Scientific Linux (Beryllium) 4.5

April 20, 2005

These RELEASE NOTES only contain Issues and Limitations

See SL.documentation/*RELEASENOTES* for vendor notes

See SL.releasenote for info about this specific release




3ware 8xxx and 9xxx in same system
Grub can get confused about which "drives" are which if both of these cards are installed. You can either run grub manually before rebooting or use "noprobe" during the install and install only the 3ware driver for the card that you will be booting off of.

Does not work in the installer and does not work on some laptops.

This rpm only installs packages via cdrom. It is not useful. It does NOT work so do NOT try to use it. Use yum instead. It is useful. It is only included here because rpms have dependencies on it and we do not want to change those to remove the dependencies.
To remove it, do: yum remove redhat-config-packages

up2date is only included to fullfill dependancies. It is not meant to be the main updating system for Scientific Linux. Use yum instead. up2date can use yum for it's updating, but it uses the yum 2.0 style format, while Scientific Linux 4.x uses the yum 2.2 style format. Thus up2date will not get the regular updates.

Scientific Linux 4.5 and above have a xen kernel. This allows them to be installed as a xen paravirtulizaed guest. Follow the Virtual Host's instructions for installing a paravirtulizaed guest, to install Scientific Linux 4.5 as a xen guest.
Scientific Linux 4.5 can not be a xen host, only a guest.

Paravirtualizaed guests on Scientific Linux 5.0
This is a limitation of Scientific Linux 5.0, but affects installing Scientific Linux 4.5 as a paravirtulized guest. These limitations will hopefully be fixed in Scientific Linux 5.1 or 5.2

Fully Virtualizaed guests on Scientific Linux 5.0
This is a limitation of Scientific Linux 5.0, but affects installing Scientific Linux 4.5 as a fully virtulized guest.


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