Here the basics of compling and installing the kernel will be presented. This is not to be construed as the definitive guide, but a brief overview of how to re-compile and install a new kernel for your system. The attached appendix is comprised of the most important sections of the Kernel-HOWTO and is included as a slightly better reference.
I. The Kernel Source Tree and Documentation
B. The documentation tree
II. Obtaining What You Need
III. Configuring the kernel - refer to Appendix A, section 3.3 for a
better description
2. Method 2 - make menuconfig
b. Navigation is via the arrow keys. The help button gives the same details on the options that the Help button does in xmenuconfig.
3. Method 3 - make config
B. After saving the config file (by saving and exitting from the configuration utility, above), type the following:
make clean
make dep
make zImage
make modules
make modules_install
V. Installing the Kernel - refer to Appendix B, section 4.4 for a better
B. Edit the /etc/lilo.conf file and make it look like this:
C. Run 'lilo' to add the new kernel as one of the options in the Master Boot Record.
D. On reboot, at the LILO: prompt hit the Tab key to see if the other kernel is available and enter it at the prompt. Don't worry if this kernel fails, just reboot the system with the default kernel provided, and recompile, ad nauseum. :)