.[Originally, a woman, AS. cwene; akin to OS. quena, OHG. quena, Icel. kona, Goth qin/, and AS. cw\'82n, also to Gr. / woman, wife, Skr. gn\'be goddess. Cf. Queen.]1.A woman; a young or unmarried woman; a girl. [Obs. or Scot.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.A low woman; a wench; a slut. \'bdThe dread of every scolding quean.\'b8 Gay. 1913 Webster]
Quea"si*ly(?), adv.In a queasy manner. 1913 Webster]
Quea"si*ness, n.The state of being queasy; nausea; qualmishness; squeamishness.Shak. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1176 -->
Quea"sy(?), a.[Icel. kweisa pain; cf. Norw. kveis sickness after a debauch.]1.Sick at the stomach; affected with nausea; inclined to vomit; qualmish. 1913 Webster]
Some seek, when queasy conscience has its qualms.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Que*bec" group`(?). (Geol.)The middle of the three groups into which the rocks of the Canadian period have been divided in the American Lower Silurian system. See the Chart of Geology. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Que*bra"cho(?), n.[Sp.](Bot.)A Chilian apocynaceous tree (Aspidosperma Quebracho); also, its bark, which is used as a febrifuge, and for dyspnwhite quebracho, to distinguish it from the red quebracho, a Mexican anacardiaceous tree (Loxopterygium Lorentzii) whose bark is said to have similar properties.J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants). 1913 Webster]
{ Quech(?), Queck(?), }v. i.[Cf. Quick, Queach.]A word occurring in a corrupt passage of Bacon's Essays, and probably meaning, to stir, to move. 1913 Webster]
Queen(?), n.[OE. quen, quene, queen, quean, AS. cw wife, queen, woman; akin to OS. qu\'ben wife, woman, Icel. kv\'ben wife, queen, Goth. q. Quean.]1.The wife of a king. 1913 Webster]
2.A woman who is the sovereign of a kingdom; a female monarch; as, Elizabeth, queen of England; Mary, queen of Scots. 1913 Webster]
In faith, and by the heaven's quene.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
3.A woman eminent in power or attractions; the highest of her kind; as, a queen in society; -- also used figuratively of cities, countries, etc. \'bd This queen of cities.\'b8 \'bd Albion, queen of isles.\'b8 Cowper. 1913 Webster]
4.The fertile, or fully developed, female of social bees, ants, and termites. 1913 Webster]
5.(Chess)The most powerful, and except the king the most important, piece in a set of chessmen. 1913 Webster]
6.A playing card bearing the picture of a queen; as, the queen of spades. 1913 Webster]
<-- 7. A male homosexual, esp. one who is effeminate or dresses in women's clothing. Sometimes pejorative. --> 1913 Webster]
Queen apple. [Cf. OE. quyne aple quince apple.]A kind of apple; a queening. \'bdQueen apples and red cherries.\'b8 Spenser. --
Queen bee(Zo\'94l.), a female bee, especially the female of the honeybee. See Honeybee.<-- the fully developed female in a colony of bees, ants, or termites which lays eggs. Usually there is only one in a colony; the queen is often somewhat larger than other bees, and is specially fed to develop her egg-laying capacity. (b) (Fig.) A woman who feels and acts as though she is of special importance. Usu. pejorative. --> --
Queen conch(Zo\'94l.), a very large West Indian cameo conch (Cassis cameo). It is much used for making cameos. --
Queen consort, the wife of a reigning king.Blackstone. --
Queen dowager, the widow of a king. --
Queen gold, formerly a revenue of the queen consort of England, arising from gifts, fines, etc. --
Queen mother, a queen dowager who is also mother of the reigning king or queen. --
Queen of May. See May queen, under May. --
Queen of the meadow(Bot.), a European herbaceous plant (Spir\'91a Ulmaria). See Meadowsweet. --
Queen of the prairie(Bot.), an American herb (Spir\'91a lobata) with ample clusters of pale pink flowers. --
Queen pigeon(Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of very large and handsome crested ground pigeons of the genus Goura, native of New Guinea and the adjacent islands. They are mostly pale blue, or ash-blue, marked with white, and have a large occipital crest of spatulate feathers. Called also crowned pigeon, goura, and Victoria pigeon. --
Queen regent, or
Queen regnant, a queen reigning in her own right. --
Queen's Bench. See King's Bench. --
Queen's counsel,
Queen's evidence. See King's counsel, King's evidence, under King. --
Queen's delight(Bot.), an American plant (Stillinqia sylvatica) of the Spurge family, having an herbaceous stem and a perennial woody root. --
Queen's metal(Metal.), an alloy somewhat resembling pewter or britannia, and consisting essentially of tin with a slight admixture of antimony, bismuth, and lead or copper. --
Queen's pigeon. (Zo\'94l.)Same as Queen pigeon, above. --
Queen's ware, glazed English earthenware of a cream color. --
Queen's yellow(Old Chem.), a heavy yellow powder consisting of a basic mercuric sulphate; -- formerly called turpetum minerale, or Turbith's mineral. 1913 Webster]
Queen, v. i.To act the part of a queen.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Queen, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Queened(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Queening.](Chess.)To make a queen (or other piece, at the player's discretion) of by moving it to the eighth row; as, to queen a pawn. 1913 Webster]
Queen"craft`(?), n.Craft or skill in policy on the part of a queen. 1913 Webster]
Elizabeth showed much queencraft in procuring the votes of the nobility.Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Queen"dom(?), n.The dominion, condition, or character of a queen.Mrs. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Queen"fish`(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A California sci\'91noid food fish (Seriphys politus). The back is bluish, and the sides and belly bright silvery. Called also kingfish. 1913 Webster]
Queen"hood(?), n.The state, personality, or character of a queen; queenliness.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Queen"ing(?), n.[See Queen apple.](Bot.)Any one of several kinds of apples, as summer queening, scarlet queening, and early queening. An apple called the queening was cultivated in England two hundred years ago. 1913 Webster]
Queen"li*ness(?), n.The quality of being queenly; the; characteristic of a queen; stateliness; eminence among women in attractions or power. 1913 Webster]
Queen"ly, a.[AS. cw feminine.]Like, becoming, or suitable to, a queen. 1913 Webster]
Queen olive. [Cf. Sp. aceituna de la Reina olive of the Queen.](Olive Trade)Properly, a kind of superior olive grown in the region of Seville, Spain. It is large size and oblong shape with a small but long pit; it is cured when green, keeps well, and has a delicate flavor. Loosely, any olive of similar character. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Queen"-post`(?), n. [Arch.] One of two suspending posts in a roof truss, or other framed truss of similar form. See King-post. 1913 Webster]
Queen"ship, n.The state, rank, or dignity of a queen. 1913 Webster]
Queens"land nut`(?). (Bot.)The nut of an Australian tree (Macadamia ternifolia). It is about an inch in diameter, and contains a single round edible seed, or sometimes two hemispherical seeds. So called from Queensland in Australia. 1913 Webster]
Queen" truss(?). (Arch.)A truss framed with queen-posts; a queen-post truss. 1913 Webster]
Queer(kw, a.[Compar.Queerer(kw; superl.Queerest.][G. quer cross, oblique, athwart (cf. querkopf a queer fellow), OHG. twer, twerh, dwerah; akin to D. dvars, AS, thwart, bent, twisted, Icel. thwart, transverse, Goth. angry, and perh. to L. torqyere to twist, and E. through. Cf. Torture, Through, Thwart, a.]1.At variance with what is usual or normal; differing in some odd way from what is ordinary; odd; singular; strange; whimsical; as, a queer story or act. \'bd A queer look.\'b8 W. Irving. 1913 Webster]
2.Mysterious; suspicious; questionable; as, a queer transaction.
[Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Queer"ly, adv.In a queer or odd manner. 1913 Webster]
Queer"ness, n.The quality or state of being queer. 1913 Webster]
Queest(?), n.[Cf. Icel. kvisa a kind of bird, kvistr a branch of a tree, and E. cushat.](Zo\'94l.)The European ringdove (Columba palumbus); the cushat.[Written also quist, queeze, quice, queece.] See Ringdove. 1913 Webster]
Quegh(?), n.A drinking vessel. See Quaich. 1913 Webster]
Queint(?), a.See Quaint. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Queint, obs. imp. & p. p. of Quench.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quell(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quelled(/); p. pr. & vb. n.Quelling.][See Quail to cower.] 1913 Webster]
1.To die. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Yet he did quake and quaver, like to quell.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.To be subdued or abated; to yield; to abate. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Winter's wrath begins to quell.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quell, v. t.[OE. quellen to kill, AS. cwellan, causative of cwelan to die; akin to OHG. quellen to torment, Icel. kvelja. See Quail to cower.]1.To take the life of; to kill. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
The ducks cried as [if] men would them quelle.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.To overpower; to subdue; to put down. 1913 Webster]
The nation obeyed the call, rallied round the sovereign, and enabled him to quell the disaffected minority.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Northward marching to quell the sudden revolt.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
3.To quiet; to allay; to pacify; to cause to yield or cease; as, to quell grief; to quell the tumult of the soul. 1913 Webster]
Much did his words the gentle lady quell.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- to subdue; crush; overpower; reduce; put down; repress; suppress; quiet; allay; calm; pacify. 1913 Webster]
Quell, n.Murder. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quell"er(?), n.1.A killer; as, Jack the Giant Queller. [Obs.] Wyclif (Mark vi. 27). 1913 Webster]
2.One who quells; one who overpowers or subdues. 1913 Webster]
Quel"li*o(?), n.[Sp. cuello, L. collum neck.]A ruff for the neck. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quelque"chose`(?), n.[F. quelque chose something.]A trifle; a kickshaw.Donne. 1913 Webster]
Queme(?), v. t. & i.[AS. cw, akin to cuman to come. To please. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quench(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quenched(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quenching.][OE. quenchen, AS. cwencan in \'becwencan, to extinguish utterly, causative of cwincan, \'becwincan, to decrease, disappear; cf. AS. cw\'c6nan, \'becw\'c6nan, to waste or dwindle away.]1.To extinguish; to overwhelm; to make an end of; -- said of flame and fire, of things burning, and figuratively of sensations and emotions; as, to quench flame; to quench a candle; to quench thirst, love, hate, etc. 1913 Webster]
Ere our blood shall quench that fire.Shak. 1913 Webster]
The supposition of the lady's death quench the wonder of her infamy.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To cool suddenly, as heated steel, in tempering. 1913 Webster]
Quench, v. i.To become extinguished; to go out; to become calm or cool. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Dost thou think in time quench!Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quench"a*ble(?), a.Capable of being quenched. 1913 Webster]
Quench"er(?), n.One who, or that which, quenches.Hammond. 1913 Webster]
Quench"less, a.Incapable of being quenched; inextinguishable; as, quenchless fire or fury. \'bdOnce kindled, quenchless evermore.\'b8 Byron. 1913 Webster]
-- Quench"less*ly, adv. -- Quench"less*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Que*nelle"(?), n.[F.](Cookery)A kind of delicate forcemeat, commonly poached and used as a dish by itself or for garnishing. 1913 Webster]
Que*nouille train"ing(?). [F. quenouille distaff.](Hort.)A method of training trees or shrubs in the shape of a cone or distaff by tying down the branches and pruning. 1913 Webster]
Quer`ci*tan"nic(kw, a.[L. quercus an oak + E. tannic.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, a tannic acid found in oak bark and extracted as a yellowish brown amorphous substance. 1913 Webster]
Quer"cite(?), n.(Chem.)A white crystalline substance, C6H7(OH)5, found in acorns, the fruit of the oak (Quercus). It has a sweet taste, and is regarded as a pentacid alcohol. 1913 Webster]
Quer"ci*tin(kw, n.(Chem.)A yellow crystalline substance, occurring quite widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, as in apple-tree bark, horse-chestnut leaves, etc., but originally obtained by the decomposition of quercitrin. Called also meletin. 1913 Webster]
Quer"cit*rin(?), n.[Cf. F. quercitrin. See Quercitron.](Chem.)A glucoside extracted from the bark of the oak (Quercus) as a bitter citron-yellow crystalline substance, used as a pigment and called quercitron. 1913 Webster]
Quer"cit*ron(?), n.[F. quercitron, the name of the name of tree; L. quercus an oak + citrus the citron tree.]1.The yellow inner bark of the Quercus tinctoria, the American black oak, yellow oak, dyer's oak, or quercitron oak, a large forest tree growing from Maine to eastern Texas. 1913 Webster]
2.Quercitrin, used as a pigment. See Quercitrin. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quer"cus(?), n.[L., an oak.](Bot.)A genus of trees constituted by the oak. See Oak. 1913 Webster]
Quer"ele(?), n.[See 2d Quarrel.](O. Eng. Law)A complaint to a court. See Audita Querela. [Obs.] Ayliffe. 1913 Webster]
Que"rent(?), n.[L. querens, p. pr. of queri to complain.](O. Eng. Law)A complainant; a plaintiff. 1913 Webster]
Que"rent, n.[L. quaerens, p. pr. of quaerere to search for, to inquire.]An inquirer. [Obs.] Aubrey. 1913 Webster]
Quer`i*mo"ni*ous(?), a.[L. querimonia a complaint, fr. queri to complain. See Querulous.]Complaining; querulous; apt to complain. -- Quer`i*mo"ni*ous*ly, adv. -- Quer`i*mo"ni*ous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Quer"i*mo*ny(?), n.[L. querimonia.]A complaint or complaining. [Obs.] E. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Que"rist(?), n.[See Query.]One who inquires, or asks questions.Swift. 1913 Webster]
Querk"en(?), v. t.[Icel. kverk throat. /.]To stifle or choke. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Querl(?), v. t.[G. querlen, quirlen, to twirl, to turn round, fr. querl, querl, a twirling stick. Cf. Twirl.]To twirl; to turn or wind round; to coil; as, to querl a cord, thread, or rope. [Local, U.S.] 1913 Webster]
Querl, n.A coil; a twirl; as, the qwerl of hair on the fore leg of a blooded horse. [Local, U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Quern(?), n.[AS. cweorn, cwyrn; akin to D. kweern, OHG. quirn, Icel. kvern, Sw. qvarn, Dan. qu\'91rn, Goth. qairnus (in asiluqa\'a1rnus), Lith. q\'8drnos, and perh. E. corn.]A mill for grinding grain, the upper stone of which was turned by hand; -- used before the invention of windmills and watermills.Shak. 1913 Webster]
They made him at the querne grind.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quer"po(?), n.The inner or body garments taken together. See Cuerpo.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
-- Quer"u*lous*ly, adv. -- Quer"u*lous*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Que"ry(?), n.; pl.Queries(#).[L. quaere, imperative sing. of quaerere, quaesitum to seek or search for, to ask, inquire. Cf. Acquire, Conquer, Exquisite, Quest, Require.]1.A question; an inquiry to be answered or solved. 1913 Webster]
I shall conclude with proposing only some queries, in order to a . . . search to be made by others.Sir I. Newton. 1913 Webster]
2.A question in the mind; a doubt; as, I have a query about his sincerity. 1913 Webster]
3.An interrogation point [?] as the sign of a question or a doubt. 1913 Webster]
Que"ry, v. i.1.To ask questions; to make inquiry. 1913 Webster]
Each prompt to query, answer, and debate.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.To have a doubt; as, I query if he is right. 1913 Webster]
Que"ry, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Queried(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Querying.]1.To put questions about; to elicit by questioning; to inquire into; as, to query the items or the amount; to query the motive or the fact. 1913 Webster]
2.To address questions to; to examine by questions. 1913 Webster]
3.To doubt of; to regard with incredulity. 1913 Webster]
4.To write \'bd query\'b8 (qu., qy., or ?) against, as a doubtful spelling, or sense, in a proof. See Qu\'91re. 1913 Webster]
Que*sal"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The long-tailed, or resplendent, trogon (Pharomachus mocinno, formerly Trogon resplendens), native of Southern Mexico and Central America. Called also quetzal, and golden trogon. 1913 Webster]
<-- The feathers were valued as part of the dress of Inca kings. Now usu. called quetzal. --> 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1177 -->
Quest(?), n.[OF. queste, F. qu\'88te, fr. L. quaerere, quaesitum, to seek for, to ask. Cf. Query, Question.]1.The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit; as, to rove in quest of game, of a lost child, of property, etc. 1913 Webster]
Upon an hard adventure yet in quest.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Cease your quest of love.Shak. 1913 Webster]
There ended was his quest, there ceased his care.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Request; desire; solicitation. 1913 Webster]
Gad not abroad at every quest and call Herbert. 1913 Webster]
3.Those who make search or inquiry, taken collectively. 1913 Webster]
The senate hath sent about three several quests to search you out.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.Inquest; jury of inquest. 1913 Webster]
What lawful quest have given their verdict ?Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quest, v. t.[Cf. OF. quester, F. qu\'88ter. See Quest, n.]To search for; to examine. [R.] Sir T. Herbert. 1913 Webster]
Quest, v. i.To go on a quest; to make a search; to go in pursuit; to beg. [R.] 1913 Webster]
If his questing had been unsuccessful, he appeased the rage of hunger with some scraps of broken meat.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Quest"ant(?), n.[OF. questant, F. qu\'88tant, p. pr.]One who undertakes a quest; a seeker. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quest"er(?), n.One who seeks; a seeker. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Ques"tion(?), n.[F., fr. L. quaestio, fr. quaerere, quaesitum, to seek for, ask, inquire. See Quest, n.]1.The act of asking; interrogation; inquiry; as, to examine by question and answer. 1913 Webster]
2.Discussion; debate; hence, objection; dispute; doubt; as, the story is true beyond question; he obeyed without question. 1913 Webster]
There arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying. John iii. 25. 1913 Webster]
It is to be to question, whether it be lawful for Christian princes to make an invasive war simply for the propagation of the faith. Bacon. 1913 Webster]
3.Examination with reference to a decisive result; investigation; specifically, a judicial or official investigation; also, examination under torture.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
He that was in question for the robbery. Shak. question.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
4.That which is asked; inquiry; interrogatory; query. 1913 Webster]
But this question asked Milton. 1913 Webster]
5.Hence, a subject of investigation, examination, or debate; theme of inquiry; matter to be inquired into; as, a delicate or doubtful question. 1913 Webster]
In question, in debate; in the course of examination or discussion; as, the matter or point in question. --
Leading question. See under Leading. --
Out of question, unquestionably. \'bdOut of question, 't is Maria's hand.\'b8 Shak. --
Out of the question. See under Out. --
Past question, beyond question; certainly; undoubtedly; unquestionably. --
Previous question, a question put to a parliamentary assembly upon the motion of a member, in order to ascertain whether it is the will of the body to vote at once, without further debate, on the subject under consideration.The form of the question is: \'bdShall the main question be now put?\'b8 If the vote is in the affirmative, the matter before the body must be voted upon as it then stands, without further general debate or the submission of new amendments. In the House of Representatives of the United States, and generally in America, a negative decision operates to keep the business before the body as if the motion had not been made; but in the English Parliament, it operates to postpone consideration for the day, and until the subject may be again introduced. In American practice, the object of the motion is to hasten action, and it is made by a friend of the measure. In English practice, the object is to get rid of the subject for the time being, and the motion is made with a purpose of voting against it. Cushing. --
To beg the question. See under Beg. --
To the question, to the point in dispute; to the real matter under debate. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Point; topic; subject. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tion, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Questioned(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Questioning.][Cf. F. questionner. See Question, n.]1.To ask questions; to inquire. 1913 Webster]
He that questioneth much shall learn much.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
2.To argue; to converse; to dispute. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I pray you, think you question with the Jew.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tion, v. t.1.To inquire of by asking questions; to examine by interrogatories; as, to question a witness. 1913 Webster]
2.To doubt of; to be uncertain of; to query. 1913 Webster]
And most we question what we most desire.Prior. 1913 Webster]
3.To raise a question about; to call in question; to make objection to. \'bdBut have power and right to question thy bold entrance on this place.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
4.To talk to; to converse with. 1913 Webster]
With many holiday and lady terms he questioned me. Shak. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To ask; interrogate; catechise; doubt; controvert; dispute. -- Question, Inquire, Interrogate. To inquire is merely to ask for information, and implies no authority in the one who asks. To interrogate is to put repeated questions in a formal or systematic fashion to elicit some particular fact or facts. To question has a wider sense than to interrogate, and often implies an attitude of distrust or opposition on the part of the questioner. 1913 Webster]
Ques`tion*a*bil"i*ty(?), n.The state or condition of being questionable.Stallo. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tion*a*ble(?), a.1.Admitting of being questioned; inviting, or seeming to invite, inquiry. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Thou com'st in such a questionable shape Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Liable to question; subject to be doubted or called in question; problematical; doubtful; suspicious. 1913 Webster]
It is questionable whether Galen ever saw the dissection of a human body.T. Baker. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tion*a*ry, n.1.One who makes it his business to seek after relics and carry them about for sale. 1913 Webster]
2.A set of questions for submission to a group of persons for the purpose of bringing out their resemblances and differences in the matter considered. The questionary method is a recognized form of psychological investigation. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ques"tion*er(?), n.One who asks questions; an inquirer. \'bdLittle time for idle questioners.\'b8 Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tion*ist, n.1.A questioner; an inquirer. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.(Eng. Univ.)A candidate for honors or degrees who is near the time of his examination. 1913 Webster]
ques"tion*less, adv.Beyond a question or doubt; doubtless; certainly. [R.] South. 1913 Webster]
What it was in the apostles' time, that, questionless, it must be still.Milton. 1913 Webster]
ques`tion`naire"(?), n.; pl. -naires(F. /).[F.]1.same as Questionary. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.A list of questions, usually on a printed form, to be answered by an individual. The forms often have blank spaces in which the answers can be written. Sets of such forms are distributed to groups and the answers used for various purposes, such as to obtain statistical information for social science, political, or marketing research, or to obtain information about a patient for the use of medical practitioners. PJC]
Quest"man(?), n.; pl.Questmen(/).One legally empowered to make quest of certain matters, esp. of abuses of weights and measures. Specifically: (a)A churchwarden's assistant; a sidesman.Blount. [Obs.] (b)A collector of parish rents.Blount. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Quest"mon`ger(?), n.One who lays informations, and encourages petty lawsuits. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tor(?), n.[L. quaestor, contr. fr. quaesitor, fr. quaerere, quaesitum, to seek for, ask: cf. F. questeur.](Rom. Antiq.)An officer who had the management of the public treasure; a receiver of taxes, tribute, etc.; treasurer of state.[Written also qu\'91stor.] 1913 Webster]
questors, but the office was soon abolished. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tor*ship, n.The office, or the term of office, of a questor. 1913 Webster]
Quest"rist(?), n.[See Quest.]A seeker; a pursuer. [Obs.] \'bdHot questrists after him.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Ques"tu*a*ry(?), a.[L. quaestuarius, from quaestus gain, profit, quaerere, quaesitum, to seek for, earn.]Studious of profit. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Quib(?), n.[Cf. Quip.]A quip; a gibe. 1913 Webster]
Quib"ble(?), n.[Probably fr. quib, quip, but influenced by quillet, or quiddity.]1.A shift or turn from the point in question; a trifling or evasive distinction; an evasion; a cavil. 1913 Webster]
Quibbles have no place in the search after truth. I. Watts. 1913 Webster]
2.A pun; a low conceit. 1913 Webster]
Quib"ble, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quibbled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quibbling(?).]1.To evade the point in question by artifice, play upon words, caviling, or by raising any insignificant or impertinent question or point; to trifle in argument or discourse; to equivocate. 1913 Webster]
2.To pun; to practice punning.Cudworth. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To cavil; shuffle; equivocate; trifle. 1913 Webster]
Quib"bler(?), n.One who quibbles; a caviler; also, a punster. 1913 Webster]
Qui"ca(?), n.[From the native Brazilian name.](Zo\'94l.)A small South American opossum (Didelphys quica), native of Guiana and Brazil. It feeds upon insects, small birds, and fruit. 1913 Webster]
Quice(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)See Queest. 1913 Webster]
Quich(?), v. i.[Cf. Quinch.]To stir. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
He could not move nor quich at all. Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Qui"chuan(?), a.Designating, or pertaining to, a linguistic stock of South American Indians, including the majority of the civilized tribes of the ancient Peruvian Empire with some wild tribes never subjugated by the Incas. Most of these Indians are short, but heavy and strong. They are brachycephalic and of remarkably low cranial capacity. Nevertheless, they represent one of the highest of native American civilizations, characterized by agricultural, military, and administrative skill rather than by science or literature, although they were adept potters, weavers, and goldsmiths, and preserved by the aid of the mnemonic quipu a body of legendary lore in part written down since the introduction of writing. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quick(?), a.[Compar.Quicker(?); superl.Quickest.][As. cwic, cwicu, cwucu, cucu, living; akin to OS. quik, D. kwik, OHG. quec, chec, G. keck bold, lively, Icel. kvikr living, Goth. qius, Lith. q, Russ. zhivoi, L. vivus living, vivere to live, Gr. bi`os life, Skr. j\'c6va living, j\'c6v to live. Cf. Biography, Vivid, Quitch grass, Whitlow.]1.Alive; living; animate; -- opposed to dead or inanimate. 1913 Webster]
Not fully quyke, ne fully dead they were.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
The Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom.2 Tim. iv. 1. 1913 Webster]
Man is no star, but a quick coal Herbert. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
2.Characterized by life or liveliness; animated; sprightly; agile; brisk; ready. \'bd A quick wit.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Speedy; hasty; swift; not slow; as, be quick. 1913 Webster]
Oft he her his charge of quick return Milton. 1913 Webster]
Quick(?), adv.In a quick manner; quickly; promptly; rapidly; with haste; speedily; without delay; as, run quick; get back quick. 1913 Webster]
If we consider how very quick the actions of the mind are performed. Locke. 1913 Webster]
Quick, n.1.That which is quick, or alive; a living animal or plant; especially, the hawthorn, or other plants used in making a living hedge. 1913 Webster]
The works . . . are curiously hedged with quick.Evelyn. 1913 Webster]
2.The life; the mortal point; a vital part; a part susceptible of serious injury or keen feeling; the sensitive living flesh; the part of a finger or toe to which the nail is attached; the tender emotions; as, to cut a finger nail to the quick; to thrust a sword to the quick, to taunt one to the quick; -- used figuratively. 1913 Webster]
This test nippeth, . . . this toucheth the quick.Latimer. 1913 Webster]
How feebly and unlike themselves they reason when they come to the quick of the difference !Fuller. 1913 Webster]
3.(Bot.)Quitch grass.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Quick, v. t. & i.[See Quicken.]To revive; to quicken; to be or become alive. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quick"beam`(?), n.[A. S. cwicbe\'a0m.]See Quicken tree. 1913 Webster]
Quick"en(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.quickened(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quickening.][AS. cwician. See Quick, a.]1.To make alive; to vivify; to revive or resuscitate, as from death or an inanimate state; hence, to excite; to, stimulate; to incite. 1913 Webster]
The mistress which I serve quickens what's dead.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Like a fruitful garden without an hedge, that quickens the appetite to enjoy so tempting a prize. South. 1913 Webster]
2.To make lively, active, or sprightly; to impart additional energy to; to stimulate; to make quick or rapid; to hasten; to accelerate; as, to quicken one's steps or thoughts; to quicken one's departure or speed. 1913 Webster]
3.(Shipbuilding)To shorten the radius of (a curve); to make (a curve) sharper; as, to quicken the sheer, that is, to make its curve more pronounced. 1913 Webster]
Quick"en, v. i.1.To come to life; to become alive; to become vivified or enlivened; hence, to exhibit signs of life; to move, as the fetus in the womb. 1913 Webster]
The heart is the first part that quickens, and the last that dies. Ray. 1913 Webster]
And keener lightnings quicken in her eye.Pope. 1913 Webster]
When the pale and bloodless east began quicken to the sun.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
2.To move with rapidity or activity; to become accelerated; as, his pulse quickened. 1913 Webster]
Quick"en*er, n.One who, or that which, quickens. 1913 Webster]
Quick"en*ing, n.1.The act or process of making or of becoming quick. 1913 Webster]
2.(Physiol.)The first motion of the fetus in the womb felt by the mother, occurring usually about the middle of the term of pregnancy. It has been popularly supposed to be due to the fetus becoming possessed of independent life. 1913 Webster]
Quick"ens(?), n.(Bot.)Quitch grass. 1913 Webster]
Quick"en tree`(?). [Probably from quick, and first applied to the aspen or some tree with quivering leaves; cf. G. quickenbaum, quizenbaum, quitschenbaum. Cf. Quitch grass.](Bot.)The European rowan tree; -- called also quickbeam, and quickenbeam. See Rowan tree. 1913 Webster]
Quick"hatch`(?), n.[From the American Indian name.](Zo\'94l.)The wolverine. 1913 Webster]
Quick"lime(?), n.[See Quick, a.](Chem.)Calcium oxide; unslacked lime; -- so called because when wet it develops great heat. See 4th Lime, 2. 1913 Webster]
Quick"ly, adv.Speedily; with haste or celerity; soon; without delay; quick. 1913 Webster]
Quick"ness, n.1.The condition or quality of being quick or living; life. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Touch it with thy celestial quickness.Herbert. 1913 Webster]
2.Activity; briskness; especially, rapidity of motion; speed; celerity; as, quickness of wit. 1913 Webster]
This deed . . . must send thee hence quickness.Shak. 1913 Webster]
His mind had, indeed, great quickness and vigor. Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
3.Acuteness of perception; keen sensibility. 1913 Webster]
Would not quickness of sensation be an inconvenience to an animal that must lie still ?Locke 1913 Webster]
4.Sharpness; pungency of taste.Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
Quick"sand`(?), n.Sand easily moved or readily yielding to pressure; especially, a deep mass of loose or moving sand mixed with water, sometimes found at the mouth of a river or along some coasts, and very dangerous, from the difficulty of extricating a person who begins sinking into it. 1913 Webster]
Life hath quicksands, -- Life hath snares!Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
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Quick"-scent`ed(?), a.Acute of smell. 1913 Webster]
Quick"set`(?), n.A living plant set to grow, esp. when set for a hedge; specifically, the hawthorn. 1913 Webster]
Quick"set`, a.Made of quickset. 1913 Webster]
Dates and pomegranates on the quickset hedges.Walpole. 1913 Webster]
Quick"set`, v. t.To plant with living shrubs or trees for a hedge; as, to quickset a ditch.Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
Quick"-sight`ed(?), a.Having quick sight or acute discernment; quick to see or to discern.Locke. 1913 Webster]
--Quick"-sight`ed*ness, n. 1913 Webster]
Quick"sil`ver(?), n.[Quick living + silver; -- so called from its fluidity; cf. G. quecksilber, L. argentum vivum. See Quick, a.](Chem.)The metal mercury; -- so called from its resemblance to liquid silver. 1913 Webster]
Quicksilver horizon, a mercurial artificial horizon. See under Horizon. --
Quicksilver water, a solution of mercury nitrate used in artificial silvering; quick water. 1913 Webster]
Quick"sil`vered(?), a.Overlaid with quicksilver, or with an amalgam of quicksilver and tinfoil. 1913 Webster]
Quick"sil`ver*ing(?), n.The mercury and foil on the back of a looking-glass. 1913 Webster]
Quick"step`(?), n.(Mus.)A lively, spirited march; also, a lively style of dancing. 1913 Webster]
Quick"-wit`ted*ness, n.Readiness of wit. \'bdCeltic quick-wittedness.\'b8 M. Arnold. 1913 Webster]
Quick"work`(?), n.(Naut.) A term somewhat loosely used to denote: (a)All the submerged section of a vessel's planking.(b)The planking between the spirketing and the clamps.(c)The short planks between the portholes. 1913 Webster]
Quid(?), n.[See Cud.]A portion suitable to be chewed; a cud; as, a quid of tobacco. 1913 Webster]
Quid(kw, n.; pl.quid.[Etym. uncertain.]An English coin, a sovereign. [Slang, Eng.] Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
They invited him to come to-morrow, . . . and bring half a quid with him.Charles Reade. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quid, v. t.(Man.)To drop from the mouth, as food when partially chewed; -- said of horses.Youatt. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Qui"dam(?), n.[L.]Somebody; one unknown.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quid"da*ny(?), n.[L. cydoneum quince juice, quince wine. See Quince.]A confection of quinces, in consistency between a sirup and marmalade. 1913 Webster]
Quid"da*tive(?), a.[See Quiddity.]Constituting, or containing, the essence of a thing; quidditative. 1913 Webster]
Quid"dit(?), n.[Cf. Quiddity, Quillet, and Quibble.]A subtilty; an equivocation. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
By some strange quiddit or some wrested clause.Drayton. 1913 Webster]
Quid"di*ta*tive(?), a.Quiddative. 1913 Webster]
Quid"di*ty(?), n.; pl.Quiddities(#).[LL. quidditas, fr. L. quid what, neut. of quis who, akin to E. who: cf. F. quiddit\'82.]1.The essence, nature, or distinctive peculiarity, of a thing; that which answers the question, Quid est? or, What is it? \'bd The degree of nullity and quiddity.\'b8 Bacon. 1913 Webster]
The quiddity or characteristic difference of poetry as distinguished from prose.De Quincey. 1913 Webster]
2.A trifling nicety; a cavil; a quibble. 1913 Webster]
We laugh at the quiddities of those writers now.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
Quid"dle(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quiddled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quiddling(?).][L. quid what.]To spend time in trifling employments, or to attend to useful subjects in an indifferent or superficial manner; to dawdle. 1913 Webster]
{ Quid"dle(?), Quid"dler(?), }n.One who wastes his energy about trifles.Emerson. 1913 Webster]
Quid"nunc(?), n.[L., what now?]One who is curious to know everything that passes; one who knows, or pretends to know, all that is going on. \'bdThe idle stories of quidnuncs.\'b8 Motley. 1913 Webster]
Qui*esce"(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quiesced(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quiescing(?).][L. quiescere, akin to quies rest, quiet. See Quiet, a. & n.]To be silent, as a letter; to have no sound.M. Stuart. 1913 Webster]
{ Qui*es"cence(?), Qui*es"cen*cy(?), }n.[L. quiescentia, fr. quiescens, p. pr.; cf. F. quiestence. See Quiesce.]The state or quality of being quiescent. \'bdQuiescence, bodily and mental.\'b8 H. Spencer. 1913 Webster]
Deeds will be done; -- while be boasts his quiescence.R. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Qui*es"cent(?), a.[L. quiescens, -entis, p. pr. of quiescere: cf. F. quiescent. See Quiesce.]1.Being in a state of repose; at rest; still; not moving; as, a quiescent body or fluid. 1913 Webster]
2.Not ruffed with passion; unagitated; not in action; not excited; quiet; dormant; resting. 1913 Webster]
In times of national security, the feeling of patriotism . . . is so quiescent that it seems hardly to exist.Prof. Wilson. 1913 Webster]
3.(Gram.)Not sounded; silent; as, y is quiescent in \'bdday\'b8 and \'bdsay.\'b8 1913 Webster]
Qui*es"cent*ly, adv.In a quiescent manner. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et(?), a.[Compar.Quieter(?); superl.Quietest.][L. quietus, p. p. pf quiescere to rest, keep quiet; akin to quies rest, and prob. to E. while, n. See While, and cf. Coy, a., Quiesce, Quietus, Quit, a., Quite, Requiem.]1.In a state of rest or calm; without stir, motion, or agitation; still; as, a quiet sea; quiet air. 1913 Webster]
They . . . were quiet all the night, saying, In the morning, when it is day, we shall kill him.Judg. xvi. 2. 1913 Webster]
2.Free from noise or disturbance; hushed; still. 1913 Webster]
3.Not excited or anxious; calm; peaceful; placid; settled; as, a quiet life; a quiet conscience. \'bd So quiet and so sweet a style.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
That son, who on the quiet state of man Milton. 1913 Webster]
4.Not giving offense; not exciting disorder or trouble; not turbulent; gentle; mild; meek; contented. 1913 Webster]
The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.1 Pet. iii. 4. 1913 Webster]
I will sit as quiet as a lamb.Shak. 1913 Webster]
5.Not showy; not such as to attract attention; undemonstrative; as, a quiet dress; quiet colors; a quiet movement. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et(?), n.[L. quies, -etis. See Quiet, a.] 1913 Webster]
1.The quality or state of being quiet, or in repose; as an hour or a time of quiet. 1913 Webster]
2.Freedom from disturbance, noise, or alarm; stillness; tranquillity; peace; security. 1913 Webster]
And join with thee, calm Peace and Quiet.Milton. 1913 Webster]
At quiet, still; peaceful. --
In quiet, quietly. \'bd I will depart in quiet.\'b8 Shak. --
Out of quiet, disturbed; restless. [Obs.] \'bdShe is much out of quiet.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quieted; p. pr. & vb. n.Quieting.]1.To stop motion in; to still; to reduce to a state of rest, or of silence. 1913 Webster]
2.To calm; to appease; to pacify; to lull; to allay; to tranquillize; as, to quiet the passions; to quiet clamors or disorders; to quiet pain or grief. 1913 Webster]
Quiet yourselves, I pray, and be at peace.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et, v. i.To become still, silent, or calm; -- often with down; as, be soon quieted down. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et*er(?), n.One who, or that which, quiets. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et*ism(?), n.[Cf. F. qui\'82tisme.]1.Peace or tranquillity of mind; calmness; indifference; apathy; dispassion; indisturbance; inaction. 1913 Webster]
2.(Eccl. Hist.)The system of the Quietists, who maintained that religion consists in the withdrawal of the mind from worldly interests and anxieties and its constant employment in the passive contemplation of God and his attributes. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et*ist, n.[Cf. F. qui\'82tiste.](Eccl. Hist.)One of a sect of mystics originated in the seventeenth century by Molinos, a Spanish priest living in Rome. See Quietism. 1913 Webster]
Qui`et*is"tic(?), a.Of or pertaining to the Quietists, or to Quietism. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et*ly, adv.1.In a quiet state or manner; without motion; in a state of rest; as, to lie or sit quietly. 1913 Webster]
2.Without tumult, alarm, dispute, or disturbance; peaceably; as, to live quietly; to sleep quietly. 1913 Webster]
3.Calmly, without agitation or violent emotion; patiently; as, to submit quietly to unavoidable evils. 1913 Webster]
4.Noiselessly; silently; without remark or violent movement; in a manner to attract little or no observation; as, he quietly left the room. 1913 Webster]
Qui"et*ness, n.The quality or state of being quiet; freedom from noise, agitation, disturbance, or excitement; stillness; tranquillity; calmness. 1913 Webster]
I would have peace and quietness.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Qui*e"tus(?), n.[LL. quietus quit, discharged, L., at rest, quiet, dead. See Quiet, a., and cf. Quit, a.]Final discharge or acquittance, as from debt or obligation; that which silences claims; (Fig.) rest; death. 1913 Webster]
When he himself might his quietus make Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quill(?), n.[Perhaps fr. F. quille ninepin (see Kayless); but cf. also G. kiel a quill. MHG. kil, and Ir. cuille a quill.]1.One of the large feathers of a bird's wing, or one of the rectrices of the tail; also, the stock of such a feather. 1913 Webster]
2.A pen for writing made by sharpening and splitting the point or nib of the stock of a feather; as, history is the proper subject of his quill.Sir H. Wotton. 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)(a)A spine of the hedgehog or porcupine.(b)The pen of a squid. See Pen. 1913 Webster]
4.(Mus.)(a)The plectrum with which musicians strike the strings of certain instruments.(b)The tube of a musical instrument. 1913 Webster]
He touched the tender stops of various quills.Milton. 1913 Webster]
5.Something having the form of a quill; as: (a)The fold or plain of a ruff.(b)(Weaving)A spindle, or spool, as of reed or wood, upon which the thread for the woof is wound in a shuttle.(c)(Mach.)A hollow spindle. 1913 Webster]
6.(Pharm.)A roll of dried bark; as, a quill of cinnamon or of cinchona. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quill bit, a bit for boring resembling the half of a reed split lengthways and having its end sharpened like a gouge. --
Quill driver, one who works with a pen; a writer; a clerk. [Jocose] --
Quill nib, a small quill pen made to be used with a holder.Simmonds. 1913 Webster]
Quill, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quilled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quilling.]1.To plaint in small cylindrical ridges, called quillings; as, to quill a ruffle. 1913 Webster]
His cravat seemed quilled into a ruff.Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
2.To wind on a quill, as thread or yarn.Judd. 1913 Webster]
Quil*la"ia bark`(?). (Bot.)The bark of a rosaceous tree (Quillaja Saponaria), native of Chile. The bark is finely laminated, and very heavy with alkaline substances, and is used commonly by the Chileans instead of soap. Also called soap bark. 1913 Webster]
Quill"back`(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)An American fresh-water fish (Ictiobus cyprinus syn. Carpiodes cyprinus); -- called also carp sucker, sailfish, spearfish, and skimback. 1913 Webster]
Quilled(?), a.Furnished with quills; also, shaped like quills. \'bdA sharp-quilled porcupine.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quilled suture(Surg.), a variety of stitch in which the threads after being passed deeply through the edges of a wound are secured about two quills or bodies of similar shape, in order to produce a suitable degree of pressure. 1913 Webster]
Quil"let(?), n.[L. quidlibet what you please. Cf. Quiddit, and Quibble.]Subtilty; nicety; quibble. \'bdNice, sharp quillets of the law.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quill"ing(?), n.(a)A band of linen, muslin, or the like, fluted, folded, or plaited so as somewhat to resemble a row of quills.(b)One of the rounded plaits or flutings of such a band. 1913 Webster]
Quill"wort`(?), n.(Bot.)Any plant or species of the genus Isoetes, cryptogamous plants with a cluster of elongated four-tubed rushlike leaves, rising from a corm, and containing spores in their enlarged and excavated bases. There are about seventeen American species, usually growing in the mud under still, shallow water. So called from the shape of the shape of the leaves. 1913 Webster]
Quilt(?), n.[OE. quilte, OF. cuilte, L. culcita / bed, cushion, mattress. Cf. 2d Counterpoint, Cushion.]Anything that is quilted; esp., a quilted bed cover, or a skirt worn by women; any cover or garment made by putting wool, cotton, etc., between two cloths and stitching them together; also, any outer bed cover. 1913 Webster]
The beds were covered with magnificent quilts.Arbuthnot. 1913 Webster]
Quilt, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quilted; p. pr. & vb. n.Quilting.]1.To stitch or sew together at frequent intervals, in order to confine in place the several layers of cloth and wadding of which a garment, comforter, etc., may be made; as, to quilt a coat.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.To wad, as a garment, with warm soft material. 1913 Webster]
3.To stitch or sew in lines or patterns. 1913 Webster]
Quilt"er(?), n.One who, or that which, quilts. 1913 Webster]
Quilt"ing, n.1.The act of stitching or running in patterns, as in making a quilt. 1913 Webster]
2.A quilting bee. See Bee, 2. 1913 Webster]
3.The material used for making quilts. 1913 Webster]
4.(Naut.)A coating of strands of rope for a water vessel. 1913 Webster]
Quin(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A European scallop (Pecten opercularis), used as food. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Quin*al"dine(?), n.[Quinoline + aldehyde + aniline.](Chem.)A colorless liquid of a slightly pungent odor, C9H6N.CH3, first obtained as a condensation product of aldehyde and aniline, and regarded as a derivative of quinoline; -- called also methyl quinoline.[Written also chinaldine.] 1913 Webster]
Qui"na*ry(?), a.[L. quinarius, from quini five each, akin to quinque five: cf. F. quinaire. See Five.]Consisting of five; arranged by fives.Boyle. 1913 Webster]
Quinary system(Zo\'94l.), a fanciful classification based on the hypothesis that each group contains five types. 1913 Webster]
Qui"nate(?), a.[L. quini five each.](Bot.)Growing in sets of five; -- said especially of leaves composed of five leaflets set at the end of a common petiole. 1913 Webster]
Qui"nate(?), n.(Chem.)A salt of quinic acid.[Written also kinate.] 1913 Webster]
Quin"a*zol(?), n.[Quinoline + azote.](Chem.)A complex nitrogenous base related to cinnoline.[Written also chinazol.] 1913 Webster]
Quince(kw, n.[Prob. a pl. from OE. quyne, coin, OF. coin, cooin, F. coing, from L. Cydonius a quince tree, as adj., Cydonian, Gr. / Cydonian, / / a quince, fr. / Cydonia, a city in Crete, / the Cydonians. Cf. Quiddany.]1.The fruit of a shrub (Cydonia vulgaris) belonging to the same tribe as the apple. It somewhat resembles an apple, but differs in having many seeds in each carpel. It has hard flesh of high flavor, but very acid, and is largely used for marmalade, jelly, and preserves. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)a quince tree or shrub. 1913 Webster]
Japan quince(Bot.), an Eastern Asiatic shrub (Cydonia Japonica, formerly Pyrus Japonica) and its very fragrant but inedible fruit. The shrub has very showy flowers, usually red, but sometimes pink or white, and is much grown for ornament. --
Quince curculio(Zo\'94l.), a small gray and yellow curculio (Conotrachelus crat\'91gi) whose larva lives in quinces. --
Quince tree(Bot.), the small tree (Cydonia vulgaris) which produces the quince. 1913 Webster]
Quince"wort`(?), n.(Bot.)The squinancy. Called also quinsywort. 1913 Webster]
Quinch(?), v. i.[Cf. OD. quincken to quiver, shake, Fries. quink hovering. Cf. Quich.]To stir; to wince. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quin*cun"cial(?), [L. quincuncialis, from quincunx. See Quincunx.] 1913 Webster]
1.Having the form of a quincunx. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Having the leaves of a pentamerous calyx or corolla so imbricated that two are exterior, two are interior, and the other has one edge exterior and one interior; as, quincuncial \'91stivation. 1913 Webster]
Quincuncial phyllotaxy(Bot.), an arrangement of five leaves in a spiral, each leaf two fifths of a circle from the next. 1913 Webster]
Quin*cun"cial*ly, adv.In the manner or order of a quincunx. 1913 Webster]
Quin"cunx(?), n.[L., fr. quinque five + uncia an ounce. The quincunx was marked by five small spots or balls. See Five, and Ounce the weight.]1.An arrangement of things by fives in a square or a rectangle, one being placed at each corner and one in the middle; especially, such an arrangement of trees repeated indefinitely, so as to form a regular group with rows running in various directions. 1913 Webster]
2.(Astrol.)The position of planets when distant from each other five signs, or 150Hutton. 1913 Webster]
3.(Bot.)A quincuncial arrangement, as of the parts of a flower in \'91stivation. See Quincuncial, 2. 1913 Webster]
Quin*dec"a*gon(?), n.[L. quindecim fifteen + Gr. / angle.](Geom.)A plane figure with fifteen angles, and consequently fifteen sides. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quin`de*cem"vir(?), n.; pl. E. Quindecemvirs(#), L. Quindecemviri(#).[L., from quindecim fifteen + vir a man.](Rom. Antiq.)One of a sacerdotal college of fifteen men whose chief duty was to take care of the Sibylline books. 1913 Webster]
Quin`de*cem"vi*rate(?), n.[L. quindecimviratus.]The body or office of the quindecemviri. 1913 Webster]
Quin*dec"one(?), n.[L. quindecim fifteen.](Chem.)An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C15H26, of the valylene series, produced artificially as an oily liquid.[Written also quindekone.]<-- now quindecene??--> 1913 Webster]
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Quin`de*cyl"ic(?), n.[L. quindecim fifteen + -yl.](Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the fatty acid series, containing fifteen atoms of carbon; called also pentadecylic acid. 1913 Webster]
Quin*hy"drone(?), n.[Quinone + hydroquinone.](Chem.)A green crystalline substance formed by the union of quinone with hydroquinone, or as an intermediate product in the oxidation of hydroquinone or the reduction of quinone.[Written also chinhydrone.] 1913 Webster]
Quin"i*ble(?), n.[L. quini five each.](Mus.)An interval of a fifth; also, a part sung with such intervals. [Obs.] \'bdHe sang . . . a loud quynyble.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quin"ic(?), a.[See Quinine, and cf. Kinic.](Chem.)Pertaining to, derived from, or connected with, quinine and related compounds; specifically, designating a nonnitrogenous acid obtained from cinchona bark, coffee, beans, etc., as a white crystalline substance.[Written also chinic, kinic.] 1913 Webster]
Quin"i*cine(?), n.(Chem.)An uncrystallizable alkaloid obtained by the action of heat from quinine, with which it is isomeric. 1913 Webster]
Quin"i*dine(?), n.(Chem.)An alkaloid isomeric with, and resembling, quinine, found in certain species of cinchona, from which it is extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance; conchinine. It is used somewhat as a febrifuge.[Written also chinidine.] 1913 Webster]
Qui"nine(?), n.[F. (cf. Sp. quinina), fr. Sp. quina, or quinaquina, Peruvian bark, fr. Peruv. kina, quina, bark. Cf. Kinic.](Chem.)An alkaloid extracted from the bark of several species of cinchona (esp. Cinchona Calisaya) as a bitter white crystalline substance, C20H24N2O2. Hence, by extension (Med.), any of the salts of this alkaloid, as the acetate, chloride, sulphate, etc., employed as a febrifuge or antiperiodic. Called also quinia, quinina, etc.[Written also chinine.] 1913 Webster]
Qui*nin"ic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, a nitrogenous acid obtained as a yellow crystalline substance by the oxidation of quinine. 1913 Webster]
Qui*niz"a*rin(?), [Hydroquinone + alizarin.](Chem.)A yellow crystalline substance produced artificially. It is isomeric with alizarin. 1913 Webster]
Quin"i*zine(?), n.[Quinoline + hydrazine.](Chem.)any one of a series of nitrogenous bases, certain of which are used as antipyretics. 1913 Webster]
Quin"nat(?), n.[From the native name.](Zo\'94l.)The California salmon (Oncorhynchus choicha); -- called also chouicha, king salmon, chinnook salmon, and Sacramento salmon. It is of great commercial importance.[Written also quinnet.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Qui*no"a(?), n.The seeds of a kind of goosewort (Chenopodium Quinoa), used in Chili and Peru for making porridge or cakes; also, food thus made. 1913 Webster]
Quin"o*gen(?), n.[Quinine + -gen.](Chem.)A hypothetical radical of quinine and related alkaloids. 1913 Webster]
Qui*noid"ine(?), n.[Quinine + -oid.](Med. Chem.)A brownish resinous substance obtained as a by-product in the treatment of cinchona bark. It consists of a mixture of several alkaloids.[Written also chinoidine.] 1913 Webster]
Quin"o*line(?), n.[Quinine + L. oleum oil + -ine.](Chem.)A nitrogenous base, C9H7N obtained as a pungent colorless liquid by the distillation of alkaloids, bones, coal tar, etc. It the nucleus of many organic bodies, especially of certain alkaloids and related substances; hence, by extension, any one of the series of alkaloidal bases of which quinoline proper is the type.[Written also chinoline.] 1913 Webster]
Qui*nol"o*gist(?), n.One who is versed in quinology. 1913 Webster]
Qui*nol"o*gy(?), n.[Quinine + -logy.]The science which treats of the cultivation of the cinchona, and of its use in medicine. 1913 Webster]
Qui"none(?), n.[Quinine + ketone.](Chem.)A crystalline substance, C6H4O2 (called also benzoketone), first obtained by the oxidation of quinic acid and regarded as a double ketone; also, by extension, any one of the series of which quinone proper is the type.[Written also chinone, kinone.]
<-- and benzoquinone. --> 1913 Webster]
Qui*no"vic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, a crystalline acid obtained from some varieties of cinchona bark.[Written also chinovic, and kinovic.] 1913 Webster]
Qui*no"vin(?), n.[NL. quina nova the tree Cosmibuena magnifolia, whose bark yields quinovin.](Chem.)An amorphous bitter glucoside derived from cinchona and other barks. Called also quinova bitter, and quinova.[Written also chinovin, and kinovin.] 1913 Webster]
Quin*ox"a*line(?), n.[Quinoline + glyoxal.](Chem.)Any one of a series of complex nitrogenous bases obtained by the union of certain aniline derivatives with glyoxal or with certain ketones.[Written also chinoxaline.] 1913 Webster]
Quin*ox"yl(?), n.[Quinone + oxygen + -yl.](Chem.)The hypothetical radical of certain quinone derivatives related to rhodizonic acid. 1913 Webster]
Qui"noyl(?), n.[Quinone + -yl.](Chem.)A radical of which quinone is the hydride, analogous to phenyl.[Written also kinoyl.] 1913 Webster]
Quin`qua*ges"i*ma(?), a.[L., fr. quinquagesimus the fiftieth, akin to quinquaginta fifty, quinque five. See Five.]Fiftieth. 1913 Webster]
Quinquagesima Sunday, the Sunday which is the fiftieth day before Easter, both days being included in the reckoning; -- called also Shrove Sunday. 1913 Webster]
Quin*quan"gu*lar(?), a.[L. quinquanqulus; quinque five + angulus ad angle: cf. F. quinquangulaire.]Having five angles or corners. 1913 Webster]
Quin`quar*tic"u*lar(?), a.[Quinque- + article.](Theol.)Relating to the five articles or points; as, the quinquarticular controversy between Arminians and Calvinists. [Obs.] Bp. Sanderson. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que-(?). [L. quinque five. See Five.]A combining form meaning five, five times, fivefold; as, quinquefid, five-cleft; quinquedentate, five-toothed. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que*an`gled(?), a.[Quinque- + angle.]Having five angles; quinquangular. 1913 Webster]
{ Quin`que*den"tate(?), Quin`que*den"ta*ted(?), }a.[Quinque- + dentate, -tated: cf. F. quinqu\'82dent\'82.]Five-toothed; as, a quinquedentate leaf. 1913 Webster]
Quin`que*fa"ri*ous(?), a.[From L. quinque five: cf. F. quinqu\'82fari\'82. Cf. Bifarious.](Bot.)Arranged in five vertical rows; pentastichous.Gray. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que*fid(?), a.[Quique- + the root of L. findere to cleave: cf. F. quinqu\'82fide.](Bot.)Sharply cut about halfway to the middle or base into five segments; as, a quinquefid leaf or corolla. 1913 Webster]
{ Quin`que*fo"li*ate(?), Quin`que*fo"li*a`ted(?), }a.[Quinque- + foliate, -ated: cf. F. quinqu\'82foli\'82, L. quinquefolius.](Bot.)Having five leaves or leaflets.Gray. 1913 Webster]
Quin`que fo"li*o*late(?), a.(Bot.)Having five leaflets.Gray. 1913 Webster]
Quin`que*lit"er*al(?), a.[Quinque- + literal.]Consisting of five letters. 1913 Webster]
{ Quin`que*lo"bate(?), Quin`que*lo"ba*red(?), }a.[Quinque- + lobate, -ated: cf. F. quinqu\'82lob\'82.]Cut less than halfway into portions, usually somewhat rounded; five-lobed; as, a quinquelobate leaf or corolla. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que*lobed`(?), a.[Quinque- + lobe.]Same as Quinquelobate. 1913 Webster]
Quin`que*loc"u*lar(?), a.[Quinque- + locular: cf. F. quinqu\'82loculaire.]Having five cells or loculi; five-celled; as, a quinquelocular pericarp. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que*nerved`(?), a.[Quinque- + nerve.](Bot.)Having five nerves; -- said of a leaf with five nearly equal nerves or ribs rising from the end of the petiole. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quin`quen*na"li*a(?), n. pl.[L., fr. quinquennalis. See Ouinquennial.](Rom. Antiq.)Public games celebrated every five years. 1913 Webster]
Quin*quen"ni*al(?), a.[L. quinquennalis and quinquennis; quinque five + annus year. See Five, and cf. Biennial.]Occurring once in five years, or at the end of every five years; also, lasting five years. A quinquennial event. 1913 Webster]
Quin*quen"ni*um(?), n.[L.]Space of five years. 1913 Webster]
Quin*quep"ar*tite(?), a.[L. quinquepartitus; quinque five + partitus, p. p. of partire to divide: cf. F. quinqu\'82partite.] 1913 Webster]
1.Consisting of five parts. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Divided into five parts almost to the base. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que*reme(?), n.[L. quinqueremis; quinque five + remus an oar: cf. F. quinqu\'82r\'8ame]A galley having five benches or banks of oars; as, an Athenian quinquereme. 1913 Webster]
Quin"que*syl`la*ble(?), n.[Quinque- + syllable.]A word of five syllables. 1913 Webster]
{ Quin"que*valve(?), Quin`que*val"vu*lar(?), }a.[Quinque- + valve, valvular: cf. F. quinqu\'82valve.](Bot.)Having five valves, as a pericarp. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quin"que*vir(?), n.; pl; E. Quinquevirs(#), L. Quinqueviri(#).[L., fr. quinque Five + vir man.](Bot. Antiq.)One of five commissioners appointed for some special object. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quin*qui"na(?), n.[NL. & F. See Quinine.]Peruvian bark. 1913 Webster]
Quin*quiv"a*lent(?), a.[Quinque- + L. valens, -entis, p. pr. See Valence.](Chem.)Same as Pentavalent. 1913 Webster]
Quin"sy(?), n.[Contr. fr. squinancy, F. esquinancie, L. cynanche a sort of sore throat, Gr. / sore throat, dog quinsy, fr. / dog + / to choke; cf. also L. synanche sore throat, Gr. /. Cf. Hound, Anger, and Cynanche.](Med.)An inflammation of the throat, or parts adjacent, especially of the fauces or tonsils, attended by considerable swelling, painful and impeded deglutition, and accompanied by inflammatory fever. It sometimes creates danger of suffocation; -- called also squinancy, and squinzey. 1913 Webster]
Quint(?), n.[F. quinte, fr. L. quintus, quinta, the fifth, quinque five. See Five.]1.A set or sequence of five, as in piquet. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mus.)The interval of a fifth. 1913 Webster]
3.one of a set of quintuplets. [informal] PJC]
Quin"tain(?), n.[F. quintaine, LL. quintana; cf. W. chwintan a kind of hymeneal game.]An object to be tilted at; -- called also quintel.[Written also quintin.] 1913 Webster]
quintain, a mere lifeless block.\'b8Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tal(?), n.[F., fr. Sp. quintal, fr. Ar. qintar a weight of 100 lbs., prob. fr. L. centenarius consisting of a hundred, fr. centeni a hundred each, fr. centum a hundred. See Hundred, and cf. Kentle.]1.A hundredweight, either 112 or 100 pounds, according to the scale used. Cf. Cental.[Sometimes written and pronounced kentle.] 1913 Webster]
2.A metric measure of weight, being 100,000 grams, or 100 kilograms, equal to 220.46 pounds avoirdupois. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tan(?), a.[L. quintanus, fr. quintus fifth, quinque five. See Five.]Occurring as the fifth, after four others also, occurring every fifth day, reckoning inclusively; as, a quintan fever. -- n.(Med.)An intermittent fever which returns every fifth day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts three days. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tel(?), n.See Quintain. 1913 Webster]
Quin*tes"sence(?), n.[F., fr. L. quinta essentia fifth essence. See Quint, and Essence.]1.The fifth or last and highest essence or power in a natural body. See Ferment oils, under Ferment. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
2.Hence: An extract from anything, containing its rarest virtue, or most subtle and essential constituent in a small quantity; pure or concentrated essence. 1913 Webster]
Let there be light, said God; and forthwith light quintessence pure, Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.The most characteristic form or most perfect example of some type of object. PJC]
Quin*tes"sence, v. t.To distil or extract as a quintessence; to reduce to a quintessence. [R.] Stirling. \'bdTruth quintessenced and raised to the highest power.\'b8 J. A. Symonds. 1913 Webster]
Quin`tes*sen"tial(?), a.Of the nature of a quintessence; purest; most characteristic. \'bdQuintessential extract of mediocrity.\'b8 G. Eliot. 1913 Webster]
{ Quin*tet", Quin*tette" }(?), n.[It. quintetto, dim. of quinto the fifth, a fifth part, from L. quintus the fifth: cf. F. quintette. See Quint.](Mus.)A composition for five voices or instruments; also, the set of five persons who sing or play five-part music. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tic(?), a.[L. quintus fifth, fr. quinque five.](Alg.)Of the fifth degree or order. -- n.(Alg.)A quantic of the fifth degree. See Quantic. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tile(?), n.[F. quintil aspect, fr. L. quintus the fifth.](Astron.)The aspect of planets when separated the fifth part of the zodiac, or 72
<-- sic. not separated "by" --> Hutton. 1913 Webster]
Quin*till"lion(?), n.[Formed fr. L. quintus the fifth, after the analogy of million: cf. F. quintillion. See Quint.]According to the French notation, which is used on the Continent and in America, the cube of a million, or a unit with eighteen ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, a number produced by involving a million to the fifth power, or a unit with thirty ciphers annexed. See the Note under Numeration. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tin(?), n.See Quintain. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tine(?), n.[L. quintus the fifth: cf. F. quintine.](Bot.)The embryonic sac of an ovule, sometimes regarded as an innermost fifth integument. Cf. Quartine, and Tercine. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tole(?), n.[It. quinto fifth.](Mus.)A group of five notes to be played or sung in the time of four of the same species. 1913 Webster]
Quin*troon"(?), n.[Sp. quinteron the off-spring of a quadroon and a white.](Ethnol.)The off-spring of an octoroon and a white person. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quin"tu*ple(?), a.[L. quintus fifth: cf. F. quintuple, L. quintuplex. Cf. Quadruple.]Multiplied by five; increased to five times the amount; fivefold. 1913 Webster]
Quintuple time(Mus.), a time having five beats in a measure. It is seldom used. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tu*ple, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quintupled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quintupling.][Cf. F. quintupler.]To make fivefold, or five times as much or many. 1913 Webster]
Quin"tu*plet(?), n.[From Quintuple.]1.A collection or combination of five of a kind. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.pl.Five children born in the same labor. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.(Mus.)A group of five connected notes; a turn of five notes. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
4.A cycle having five crank shafts and adapted for five riders, all of whom can assist in the propulsion. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quin*tup"lets(?), n. pl.five children born from one mother in a single pregnancy. PJC]
{ Quin"tu*ple-nerved`(?), Quin"tu*ple-ribbed`(?), }a.(Bot.)The same as Quinquenerved. 1913 Webster]
Quin"zaine(?), n.[F., from quinze fifteen, L. quindecim. See Fifteen.]The fifteenth day after a feast day, including both in the reckoning.[Written also quinzain.] 1913 Webster]
Quinze(?), n.[F.]A game at cards in which the object is to make fifteen points. 1913 Webster]
Quip(?), n.[Cf. W. chwip a quick flirt or turn, chwipio to whip, to move briskly, and E. whip. Cf. Quib, Quibble.]1.A smart, sarcastic turn or jest; a taunt; a severe retort; a gibe. 1913 Webster]
Quips, and cranks, and wanton wiles.Milton. 1913 Webster]
He was full of joke and jest, quips are o'er.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
2.A short humorous or witty comment or observation, usually spontaneously formed in response to a prior comment. PJC]
Quip, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quipped(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Quipping(?).]To taunt; to treat with quips. 1913 Webster]
The more he laughs, and does her closely quip.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quip, v. i.To scoff; to use taunts.Sir H. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
Qui"po(?), n.Same as Quipu. 1913 Webster]
quip"ster(?), n.A person who frequently makes quips. PJC]
\'d8Qui"pu(?), n.; pl.Quipus(#).[Peruv. quipu a knot.]A contrivance employed by the ancient Peruvians, Mexicans, etc., as a substitute for writing and figures, consisting of a main cord, from which hung at certain distances smaller cords of various colors, each having a special meaning, as silver, gold, corn, soldiers. etc. Single, double, and triple knots were tied in the smaller cords, representing definite numbers. It was chiefly used for arithmetical purposes, and to register important facts and events.[Written also quipo.]Tylor. 1913 Webster]
The mysterious science of the quipus . . . supplied the Peruvians with the means of communicating their ideas to one another, and of transmitting them to future generations.Prescott. 1913 Webster]
Quir"boil*ly`(?), n.[OE. cuir bouilli.]Leather softened by boiling so as to take any required shape. Upon drying, it becomes exceedingly hard, and hence was formerly used for armor. [Obs.] \'bdHis jambeux were of quyrboilly.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
A quire of such enticing birds.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quire, v. i.To sing in concert. [R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 1180 -->
Quire(kw, n.[OE. quaer, quair, OF. quayer, cayer, ca\'8ber, F. cahier, a book of loose sheets, a quarter of a quire, LL. quaternus, quaternum, sheets of paper packed together, properly, four together, fr. L. quaterni four each, by fours, quattuor four. See Four and cf. Cahier.]A collection of twenty-four sheets of paper of the same size and quality, unfolded or having a single fold; one twentieth of a ream. 1913 Webster]
Quir"i*nal(kwor kw, a.[L. Quirinalis, fr. Quirinus, a name of Romulus.]Of, pertaining to, or designating, the hill Collis Quirinalis, now Monte Quirinale (one of the seven hills of Rome), or a modern royal place situated upon it. Also used substantively. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quir`i*ta"tion(kw, n.[L. quiritatio, fr. quiritare to raise a plaintive cry, v. freq. fr. queri to complain.]A crying for help. [Obs.] Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Qui"rite(kw, n.One of the Quirites. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Qui*ri"tes(kw, n. pl.[L., fr. Cures, a Sabine town.](Rom. Antiq.)Roman citizens. 1913 Webster]
Quirites was taken in addition to that of Romani, the Romans calling themselves in a civil capacity Quirites, while in a political and military capacity they retained the name of Romani.Andrews. 1913 Webster]
Quirk(kw, n.[Written also querk.][Cf. W. chwiori to turn briskly, or E. queer.]1.A sudden turn; a starting from the point or line; hence, an artful evasion or subterfuge; a shift; a quibble; as, the quirks of a pettifogger. \'bdSome quirk or . . . evasion.\'b8 Spenser. 1913 Webster]
We ground the justification of our nonconformity on dark subtilties and intricate quirks.Barrow. 1913 Webster]
2.A fit or turn; a short paroxysm; a caprice. [Obs.] \'bdQuirks of joy and grief.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.A smart retort; a quibble; a shallow conceit. 1913 Webster]
Some odd quirks and remnants of wit.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.An irregular air; as, light quirks of music.Pope. 1913 Webster]
5.(Building)A piece of ground taken out of any regular ground plot or floor, so as to make a court, yard, etc.; -- sometimes written quink.Gwilt. 1913 Webster]
6.(Arch.)A small channel, deeply recessed in proportion to its width, used to insulate and give relief to a convex rounded molding. 1913 Webster]
Quirk molding, a bead between two quirks. 1913 Webster]
Quirked(kw, a.Having, or formed with, a quirk or quirks. 1913 Webster]
Quirk"ish(kw, a.Consisting of quirks; resembling a quirk.Barrow. 1913 Webster]
Quirk"y(kw, a.Full of quirks; tricky; as, a quirky lawyer. 1913 Webster]
Quirl(kw, n. & v.See Querl. 1913 Webster]
Quir"pele(kw, n.[Tamil k\'c6rippi.](Zo\'94l.)The Indian ferret. 1913 Webster]
Quirt(kw, n.A rawhide whip plaited with two thongs of buffalo hide.T. Roosevelt. 1913 Webster]
Quish(kw, n.See Cuish. 1913 Webster]
Quit(kw, n.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of numerous species of small passerine birds native of tropical America. See Banana quit, under Banana, and Guitguit. 1913 Webster]
Quit(kw, a.[OE. quite, OF. quite, F. quitte. See Quit, v., Quiet.]Released from obligation, charge, penalty, etc.; free; clear; absolved; acquitted.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
The owner of the ox shall be quit.Ex. xxi. 28. 1913 Webster]
quits, colloquially; as, to be quits with one, that is, to have made mutual satisfaction of demands with him; to be even with him; hence, as an exclamation: Quits! we are even, or on equal terms. \'bdTo cry quits with the commons in their complaints.\'b8Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Quit, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quit or Quitted; p. pr. & vb. n.Quitting.][OE. quiten, OF. quiter, quitier, cuitier, F. quitter, to acquit, quit, LL. quietare, fr. L. quietare to calm, to quiet, fr. quietus quiet. See Quiet, a., and cf. Quit, a., Quite, Acquit, Requite.]1.To set at rest; to free, as from anything harmful or oppressive; to relieve; to clear; to liberate. [R.] 1913 Webster]
To quit you of this fear, you have already looked Death in the face; what have you found so terrible in it?Wake. 1913 Webster]
2.To release from obligation, accusation, penalty, or the like; to absolve; to acquit. 1913 Webster]
There may no gold them quyte.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
God will relent, and quit thee all his debt.Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.To discharge, as an obligation or duty; to meet and satisfy, as a claim or debt; to make payment for or of; to requite; to repay. 1913 Webster]
The blissful martyr quyte you your meed.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Enkindle all the sparks of nature quit this horrid act.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Before that judge that quits each soul his hire.Fairfax. 1913 Webster]
4.To meet the claims upon, or expectations entertained of; to conduct; to acquit; -- used reflexively. 1913 Webster]
Be strong, and quit yourselves like men.1 Sam. iv. 9. 1913 Webster]
Samson hath quit himself Milton. 1913 Webster]
5.To carry through; to go through to the end. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Never worthy prince a day did quit Daniel. 1913 Webster]
6.To have done with; to cease from; to stop; hence, to depart from; to leave; to forsake; as, to quit work; to quit the place; to quit jesting. 1913 Webster]
Such a superficial way of examining is to quit truth for appearance.Locke. 1913 Webster]
To quit cost, to pay; to reimburse. --
To quit scores, to make even; to clear mutually from demands. 1913 Webster]
Does not the earth quit scores with all the elements in the noble fruits that issue from it?South. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To leave; relinquish; resign; abandon; forsake; surrender; discharge; requite. -- Quit, Leave. Leave is a general term, signifying merely an act of departure; quit implies a going without intention of return, a final and absolute abandonment. 1913 Webster]
Quit, v. i.To go away; to depart; to stop doing a thing; to cease. 1913 Webster]
Quitch(kw, n.1.(Bot.)Same as Quitch grass. 1913 Webster]
2.Figuratively: A vice; a taint; an evil. 1913 Webster]
To pick the vicious quitch Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Quitch" grass`(kw. [Properly quick grass, being probably so called from its vigorous growth, or from its tenacity of life. See Quick, and cf. Couch grass.](Bot.)A perennial grass (Agropyrum repens) having long running rootstalks, by which it spreads rapidly and pertinaciously, and so becomes a troublesome weed. Also called couch grass, quack grass, quick grass, twitch grass. See Illustration in Appendix. 1913 Webster]
Quit"claim`(kw, n.[Quit, a. + claim.](Law)A release or relinquishment of a claim; a deed of release; an instrument by which some right, title, interest, or claim, which one person has, or is supposed to have, in or to an estate held by himself or another, is released or relinquished, the grantor generally covenanting only against persons who claim under himself. 1913 Webster]
Quit"claim`, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quitclaimed(kw; p. pr. & vb. n.Quitclaiming.](Law)To release or relinquish a claim to; to release a claim to by deed, without covenants of warranty against adverse and paramount titles. 1913 Webster]
Quite(kw, v. t. & i.See Quit. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
1.Completely; wholly; entirely; totally; perfectly; as, the work is not quite done; the object is quite accomplished; to be quite mistaken. 1913 Webster]
Man shall not quite be lost, but saved who will.Milton. 1913 Webster]
The same actions may be aimed at different ends, and arise from quite contrary principles.Spectator. 1913 Webster]
2.To a great extent or degree; very; very much; considerably. \'bdQuite amusing.\'b8 Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
He really looks quite concerned.Landor. 1913 Webster]
The island stretches along the land and is quite close to it.Jowett (Thucyd. ). 1913 Webster]
Quit"rent`(kw, n.[Quit, a. + rent.](Law)A rent reserved in grants of land, by the payment of which the tenant is quit from other service.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
Burrill. 1913 Webster]
Quits(kw, interj.See the Note under Quit, a. 1913 Webster]
Quit"ta*ble(kw, a.Capable of being quitted. 1913 Webster]
Quit"tance, v. t.To repay; to requite. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quit"ter(kw, n.1.One who quits. 1913 Webster]
2.A deliverer. [Obs.] Ainsworth. 1913 Webster]
Quit"tor(kw, n.[Perhaps for quitture.](Far.)A chronic abscess, or fistula of the coronet, in a horse's foot, resulting from inflammation of the tissues investing the coffin bone. 1913 Webster]
Quit"ture(kw, n.A discharge; an issue. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
To cleanse the quitture from thy wound.Chapman. 1913 Webster]
Quiv"er(kw, a.[Akin to AS. cwiferlice anxiously; cf. OD. kuiven, kuiveren. Cf. Quaver.]Nimble; active. [Obs.] \'bd A little quiver fellow.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quiv"er, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Quivered(kw; p. pr. & vb. n.Quivering.][Cf. Quaver.]To shake or move with slight and tremulous motion; to tremble; to quake; to shudder; to shiver. 1913 Webster]
The green leaves quiver with the cooling wind.Shak. 1913 Webster]
And left the limbs still quivering on the ground.Addison. 1913 Webster]
Quiv"er, n.The act or state of quivering; a tremor. 1913 Webster]
Quiv"er, n.[OF. cuivre, cuevre, coivre, LL. cucurum, fr. OHG. chohh\'beri quiver, receptacle, G. k\'94cher quiver; akin to AS. cocor, cocur, cocer, D. koker. Cf. Cocker a high shoe.]A case or sheath for arrows to be carried on the person. 1913 Webster]
Beside him hung his bow quiver, with three-bolted thunder stored.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Quiv"ered(kw, a.1.Furnished with, or carrying, a quiver. \'bdLike a quivered nymph with arrows keen.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Sheathed, as in a quiver. \'bdWhose quills stand quivered at his ear.\'b8 Pope. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Qui` vive"(k. [F., fr. qui who + vive, pres. subj. of vivre to live.]The challenge of a French sentinel, or patrol; -- used like the English challenge: \'bdWho comes there?\'b8 1913 Webster]
To be on the qui vive, to be on guard; to be watchful and alert, like a sentinel. 1913 Webster]
Quix*ot"ic(kw, a.1.Like Don Quixote; romantic to extravagance; prone to pursue unrealizable goals; absurdly chivalric; apt to be deluded. See also quixotism. \'bdFeats of quixotic gallantry.\'b8 Prescott. 1913 Webster]
2.Like the deeds of Don Quixote; ridiculously impractical; unachievable; extravagantly romantic; doomed to failure; as, a quixotic quest. PJC]
The word \'bdquixotic\'b8 . . . has entered the common language, with the meaning \'bdhopelessly naive and idealistic,\'b8 \'bdridiculously impractical,\'b8 \'bddoomed to fail.\'b8 That this epithet can be used now in an exclusively pejorative sense not only shows that we have ceased to read Cervantes and to understand his character, but more fundamentally it reveals that our culture has drifted away from its spiritual roots.Simon Leys (N. Y. Review of Books, June 11, 1998, p. 35) PJC]
Quix*ot"ic*al*ly(kw, adv.In a quixotic way. 1913 Webster]
Quix"ot*ism(kw, n.That form of delusion which leads to extravagant and absurd undertakings or sacrifices in obedience to a morbidly romantic ideal of duty or honor, as illustrated by the exploits of Don Quixote in knight-errantry. See quixotic. 1913 Webster]
Quiz(kw, n.[It is said that Daly, the manager of a Dublin playhouse, laid a wager that a new word of no meaning should be the common talk and puzzle of the city in twenty-four hours. In consequence of this the letters q u i z were chalked by him on all the walls of Dublin, with an effect that won the wager. Perhaps, however, originally a variant of whiz, and formerly the name of a popular game.]1.A riddle or obscure question; an enigma; a ridiculous hoax. 1913 Webster]
2.One who quizzes others; as, he is a great quiz. 1913 Webster]
3.An odd or absurd fellow.Smart. Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
4.An exercise, or a course of exercises, conducted as a coaching or as an examination. [Cant, U.S.] 1913 Webster]
Quiz(kw, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quizzed(kw; p. pr. & vb. n.Quizzing(kw.]1.To puzzle; to banter; to chaff or mock with pretended seriousness of discourse; to make sport of, as by obscure questions. 1913 Webster]
He quizzed unmercifully all the men in the room.Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
2.To peer at; to eye suspiciously or mockingly. 1913 Webster]
3.To instruct in or by a quiz. See Quiz, n., 4. [U.S.] 1913 Webster]
Quizzing glass, a small eyeglass. 1913 Webster]
Quiz(kw, v. i.To conduct a quiz. See Quiz, n., 4. [U.S.] 1913 Webster]
Quiz"zer(kw, n.One who quizzes; a quiz. 1913 Webster]
Quiz"zic*al(kw, a.Relating to quizzing; given to quizzing; of the nature of a quiz; farcical; sportive. 1913 Webster]
-- Quiz"zic*al*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Quiz"zism(kw, n.The act or habit of quizzing. 1913 Webster]
Quob(kw, v. i.[Cf. Quaver.][Written also quop and quab.]To throb; to quiver. [Local & Vulgar] 1913 Webster]
Quod(kw, n.[For quad, abbrev. of quadrangle.]A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; hence, a prison. [Slang] \'bdFlogged or whipped in quod.\'b8 T. Hughes. 1913 Webster]
Quod, v.Quoth; said. See Quoth. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
\'bdLet be,\'b8 quod he, \'bdit shall not be.\'b8Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quod(kw, v. t.To put in quod, or prison; to lock up; to jug. [Slang] Kipling.
Quod"dies(kw, n. pl.Herring taken and cured or smoked near Quoddy Head, Maine, or near the entrance of Passamaquoddy Bay. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quod"li*bet(kw, n.[L., what you please.] 1913 Webster]
1.A nice point; a subtilty; a debatable point. 1913 Webster]
These are your quodlibets, but no learning.P. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mus.)A medley improvised by several performers. 1913 Webster]
Quod`lib*e*ta"ri*an(kw, n.One who discusses any subject at pleasure. 1913 Webster]
Quod`li*bet"ic*al(kw, a.Not restricted to a particular subject; discussed for curiosity or entertainment. -- Quod`li*bet"ic*al*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Quoif(kwoif , n. & v. t.See Coif.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quoif"fure(kwoif"f, n.See Coiffure. 1913 Webster]
Quoil(kwoil , n.See Coil. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Quoin(kwoin , n.[See Coin, and cf. Coigne.]1.(Arch.)Originally, a solid exterior angle, as of a building; now, commonly, one of the selected pieces of material by which the corner is marked. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
<-- ### the various "subdefs" here require the introductory part definition to be complete -->
2.A wedgelike piece of stone, wood, metal, or other material, used for various purposes;as:(a)(Masonry)To support and steady a stone.(b)(Gun.)To support the breech of a cannon.(c)(Print.)To wedge or lock up a form within a chase.(d)(Naut.)To prevent casks from rolling. 1913 Webster]
Hollow quoin. See under Hollow. --
Quoin post(Canals), the post of a lock gate which abuts against the wall. 1913 Webster]
Quoit(kwoit , n.[OE. coite; cf. OF. coitier to spur, press, (assumed) LL. coctare, fr. L. coquere, coctum, to cook, burn, vex, harass, E. cook, also W. coete/ a quoit.]1.(a)A flattened ring-shaped piece of iron, to be pitched at a fixed object in play; hence, any heavy flat missile used for the same purpose, as a stone, piece of iron, etc.(b)pl.A game played with quoits.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.The discus of the ancients. See Discus. 1913 Webster]
3.A cromlech. [Prov. Eng.] J. Morley. 1913 Webster]
Quoit, v. i.To throw quoits; to play at quoits. 1913 Webster]
To quoit, to run, and steeds and chariots drive.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Quoit, v. t.To throw; to pitch. [Obs. or R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quoke(kw, obs. imp. of Quake.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Quoll(kw, n.(Zo\'94l.)A marsupial of Australia (Dasyurus macrurus), about the size of a cat. 1913 Webster]
Quon"dam(kw, a.[L., formerly.]Having been formerly; former; sometime. \'bdThis is the quondam king.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quon"dam, n.A person dismissed or ejected from a position. [R.] \'bdMake them quondams; . . . cast them out of their office.\'b8 Latimer. 1913 Webster]
Quook(kw, imp. of Quake. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Quop(kw, v. i.See Quob. 1913 Webster]
Quo"rum(kw, n.[L., of whom, gen. pl. of qui who, akin to E. who. See the Note below.]Such a number of the officers or members of any body as is competent by law or constitution to transact business; as, a quorum of the House of Representatives; a constitutional quorum was not present. 1913 Webster]
Quorum aliquem vestrum . . . unum esse volumus (of whom we wish some one of you to be one), which were used in the commission formerly issued to justices of the peace in England, by which commission it was directed that no business of certain kinds should be done without the presence of one or more of certain justices specially designated. Justice of the peace and of the quorum designates a class of justices of the peace in some of the United States. 1913 Webster]
Quo"ta(kw, n.[LL., fr. L. quota (sc. pars), fr. quotus which or what in number, of what number, how many, fr. quot how many, akin to quis, qui, who: cf. It. quota a share. See Who.]1.A proportional part or share; the share or proportion assigned to each in a division. \'bdQuota of troops and money.\'b8 Motley. 1913 Webster]
2.a share of effort required to be performed, or a share of resources required to be contributed to some common purpose. PJC]
Quot"a*ble(kw, a.Capable or worthy of being quoted; as, a quotable writer; a quotable sentence. 1913 Webster]
-- Quot`a*bil"i*ty(kw, n.Poe. 1913 Webster]
Quo*ta"tion(kw, n.[From Quote.]1.The act of quoting or citing. 1913 Webster]
2.That which is quoted or cited; a part of a book or writing named, repeated, or adduced as evidence or illustration.Locke. 1913 Webster]
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3.(Com.)The naming or publishing of the current price of stocks, bonds, or any commodity; also, the price named.
4.Quota; share. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
5.(Print.)A piece of hollow type metal, lower than type, and measuring two or more pica ems in length and breadth, used in the blank spaces at the beginning and end of chapters, etc. 1913 Webster]
Quotation marks(Print.), two inverted commas placed at the beginning, and two apostrophes at the end, of a passage quoted from an author in his own words. 1913 Webster]
Quo*ta"tion*ist(kw, n.One who makes, or is given to making, quotations. 1913 Webster]
The narrow intellectuals of quotationists.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Quote(kw, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Quoted; p. pr. & vb. n.Quoting.][OF. quoter, F. coter to letter, number, to quote, LL. quotare to divide into chapters and verses, fr. L. quotus. See Quota.][Formerly written also cote.]1.To cite, as a passage from some author; to name, repeat, or adduce, as a passage from an author or speaker, by way of authority or illustration; as, to quote a passage from Homer. 1913 Webster]
2.To cite a passage from; to name as the authority for a statement or an opinion; as, to quote Shakespeare. 1913 Webster]
3.(Com.)To name the current price of. 1913 Webster]
4.To notice; to observe; to examine. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
5.To set down, as in writing. [Obs.] \'bdHe's quoted for a most perfidious slave.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To cite; name; adduce; repeat. -- Quote, Cite. To cite was originally to call into court as a witness, etc., and hence denotes bringing forward any thing or person as evidence. Quote usually signifies to reproduce another's words; it is also used to indicate an appeal to some one as an authority, without adducing his exact words. 1913 Webster]
Quote(kw, n.A note upon an author. [Obs.] Cotgrave. 1913 Webster]
Quot"er(kw, n.One who quotes the words of another. 1913 Webster]
Quoth(kw, v. t.[AS. cwe, imp cw\'91, pl. cw; akin to OS. que, OHG. quethan, quedan, Icel. kve, Goth. qi. Bequeath.]Said; spoke; uttered; -- used only in the first and third persons in the past tenses, and always followed by its nominative, the word or words said being the object; as, quoth I, quoth he. \'bdLet me not live, quoth he.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Quoth"a(kw, interj.[For quoth 'a, said he, 'a being corrupted from he.]Indeed; forsooth. 1913 Webster]
To affront the blessed hillside drabs and thieves quotha, -- fine new lives !Mrs. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Quo*tid"i*an(kw, a.[OE. cotidian, L. quotidianus, fr. quotidie daily; quotus how many + dies day: cf. OF. cotidien, F. quotidien. See Quota, Deity.]Occurring or returning daily; as, a quotidian fever. 1913 Webster]
Quo*tid"i*an(kw, n.Anything returning daily; especially (Med.), an intermittent fever or ague which returns every day.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Quo"tient(kw, n.[F., fr. L. quoties how often, how many times, fr. quot how many. See Quota.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Arith.)The number resulting from the division of one number by another, and showing how often a less number is contained in a greater; thus, the quotient of twelve divided by four is three. 1913 Webster]
2.(Higher Alg.)The result of any process inverse to multiplication. See the Note under Multiplication. 1913 Webster]
Quo*ti"e*ty(kw, n.[L. quotus of what number, quot how many.](Scholastic Philos.)The relation of an object to number.Krauth-Fleming. 1913 Webster]
Quo"tum(kw, n.[NL., fr. L. quotus of what number. See Quota.]Part or proportion; quota. [R.] \'bdA very small quotum.\'b8 Max M\'81ller. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Quo` war*ran"to(kw. [So called from the Law L. words quo warranto (by what authority), in the original Latin form of the writ. See Which, and Warrant.](Law)A writ brought before a proper tribunal, to inquire by what warrant a person or a corporation acts, or exercises certain powers.Blackstone. 1913 Webster]
quo warranto is now common as a substitute for the writ.
Wharton. 1913 Webster]
Qu*ran"(k, n.See Koran. 1913 Webster]
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