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Installation of Fermi Red Hat Linux (in lurid detail)

Here we will go through the installation procedure of Red Hat Linux via NFS, CDROM, and FTP. We will be blatantly skipping the SMB and hardrive installations. For the most part they are very similar, but there can be a couple of gotcha's which we will try to cover in detail.

The Fermi Red Hat Linux 5.0.2 is based on Red Hat 5.0 with some very important differences: it actually uses the Red Hat 5.1 boot and supplemental installation diskettes. The reason is that Red Hat inadvertantly changed some of their packages so dramatically that the 5.0 boot diskette's fails at a very critical moment during the installation. This was overcome by using the 5.1 boot diskette with some modifications that people doing NFS and CDROM installs will not see, but those installing via FTP will have to be aware of.