system environment/libraries

jss - Java Security Services (JSS)

License: MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
Java Security Services (JSS) is a java native interface which provides a bridge
for java-based applications to use native Network Security Services (NSS).
This only works with gcj. Other JREs require that JCE providers be signed.


jss-4.2.6-35.el6.i686 [695 KiB] Changelog by Christina Fu (2014-09-29):
- Bugzilla Bug #1190302 - Incorrect OIDs for SHA2 algorithms
  (cfu for [email protected])
- Bugzilla Bug #1190303 - Key strength validation is not performed for RC4
  algorithm (nkinder)
- Bugzilla Bug #1167470 - Provide Tomcat support for TLS v1.1 and
  TLS v1.2 via NSS through JSS (cfu)
jss-4.2.6-15.el6.i686 [743 KiB] Changelog by Andrew Wnuk (2011-02-23):
- bug 676083 - JSS: slots not freed

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7