- tcp wrappers
- Installed by default
- security is open, Suggestion is to change to the following. This only allows access from addresses.
If one wants to open it up then make a concious decision to do so and only put it what has to be there.
- /etc/hosts.allow
- /etc/hosts.deny
- ssh - secure shell
- Highly suggested for use. May be required in future.
- encrypt's all traffic
- designed to replace rlogin, rcp, rsh
- Cannot distribute because of export laws
- Version 1.x.x license allows use at Fermi
- Version 2.x.x license does NOT seem to allow use at Fermi
- Available via ftp from
- Comes in 2 parts
- sshd - needs to be started in /etc/rc.d/rcx.d
- ssh,scp clients
- /etc/inetd.conf
- Comment out all that is not needed. See above example
- Pluggable Authentication Modules PAM info at RedHat
- Way of letting System Admin to set authentication policy without having to recompile authentication programs
such as "login"
- 4 types of modules
- auth
- actual authentication such as asking for a password
- account
- check to make sure that the authentication is allowed. Such as "Has the account expired?"
- password
- session
- after the user has been authenticated.
- /etc/pam.d