the personal computer (PC) was first developed, designers had to decide
how many bytes would be designated for addressing particular memory locations
within the system, including hard drive memory. It was also necessary to
specify how the address bytes would be structured to access that memory.
Originally, these bytes were divided into cylinder, head, and sector (CHS)
address locations that related directly to the physical layout of the hard
drives. Unfortunately, the designers of the system BIOS (Basic Input/Output
System) and the ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) interface did not
set up the total bytes used for addressing in the same manner, nor did
they define the same number of bytes for the cylinder, head, and sector
addressing. The differences in the CHS configurations required that there
be a translation of the address when data was sent from the system (using
the system BIOS) and the ATA interface. This is what caused the problems
that were found at 528 MB and 4.2 GB, which limited systems to smaller
capacity drives.
The new
limitation involves the total addressing space that was defined for the
system BIOS. Most PC systems are limited to accessing drives with a capacity
of 8.4 GB or less (7.9 GB on some systems.) The BIOS's of these systems
do not have adequate address locations to access more than 8.4 GB.
A solution
to this problem requires updating the current system BIOS to one that supports
the interrupt 13 extensions or patching the current BIOS with the extension
support. In the future, all PC system BIOS's should support the interrupt
13 extensions, allowing systems to address drives of extraordinarily large
current ATA interface uses 28 bit addressing which supports drives that
are 2** X 512 bytes or 137 GB. Unfortunately, most system BIOS's
use 24 bit addressing which only allows access to 2**24 X 512 bytes
or 8.4 GB. (This number really multiplies out to be 8.6GB but because of
the way the BIOS uses the bit, only 8.4 GB can be accessed.) When the system
wants to read or write data to the disk, the BIOS has to use a software
interrupt. The main interrupt that is used to access the disk drive is
interrupt 13h. This interrupt was assigned 24 bits of addressing, which
only allows the system to access 8.4GB on a disk drive. System designers
were aware of this limitation and defined extensions for interrupt 13.
This allows for a quad-word or 64 bits of addressing, which is equal to
2**64 X 512 bytes or 9.4 x 10**21 bytes. That is 9.4 Tera
Gigabytes or over a trillion times as large as an 8.4 GB drive.
few systems built in 1997 (or before) properly support the BIOS interrupt
13 extensions. However, all major BIOS manufacturers are currently working
on BIOS's that support the extensions. By mid 1998, most new systems should
have this support. Systems without the support can be modified to use drives
greater than 8.4 GB.
are a number of things that can be done to update a system in order to
allow the use of large drives.
The options
available are:
1. Obtain
a new version of BIOS that supports the interrupt 13 extensions from the
system or BIOS manufacturer.
2. Load
software on the system that links into the BIOS to add the interrupt 13
support. This is not necessary on Linux systems. Since kernel version 2.0.35 the OS can recognize and access an entire disk larger than 8.4Gb. This software is only for use on Windows-type systems.There are several vendors that offer software for this purpose.
Ontrack's Disk Manager for IBM (version 9) can be downloaded at no charge
from the following web site: http://www.storage.ibm.com/techsup/hddtech/welcome.htm
3. Use
an intelligent host adapter whose BIOS supports interrupt 13 extensions.
This adds the cost of additional hardware, but may be the best solution
for certain systems.
the increase in disk drive size, there is another limitation that affects
the user that cannot be corrected by updating the BIOS. This is due to
an inherent limitation within the operating systems. The most widely used
are Windows 3.x and Windows 95. Most versions of these operating systems
only support a maximum partition size of 2.1GB. This means that drives
over 2.1GB will have to be partitioned into several logical drives, C:,
D:, and so on. 8.4GB drives will require at least 4 logical drives. Linux does NOT have a partition size limitation like Windows does.
has provided extended file system support as a solution. They have increased
the addressing bits in the File Allocation Table (FAT) from 16 bits (FAT16)
to 32 bits (FAT32) which allows for much larger logical drive sizes, up
to 2.2TB. Unfortunately, the new extended file system is only supported
in the very latest versions of Windows 95, called OSR2.x. This release
of the Windows operating system is only being offered directly through
system manufacturers and is not sold to the general public for upgrading
current systems.
To check
if a version of Windows 95 supports the extended file system (FAT32), select:
click on the SYSTEM icon
-This version supports the extended file system (FAT32.)
or 4.00.950a -This version only supports FAT16.
Windows 98
should be able to support FAT32 but this is dependent on how Microsoft
intends to release it. Microsoft may choose to release a FAT32 version
only to system manufacturers and offer a FAT16 version for sale to end
users as a system upgrade.
next limitation with the ATA interface should occur at 137 GB. (Some systems
and operating systems may encounter other unforeseen limitations before
this.) At 137 GB, the 28 bits of addressing on the ATA bus run out. Some
possible solutions for this problem follow:
1. The
ATA's Feature Register could be used to add an additional 8 bits giving
28+8=36 or 35.2 TB of addressable space.
2. The
size of each sector could be increased. For example, a sector size of 4096
bytes would increase the maximum size of the drives to 2.2 TB.
3. The
industry could switch to a completely different interface. The IEEE 1394
interface is the most likely candidate and may gain popularity before one
of the other options needs to be implemented.
(c) International
Business Machines Corporation 1998
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