Packages added to Scientific Linux

SL_tweek_pagecache: This puts in a value of 1 5 10 for /proc/sys/vm/pagecache

Name:SL_tweek_pagecache Vendor:Fermilab
Version:1.0 License:GPL
Release:1 URL:
For the RedHat kernel 2.4.21-9.EL and above, many people feel that the kernel isn't very responsive on desktops. This tweek changes the pagecache settings. This has been shown to make the kernel seem much more responsive in a desktop enviroment.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Fri Sep 24 15:08:36 2004
Packager:Troy Dawson
Size:0 KiB


* Fri Sep 24 19:00:00 2004 Troy Dawson ([email protected])
- Released version 1.0

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