Letter I

isomd5sum-devel - Development headers and library for using isomd5sum

Website: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=isomd5sum.git;a=summary
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This contains header files and a library for working with the isomd5sum
implanting and checking.


isomd5sum-devel-1.0.10-5.el7.x86_64 [12 KiB] Changelog by Radek Vykydal (2014-08-26):
- Add ppc64le ([email protected])
  Resolves: rhbz#1125552
isomd5sum-devel-1.0.10-5.el7.i686 [13 KiB] Changelog by Radek Vykydal (2014-08-26):
- Add ppc64le ([email protected])
  Resolves: rhbz#1125552

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7