
openafs-krb5 - OpenAFS Programs to use with krb5

License: IBM Public License
Vendor: Scientific Linux
The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides compatibility programs so you can use krb5
to authenticate to AFS services, instead of using AFS's homegrown
krb4 lookalike services.


openafs-krb5-1.4.14-80.sl4.x86_64 [279 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2011-01-21):
- 1.4.14 release, no additional patches
- updated CellServDB from (last changed 2010-12-13)
openafs-krb5-1.4.7-68.2.SL4.x86_64 [269 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2009-04-07):
- added patches 1062, 1063 to address security advisories 2009-0012
openafs-krb5-1.4.7-68.SL4.x86_64 [268 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2008-06-01):
- replace 1056 by 1057: linux-hlist-unhashed-opencoding-20080520
- more post-1.4.7 patches (either trivial, or serious and simple):
  1058: butc-xbsa-lwp-protoize-damage-20080501
  1059: uuid-corrected-duplicate-check-20080501
  1060: viced-large-more-threads-20080506
  1061: vos-sync-flag-voltype-properly-20080521
openafs-krb5-1.4.6-58.SL4.x86_64 [265 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2007-12-23):
- new upstream release; fixes fileserver bugs (OPENAFS-SA-2007-003, DOS)
- this obsoletes patches 1052,54,55;
- also removed linux-nsec-timestamp-zero (1053) for the time being
- renamed klog.krb5 to k5log
- => this is a build of pristine openafs-1.4.6, except for the extra k5log
- largefile-fileserver is the default since 1.4.5 -> adapt configure options
- added "--with debugsyms" build option
openafs-krb5-1.4.4-46.SL4.x86_64 [160 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2007-05-28):
- added recent patches from CVS:
- 1022: namei-dont-randomly-full-salvage-20070514
- 1023: vos-namelen-for-dump-restore-is-stupid-20070509
- 1024: supergroup-cleanup-20070516
- 1025: ptserver-fix-bitmap-20070516
- 1026: glibc24-jmp-buf-mangling-20070516 (SL5 only)
- 1027: rx-call-abort-release-refcount-20070425
- 1028: dont-fclose-null-20070514
openafs-krb5-1.4.1-0.11.SL.x86_64 [152 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2006-05-19):
- added openafs-1.4.1-rxkad-ticketsize.patch, see mail to openafs-info
  by H. Reuter 2006-05-17 (and the reply by R. Toebbicke)
openafs-krb5-1.4.0-8.SL.x86_64 [146 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2005-11-03):
- final release of 1.4.0
openafs-krb5-1.3.82-3.SL.x86_64 [140 KiB] Changelog by Stephan Wiesand (2005-05-03):
- added a patch (1001) from Jason McCormick <[email protected]> to fix
  cache coherence issues with this release

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