Upgrade Instructions
These instructions are compiled such that each numbered steps correspond
with a new input display window. Install the Fermi boot floppy and turn
on your system. Wait for system to boot to the first window.
You will need to use the tab key to navigate the windows and the space bar to
check and uncheck setting. A full explanation of the install program's
user interface is available here
The first screen welcomes you to Fermi Red Hat Linux V5.0.2. Simply hit return here
to start the upgrade. Screen numbering starts with the next screen.
1. Welcome to Red Hat: [Ok]
2. Choose a Language: [English]
3. Keyboard type: us
4. PCMCIA support: [n] (yes if notebook computer)
5. Install type: NFS Image
6. Load Module
This is the screen to detect your ethernet card.
This will be automatically detected for you.
Verify that this is your actual card. [Ok]
7. Module Options
Some cards need special configuration options when they are loaded. If you
picked a card recommended by Red Hat then you should be able to hit 'Ok'
without adding anything.
8. Boot Protocol: Static IP address
9. Configure TCP/IP
a. IP Address (you made a note of this, right?)
b. Netmask
c. Default gateway (IP)
d. primary nameserver (IP) (
9a. Configure Network
(NOTE: This screen will only show up if it has trouble contacting the
Primary Name Server or your machine is not connected to the network.
If your machine is not communicating with the network correctly you will
find this out for sure in step 9.)
a. Domain name (fnal.gov)
b. Host name (that you picked)
c. Secondary Nameserver IP (
d. Tertiary Nameserver IP (leave blank)
10. NFS Setup
a. NFS server name: linux.fnal.gov
b. Red Hat Directory: /export/linux/current/i386
10. Installation Path [Upgrade]
11. SCSI Configuration
Do you have a SCSI adapter? y/n
11a. SCSI Configuration
(Note: This screen will only appear if you selected yes in 11.)
Select your SCSI adapter and hit [Ok]
11b. SCSI Options
(Note: This screen will only appear if you selected yes in 11.)
If you have a SCSI adapter that is recommended in the hardware list
you won't need to enter any options here. Simply hit [Ok].
12. Upgrade Packages [No]
13. Upgrade log
This will start the upgrade. An upgrade log will be named
/tmp/upgrade.log We will move this file to /etc after the upgrade.
The upgrade will take roughly 5 minutes.
14. Lilo Installation Screen
Single Boot and Dual Boot machines: Using Lilo as their Boot Manager -
Install the bootloader in the "Master boot sector".(Preferred)
Dual Boot machines: Using NT's Boot Manager -
Install the bootloader in the "First sector of boot partition"
Click here if you are going to chose to use the NT boot manager and not Lilo.
15. Lilo Installation Special Options Screen
No special options. [Ok]
Dual Boot: Bootable Partitions Screen
This screen will allow you to see what bootable partitions you have.
Here you can edit the boot labels and the default boot partition.
16. Done
Remove the floppy and hit return to start your newly upgraded Fermi Red
Hat V5.0.2 system.
17. Install extra packages
We have included several new packages in the default V5.0.2 distribution
that have not been upgraded on your current system. These are the
xlockmore to lock your screen
xscreensaver for pretty pictures when locking your screen
fortune-mod for xlockmore
wu-ftpd to enable users to ftp into the system, NOT anonymous ftp
dump a method to backup the system
rmt needed by dump
pdksh an enhanced ksh
ups Fermi Unix Product Support v4.3
After you have upgraded your machine will need to type in the following
command, as root, to begin the post-upgrade process. This will install
a script that you will need to run by hand which will, in turn, install
the added packages listed above. Simply follow the directions that
are issued after the script is installed. This command needs to be
typed all on one line with no spaces, so don't enter it as it's written
here, i.e., it should look like .../i386/Fermi/RPMS/post_upgrade...
rpm -ivh ftp://linux.fnal.gov/linux/current/i386/Fermi/RPMS/
A message should appear which will instruct you to type in the correct
command to install the rest of the packages.
You may ask why this needs to be done, why can't this just be done
with one command to install all the packages right off the bat. The
answer is this: the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) maintains a database
on a Linux box of all the packages that have been installed/upgraded.
Only one rpm command can open this database at a time, in order to
keep things in order. What this means is that one script installed
via RPM can not install another RPM packages using rpm, since the
database is already open. If this doesn't make sense, then it's safe
just to trust us, and follow the directions.
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