Letter P

pacemaker - The Pacemaker scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager

Website: http://www.clusterlabs.org
License: GPL v2 or later; LGPL v2.1 or later
Vendor: Scientific Linux
Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource
manager for Linux-HA (Heartbeat) and/or OpenAIS.

It supports "n-node" clusters with significant capabilities for
managing resources and dependencies.

It will run scripts at initialization, when machines go up or down,
when related resources fail and can be configured to periodically check
resource health.

    Andrew Beekhof <[email protected]>


pacemaker-1.0.1-6.2.sl5.x86_64 [593 KiB] Changelog by Andrew Beekhof (2008-11-18):
- version 1.0.1-1
- Update source tarball to revision: 6fc5ce8302ab (stable-1.0) tip
- Statistics:
    Changesets:      170
    Diff:            816 files changed, 7633 insertions(+), 6286 deletions(-)
- Changes since Pacemaker-1.0.1
+ High: ais: Allow the crmd to get callbacks whenever a node's state changes
+ High: ais: Create an option for starting the mgmtd daemon automatically
+ High: ais: Ensure HA_RSCTMP exists for use by resource agents
+ High: ais: Hook up the openais.conf config logging options
+ High: ais: Zero out the PID of disconnecting clients
+ High: cib: Ensure global updates cause a disk write when appropriate
+ High: Core: Add an extra snaity check to getXpathResults() to prevent segfaults
+ High: Core: Don't redefine __FUNCTION__ unnecessarily
+ High: Core: Repair the ability to have comments in the configuration
+ High: crmd: Bug:1975 - crmd should wait indefinitely for stonith operations to complete
+ High: crmd: Ensure PE processing does not occur for all error cases in do_pe_invoke_callback
+ High: crmd: Requests to the CIB should cause any prior PE calculations to be ignored
+ High: heartbeat: Wait for membership 'up' events before removing stale node status data
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1988 - Ensure recurring operations always have the correct target-rc set
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1988 - For unmanaged resources we need to skip the usual can_run_resources() checks
+ High: PE: Ensure the terminate node attribute is handled correctly
+ High: PE: Fix optional colocation
+ High: PE: Improve up the detection of 'new' nodes joining the cluster
+ High: PE: Prevent assert failures in master_color() by ensuring unmanaged masters are always reallocated to their current location
+ High: Tools: crm cli: parser: return False on syntax error and None for comments
+ High: Tools: crm cli: unify template and edit commands
+ High: Tools: crm_shadow - Show more line number information after validation failures
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: add option to upgrade the CIB to v3.0
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: add U option to getopts and update usage
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: backup improved and multiple fixes
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: fix class/provider reversal
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: fix testing
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: move the CIB update to the end
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: update logging and set logfile appropriately
+ High: Tools: LF:1969 - Attrd never sets any properties in the cib
+ High: Tools: Make attrd functional on OpenAIS
+ Medium: ais: Hook up the options for specifying the expected number of nodes and total quorum votes
+ Medium: ais: Look for pacemaker options inside the service block with 'name: pacemaker' instead of creating an addtional configuration block
+ Medium: ais: Provide better feedback when nodes change nodeid's (in openais.conf)
+ Medium: cib: Always store cib contents on disk with num_updates=0
+ Medium: cib: Ensure remote access ports are cleaned up on shutdown
+ Medium: crmd: Detect deleted resource operations automatically
+ Medium: crmd: Erase a node's resource operations and transient attributes after a successful STONITH
+ Medium: crmd: Find a more appropriate place to update quorum and refresh attrd attributes
+ Medium: crmd: Fix the handling of unexpected PE exits to ensure the current CIB is stored
+ Medium: crmd: Fix the recording of pending operations in the CIB
+ Medium: crmd: Initiate an attrd refresh _after_ the status section has been fully repopulated
+ Medium: crmd: Only the DC should update quorum in an openais cluster
+ Medium: Ensure meta attributes are used consistantly
+ Medium: PE: Allow group and clone level resource attributes
+ Medium: PE: Bug N:437719 - Ensure scores from colocated resources count when allocating groups
+ Medium: PE: Prevent lsb scripts from being used in globally unique clones
+ Medium: PE: Make a best-effort guess at a migration threshold for people with 0.6 configs
+ Medium: Resources: controld - ensure we are part of a clone with globally_unique=false
+ Medium: Tools: attrd - Automatically refresh all attributes after a CIB replace operation
+ Medium: Tools: Bug LF:1985 - crm_mon - Correctly process failed cib queries to allow reconnection after cluster restarts
+ Medium: Tools: Bug LF:1987 - crm_verify incorrectly warns of configuration upgrades for the most recent version
+ Medium: Tools: crm (bnc#441028): check for key error in attributes management
+ Medium: Tools: crm_mon - display the meaning of the operation's rc code instead of the status
+ Medium: Tools: crm_mon - Fix the display of timing data
+ Medium: Tools: crm_verify - check that we're being asked to validate a complete config
+ Medium: xml: Relax the restriction on the contents of rsc_locaiton.node

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