Upgrading to the 2.2.10 Kernel

It is quite easy to upgrade your machine running Fermi Red Hat Linux to the new Linux 2.2 kernel. 
  • First of all, make sure you are running Fermi Red Hat Linux 5.2.1. If you are still running 5.0.2, please upgrade your machine to 5.2.1 first. 
  • Verify that autorpm is as least at version  You can verify this with "rpm -qi autorpm".  If the version is not correct then upgrade autorpm.  This  should only be a problem if you were using a beta version of Fermi Linux 5.2.1.
  • Next you need to run a script that will do the upgrade for you. This script will install necessary updates to other packages, install the kernel, add it to lilo.conf, and run lilo for you. 
  • Install the script by running the following command: 
  • rpm -ivh ftp://linux.fnal.gov/linux/521/i386/Fermi/kernel-2.2/newkernel-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

  • Now run the script by running: 
  • /usr/sbin/newkernel

This will upgrade several packages which are 2.2.x compatible, as well as install the 2.2.10 kernel. 

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