Fermi Linux 5.2.1 Workgroup Installation Customization Design Specs

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Update history

Last updated 8/19/99


User Installation View

The "installation class" screen will be changed to list Fermi Workgroups.  The rest of the screens should be the same as from RedHat.

Workgroup Designer Customization Documentation
  1. Determine Default RPMS
    1. List of Supported RPMS to be installed by default
    2. List of choices will be provided by us.
    3. Will give our suggested list.
    4. Required. We will provide default.
  2. Determine and Collect Workgroup RPMS
    1. RPMS that the workgroup wants installed. These can come from where ever.
    2. Completely up to Workgroup.
    3. These are supported by Workgroup.
    4. Workgroup needs to make sure they work.
    5. We just provide a hook to install them.
    6. Optional.
  3. Write customization shell script
    1. Two shell scripts that are run after all the RPMS are loaded.
    2. One runs not change rooted. Access to CDROM is available.  CDROM is available at /tmp/rhimage. Other runs chrooted to new install area. No cdrom access is available in the "chrooted" environment.
    3. Completely up to Workgroup
    4. We just provide hook.
    5. Will give example.
    6. Optional.
    7. name will be <workgroup>/scripts/after.rpms.nochroot.sh
    8. name will be <workgroup>/scripts/after.rpms.sh
  4. Provide config files that customization script needs.
    1. Config files that a config script may need.
    2. Completely up to Workgroup
    3. We just provide hook.
    4. Will give example.
    5. Optional.
    6. Located in <workgroup>/configfiles/
    7. We download them to system and place in /etc/<workgroup>/configfiles/

Technical Implementation

  1. install2 (RedHat install program that is downloaded from install server during install)
    1. executable located in linux:/export/linux/521/i386/instimage/bin/install2.fermi
      1. Change "workstation", "Server","Custom" question to "WORKGROUP" list & "Custom"
        1. First implementation will be hard coded. 2nd version is to be via a configfile(Ease of change).
        2. Will not determine disk partitioning as it is done with current "workstation",Server" question. User will have to enter disk partitioning info.
        3. Redhat code looks for "<workstation>","Server" entries in RedHat/base/comps file to determine what to install by default. We will do it the same way.  A script will take  the "Default Workgroup RPMS lists" for each group and place them in the appropriate place in the RedHat/comps file.  A script to take the "comps" file and make "Default Workgroup RPMS lists" was also written. Need to write a "check the comps file for integrity" script.
  2. Install Floppy Modifications
    1. Create kickstart file -- ks.cfg
      1. In <%post> area of ks.cfg
        1. RUN shell script that looks at "/etc/workgroup" file to determine which Workgroup RPMS to install and which customization install script to run.  This script is in the ks.cfg file in the %POST area.
          1. "/etc/workgroup" file is loaded via a RPM which is in the Default RPMS for the Workgroup in question.  The file contains the name of the Workgroup.  We will make these RPMS, one for each Workgroup. Each will be the same except for the name of the Workgroup.  Located in
        2. Install ssh
        3. cp /tmp/rhimage/Fermi/workgroups/<workgroup>/* to /etc/<workgroup>/
        4. Directories and files in workgroups/<workgroup>  include
        5. configfiles
        6. scripts
        7. after.rpms.sh
        8. after.rpms.nochroot.sh
        9. RPMS
        10. SRPMS
        11. RPMSI
        12. default.rpm.list
        13. rpm -i --force --nodeps the RPMS in /etc/<workgroup>/RPMS
        14. RUN /etc/<workgroup>/scripts/after.rpms.nochroot.sh   (non chrooted)
        15. RUN /etc/<workgroup>/scripts/after.rpms.sh (chrooted)