
python-termcolor - ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal.

License: MIT
Vendor: Konstantin Lepa <[email protected]>

        import sys
        from termcolor import colored, cprint

        text = colored('Hello, World!', 'red', attrs=['reverse', 'blink'])
        cprint('Hello, World!', 'green', 'on_red')

        print_red_on_cyan = lambda x: cprint(x, 'red', 'on_cyan')
        print_red_on_cyan('Hello, World!')
        print_red_on_cyan('Hello, Universe!')

        for i in range(10):
            cprint(i, 'magenta', end=' ')

        cprint("Attention!", 'red', attrs=['bold'], file=sys.stderr)

Text Properties

  Text colors:

      - grey
      - red
      - green
      - yellow
      - blue
      - magenta
      - cyan
      - white

  Text highlights:

      - on_grey
      - on_red
      - on_green
      - on_yellow
      - on_blue
      - on_magenta
      - on_cyan
      - on_white


      - bold
      - dark
      - underline
      - blink
      - reverse
      - concealed

Terminal properties

    ============ ======= ==== ========= ========== ======= =========
    Terminal     bold    dark underline blink      reverse concealed
    ------------ ------- ---- --------- ---------- ------- ---------
    xterm        yes     no   yes       bold       yes     yes
    linux        yes     yes  bold      yes        yes     no
    rxvt         yes     no   yes       bold/black yes     no
    dtterm       yes     yes  yes       reverse    yes     yes
    teraterm     reverse no   yes       rev/red    yes     no
    aixterm      normal  no   yes       no         yes     yes
    PuTTY        color   no   yes       no         yes     no
    Windows      no      no   no        no         yes     no
    Cygwin SSH   yes     no   color     color      color   yes
    Mac Terminal yes     no   yes       yes        yes     yes
    ============ ======= ==== ========= ========== ======= =========


1.1.0 (13.01.2011)

- Added cprint function.

1.0.1 (13.01.2011)

- Updated README.rst.

1.0.0 (13.01.2011)

- Changed license to MIT.
- Updated copyright.
- Refactored source code.

0.2 (07.09.2010)

- Added support of Python 3.x.

0.1.2 (04.06.2009)

- Fixed bold characters. (Thanks Tibor Fekete)

0.1.1 (05.03.2009)

- Some refactoring.
- Updated copyright.
- Fixed reset colors.
- Updated documentation.

0.1 (09.06.2008)

- Initial release.


python-termcolor-1.1.0-1.el6.noarch [9 KiB] (no changelog entry)
python-termcolor-1.1.0-1.el6.src [9 KiB] (no changelog entry)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6