1/5/99 --Connie Created 6Xtest with 6.0 base install with 6.1 RPMS Had to make a few changed to the RedHat/base/comps file because of dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/9/99 --Connie Updated kernel to include eepro100 1.09 driver kernel is 2.2.12-20f1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/9/99 --Connie Updated Netscape from 4.6 to 4.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/11/99 --Connie Updated Netscape again because RedHat re released it --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/14/99 --Dan Installed the following Fermi specific packages: Astro-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm CDF-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm CDFonline-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm CUSTOM-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm ConsoleServer-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm D0-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm FOCUS-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm Farms-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm FermiStandAlone-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm ODS-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm OSS-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm PAT-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm RIP-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm SDSS-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm Theory-tag-2.0-1.noarch.rpm agrep-2.04-5.i386.rpm ghostscript-5.50-12.i386.rpm ghostscript-fonts-other-5.50-12.noarch.rpm ghostscript-fonts-std-5.50-12.noarch.rpm glimpse-4.1-4.i386.rpm tkrat-1.2-3.i386.rpm xntp3-5.93-4.i386.rpm zz_emacs_load_edt-1.0-3.i386.rpm zz_fermi-release-6.1.1-1.i386.rpm zz_fsck_change-1.0-2.i386.rpm zz_inetd_change-2.0-1.i386.rpm zz_inittab_change-1.0-2.i386.rpm zz_linux_time.h_fix-1.0-3.i386.rpm zz_nmh_change-1.0-2.i386.rpm zz_sendmail_change-1.0-2.i386.rpm zz_tcp_wrappers_change-1.2-1.noarch.rpm zz_xntp3_change-1.2-1.i386.rpm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/2?/99 --Connie Upgraded lpr, wu-ftpd to redhat released security updated versions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/25/99 --Connie Updated the installer to the 6.1 version. Temporarily have removed /doc and /dosutils and most of /misc to save disk space. Removed all howto rpms out of release except for standard one. These are very large RPMS and we just do not have the disk space. This included howto-chinese-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-croatian-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-french-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-german-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-greek-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-html-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-indonesian-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-italian-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-japanese-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-korean-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-polish-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-russian-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-serbian-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-sgml-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-slovenian-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-spanish-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-swedish-6.1-1.noarch.rpm howto-turkish-6.1-1.noarch.rpm All of the deleted RPMS and directories are available at ftp://linux.fnal.gov/linux/61generic/i386 RedHat/base/comps file changes Added "Fermi Common" The Fermi Common group includes all of the zz items from above plus xntp3 as it is needed for zz_xntp3_change. Modifed Kde Workstation and Gnome Workstation and Server entries to include Fermi Common. Development, emacs and tex installed by default if custom is selected. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/25/99 --Connie Replaced RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages as provided by new versions on the ext2 floppy image in images/updates.img. Replaced images/boot.img with RedHat provided updates version 44. So one does NOT need to use the "updates" image. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/27/99 --Dan Added: autorpm- autorpm-config-3.0-1.noarch.rpm The config file supports ftp pools for linux and linux1. perl-libnet Needed by autorpm Upgraded: zz_fermi-release Removal of "redhat" from fermi-redhat-version file name per RedHat Trademark rules zz_xntp3-change Fixed problem with install script relating to a \n Modified: /RedHat/base/comps Fermi Common added autorpm ,perl-libnet and autorpm-config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-28-99 --Connie security patches in RedHat/RPMS and updates/RedHat/RPMS e2fsprogs-1.15-3.i386.rpm --> e2fsprogs-1.17-1.i386.rpm e2fsprogs-devel-1.15-3.i386.rpm --> e2fsprogs-devel-1.17-1.i386.rpm ypserv-1.3.7-3.i386.rpm --> ypserv-1.3.9-1.i386.rpm zz_tcp_wrappers_change-1.2-2 Fixed problem with the "banners" being not the proper version. These were updated with the proper version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-08-99 --Dan Added xemacs-21.1.8-1 xemacs-el-21.1.8-1 xemacs-extras-21.1.8-1 xemacs-info-21.1.8-1 xemacs-21.1.8-1.src.rpm These were built and tested on 6.1.1 system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-15-99 --Connie /images Changed boot.msg in boot.img and bootnet.img to note "text" is default install. Also added Fermi where appropriate. Changed boot.img and bootnet.img syslinux.cfg to have "text" be default install. /RedHat/base/comps Changed this alot. Summary Commented out all "gnome" stuff in "X Windows" Verified that they were all under "gnome" Added gnorpm and pygnome to "gnome" since I took it out of "X Windows" Commented enlightnement out of "X Windows" Commented exmh out of "X Windows" Commented out "Printer Support" out of "X Windows" Commented tetex-xdvi and tetex-fonts out of "X Windows" Commented netscape-communicator and netscape commone out of "X Windows" will include via "WWW" group Commented dosemu out of "DOS tools" because they are not needed Added cpp to "X Windows" because of dependency for xrdb. This was a bug in RedHat that we are fixing. Added xemacs to "Emacs" group Created a "Fermi Desktop" group @ X Window System @ Mail/WWW/News Tools @ DOS/Windows Connectivity @ Utilities @ Graphics Manipulation @ Multimedia Support @ Networked Workstation @ Dialup Workstation @ TeX Document Formatting @ Emacs @ Development xntp3 Created a "Fermi Compute Server" group @ Utilities @ Networked Workstation xntp3 Created all of the workgroups. OSS { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE OSS-tag } FermiStandAlone { @ Fermi Desktop @ KDE FermiStandAlone-tag } CDF { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE ghostscript-fonts-other CDF-tag } CDFonline { @ Fermi Compute Server @ Kernel Development CDFonline-tag } D0 { @ Fermi Desktop @ KDE D0-tag } ODS { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE ODS-tag } Theory { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE Theory-tag } Astro { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE Astro-tag } SDSS { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE SDSS-tag } Farms { @ Fermi Compute Server @ Kernel Development Farms-tag } RIP { @ Fermi Compute Server @ Kernel Development RIP-tag } FOCUS { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE FOCUS-tag } PAT { @ Fermi Desktop @ Kernel Development @ KDE PAT-tag } ConsoleServer { @ Fermi Desktop ConsoleServer-tag } Python install code Changed comps.py to add support for comments via a "#". Also commented out the code that allows for a "everything" install as it will not work because of the addition of conflicting rpms. This used to work on 5.2 Changed text.py to add support for workgroups Disabled install of "KDE workstation, GNOME Workstation and Server". Created fermiclass.py which is a subclass of installclass. Added the workgroups listed above. Created fermiimage.py which will read any file off of the image install media. Image install media is nfs & cdrom . Will try to make ftp work later. Used now to read in /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh which is run as the "%post" code. May break kickstart %post. Will work on that for next release. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-16-99 --connie /RedHat/base/comps Commented out alot of the "*devel*" packages in "Development" And created another group called "Other Development" which includes them. RedHat consolidated alot of products into large groups. This makes for larger installs. So basically "Development" is the compiler stuff and "Other Development" are the extra libraries. Added egcs-g77 to the "Development" group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-17-99 --connie /RedHat/base/comps Changed ghostscript-fonts to ghostscript-fonts-std because of version 5.10 vs 5.50 . /RedHat/RPMS Replaced make with new version provided by Jim Amundson because RedHat version is quite broken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-18-99 --Dan Added tkrat-1.2 acroread-4.0 Removed xpdf-0.90 tkrat is a nice mail reader that people in Theory use. Acroread is the real pdf reader from adobe, thus making xpdf obsolete. Added glimpse-4.1 nedit-static-5.0.2 nedit-5.0.2 glimpse is needed for exmh Removed ghostview*5.10 ispell-catalan ispell-czech ispell-danish ispell-dutch ispell-esperanto ispell-french ispell-german ispell-greek ispell-italian ispell-norwegian ispell-polish ispell-portuguese ispell-russian ispell-spanish ispell-swedish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11-18-99 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added tkrat to "Theory" group. Added nedit and acroread to "Fermi Desktop" group Put "Fermi Common" group back. It contains all of the zz* rpm's. Added "Fermi Common" to "Fermi Desktop" and "Fermi Compute Server". anaconda (Install) Changed OSS Class to not ask about "timezone", "bootdisk" and "I am making a log file screen". Hardcoded "CST6CDT" for OSS Class. (fermiclass.py) Added a "Install" or "Upgrade" screen just before the workgroup screen. Made other changes for this to work.(text.py) Changed from "Red Hat" to "Fermi" on some of the splash screens. "upgrade to workgroup" should now work. (text.py) Preserved the "kickstart %post" by appending the "/Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh" to it. Before I just wiped it out. One limitation is that the "kickstart %post" will run as "nochroot" no matter what you said in the kickstart file. So code your %post with this in mine. The input media is mounted on "/mnt/source"(cdrom and nfs) and the new "root" is "/mnt/sysimage". Need to test. (fermiclass.py) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11-19-99 --Dan upgraded to october-gnome - the latest version of gnome and friends: (note: some packages are the same version as before but it was just easier to upgrade them all in one fell swoop) Base ORBit-0.5.0-1.i386.rpm audiofile-0.1.9-1.i386.rpm control-center-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm ee-0.3.11-1.i386.rpm esound-0.2.15-1.i386.rpm extace-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm gdm-2.0beta2-13.i386.rpm glib-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm gmc-4.5.40-1.i386.rpm gnome-audio-1.0.0-7.noarch.rpm gnome-audio-extra-1.0.0-7.noarch.rpm gnome-core-1.0.53-2.i386.rpm gnome-games-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm gnome-libs-1.0.53-1.i386.rpm gnome-media-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm gnome-pim-1.0.50-1.i386.rpm gnome-users-guide-1.0.7-1.noarch.rpm gnome-utils-1.0.50-1.i386.rpm gnumeric-0.38-8.i386.rpm gtk+-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm gtk---1.0.3-1.i386.rpm gtk-engines-0.8-1.i386.rpm gtop-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm imlib-1.9.7-1.i386.rpm imlib-cfgeditor-1.9.7-1.i386.rpm libghttp-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm libglade-0.7-1.i386.rpm libgtop-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm libgtop-examples-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm libxml-1.7.3-1.i386.rpm libxml10-1.0.0-2.i386.rpm mc-4.5.40-1.i386.rpm mcserv-4.5.40-1.i386.rpm pygnome-1.0.50-1.i386.rpm pygtk-0.6.3-1.i386.rpm pygtk-libglade-0.6.3-1.i386.rpm xchat-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm xscreensaver-3.17-4.i386.rpm Devel ORBit-devel-0.5.0-1.i386.rpm audiofile-devel-0.1.9-1.i386.rpm control-center-devel-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm esound-devel-0.2.15-1.i386.rpm glade-0.5.3-1.i386.rpm glib-devel-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm gnome-core-devel-1.0.53-2.i386.rpm gnome-games-devel-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm gnome-libs-devel-1.0.53-1.i386.rpm gnome-pim-devel-1.0.50-1.i386.rpm gtk+-devel-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm gtk---devel-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm imlib-devel-1.9.7-1.i386.rpm libghttp-devel-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm libglade-devel-0.7-1.i386.rpm libgtop-devel-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm libxml-devel-1.7.3-1.i386.rpm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-19-99 --Connie Enabled "Farms" workgroup to be as close as 5.2.1 version as I could make it. Enabled "ODS" workgroup to be as close as 5.2.1 version as I could make it with the addition of KDE and GNOME. This includes the version of the ups/upd bootstrap as was on 5.2.1 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-22-99 --Connie Disabled installation of UPS/UPD bootstrap for ODS as it was not working. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-30-99 --Connie Created and populated "updates/RedHat/RPMS" with all of the updated RPMS released by RedHat Installed new version of initscripts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-06-99 --Connie Upgraded the following packagesm obtained from RedHat - Mostly GNOME related. ORBit-0.5.0-2.i386.rpm ORBit-devel-0.5.0-2.i386.rpm audiofile-0.1.9-2.i386.rpm audiofile-devel-0.1.9-2.i386.rpm control-center-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm control-center-devel-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm ee-0.3.11-1.i386.rpm esound-0.2.17-1.i386.rpm esound-devel-0.2.17-1.i386.rpm glib-1.2.6-2.i386.rpm glib-devel-1.2.6-2.i386.rpm gmc-4.5.40-2.i386.rpm gnome-core-1.0.54-2.i386.rpm gnome-core-devel-1.0.54-2.i386.rpm gnome-games-1.0.51-3.i386.rpm gnome-games-devel-1.0.51-3.i386.rpm gnome-libs-1.0.54-1.i386.rpm gnome-libs-devel-1.0.54-1.i386.rpm gnome-media-1.0.51-2.i386.rpm gnome-pim-1.0.55-1.i386.rpm gnome-pim-devel-1.0.55-1.i386.rpm gnome-utils-1.0.50-1.i386.rpm gnumeric-0.38-8.i386.rpm gtk+-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm gtk+-devel-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm gtk-engines-0.9-1.i386.rpm gtop-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm initscripts-4.70-1.i386.rpm libglade-0.7-1.i386.rpm libglade-devel-0.7-1.i386.rpm libgtop-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm libgtop-devel-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm libgtop-examples-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm libxml-1.7.3-1.i386.rpm libxml-devel-1.7.3-1.i386.rpm magicdev-0.2.6-1.i386.rpm mc-4.5.40-2.i386.rpm mcserv-4.5.40-2.i386.rpm pygnome-1.0.50-2.i386.rpm pygtk-0.6.3-2.i386.rpm pygtk-libglade-0.6.3-2.i386.rpm sysklogd-1.3.31-14.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-15-99 --Connie Upgraded to the following linuxconf-devel-1.16r10-2.i386.rpm linuxconf-1.16r10-2.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-16-99 --Connie UPS/UPS bootstrap now works except for it's check of disk space before it starts. It always thinks it has enough disk even though it may not. Will work on this for the next release. In /Fermi/products/bootups.sh Had to change all of the "/tmp/rhimage and /mnt" to environment variables. INSTALLIMAGE=/mnt/source CHROOT=/mnt/sysimage This will hopefully make it easier to change if RedHat decides to change where things are mounted during the install as they did here between 6.0 and 6.1 Changed PATH to include $CHROOT/bin:$CHROOT/usr/bin:$CHROOT/sbin: $CHROOT/usr/sbin because there are not very many utilities in the "/" ramdisk area. So we need to borrow the ones we just installed. Modified search for cfg.version as it was not finding it before and if the cfg file in /Fermi/workgroups/*/bootups/ did not have the right version in it the install would fail. In /Fermi/products/db/*/*version Changed all of the "/tmp/rhimage" to "/mnt/source/" For * in Astro, ConsoleServer, D0, FermiStandAlone, ODS, FOCUS, OSS, RIP, SDSS, Theory In /Fermi/workgroups/*/bootups/cfg Changed "/tmp/rhimage/Fermi" to "${INSTALLIMAGE}Fermi" In /Fermi/workgroups/*/scripts/after.rpms.nochroot.sh Changed "/tmp/rhimage" to "$INSTALLIMAGE" done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-20-99 --Connie Made a temporary fix for the lack of a nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf. It copies over the /etc/resolv.conf from the ramdisk area which it uses during the install over to /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf. This is done in the /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh which each workgroup automatically runs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-29-99 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Changed comps to reflect the fact that we are not going to give KDE or Gnome as the default Desktop/WindowManager unless a workgroups asks for it. So KDE Gnome --- ----- OSS OSS ODS ODS FOCUS are the only ones who have KDE/Gnome enabled by default. If you want your workgroup to have these then please send me email. /Fermi/workgroups/*/after.rpms.nochroot.sh Had to change "/mnt/etc/workgroup" to "$CHROOT/etc/workgroup". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-29-99 --Dan FL 611 Addendum: "Upgraded" autofs to v3.1.3-10. This is really the same version that is on FL 5.2.1 but rebuilt on 6.1.1. This version reads both yp and local auto.* maps. Upgraded autorpm-config. Cleaned up the config file by removing references to FL 5.2.1, Red Hat, and added workgroup and version independent entries for locations to store local RPMS - only used if the user uncomments the lines. Added packages: amanda-2.4.1p1-3 amanda-server-2.4.1p1-3 amanda-client-2.4.1p1-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3-2000 --Connie Upgraded the following packages because of y2k issues. libtiff-3.5.4-1.i386.rpm libtiff-devel-3.5.4-1.i386.rpm groff-1.15-1.i386.rpm groff-gxditview-1.15-1.i386.rpm sharutils-4.2.1-1.6.1.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3-2000 --Connie Added autofs to the "Fermi Common" group. Thus all "Fermi" workgroups will get this automatically. Note that it needs portmap which is installed by default but not started by default. So the after.rpms.sh script should add the following line if autofs is needed. This has already been done for the "ODS" workgroup. chkconfig portmap on chkconfig autofs on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-4-2000 --Connie /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh Modified the copy of /etc/resolv.conf to only happen if there are no "nameserver" entries in /etc/resolv.conf. This was done to not overwrite any existing entries. Created the "METHOD" environment variable. It contains either "INSTALL" or "UPGRADE" depending on what the installer picked during the install. Modified the environment variable "MEDIA" to determine what media was used for the install. Contains either "NFS" or "CDROM". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4-2000 --Dan Theory Group RPMS Added 128bit encryption netscape-communicator and related packages to Theory workgroup RPMS area. Added mathematica-fonts to Theory workgroups area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-4-2000 --Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/fermiclass.py Added addToSkipList("authentication") to ODS PAT as these both handle the "nis" stuff via the after.rpms.sh scripts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4-2000 --Connie Upgraded the following packages which were obtained from RedHat pam-0.68-10.i386.rpm usermode-1.17-1.i386.rpm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-12-2000 --Connie Upgraded the kernel to 2.2.14-1.0f1 This is the 2.2.14 from rawhide with the eepro100 driver change that I put in 2.2.12. /Fermi/workgroups/OSS/scripts/after.rpms.sh enabled portmap enabled kde switch Changes from Troy /Fermi/RPMS added afs rpm. Will only work with kernels 2.2.12 and beyond. From Troy. added newer version of flpr in rpm form. No support intended or implied. From Randy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-14-00 --COnnie /RedHat/RPMS/sh-utils-2.0-3f1.i386.rpm Changed echo.c by adding "#define V9_DEFAULT". This is so i that by default the following works echo "abc\ndef" gives abc def vs abc\def This is how echo worked on 5.2 On 6.1 you couild get it to do the same behavior if you used the "-e" option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-14-00 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Removed gnome from the OSS workgroup. It is just too big. Added KDE to the D0 workgroup per Simon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-18-00 --Dan /RedHat/base/comps Removed zz_linux_time.h_fix package from comps file as well as packages dir. This can only be used with the 2.0 kernel series and breaks the 2.2 kernels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-18-00 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/Farms/scripts/farms.after.rpms.sh New version obtained from Troy. /Fermi/workgroups/OSS/scripts/after.rpms.sh New version obtained from Troy. /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh Added feature to allow workgroups to install "export" and "fnal.gov" restricted rpms during the install. This is implemented by making a /DONOTEXPORT/autoinstalled area for things like ssh /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/<workgroup>/RPMS area for workgroup RPMS Both of these areas are only available via fnal.gov addess via ftp from linux1.fnal.gov. linux1.fnal.gov only allows access via ftp. Thus these directories are not on linux.fnal.gov. Changed the /usr/local/bin/synclinux.sh script on linux1.fnal.gov to not delete these directories. /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/OSS/RPMS Added afs License restricted to fnal.gov /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/CDF/RPMS Added "Citrix" rpm per Chris Green Export restricted ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-17-00 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added serialconsole to "Fermi Compute Server" /RedHat/RPMS Added serialconsole rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-19-00 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added readline-devel gpm-devel to the CDF Workgroup per Art. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-21-00 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Changed from "Fermi Compute Server" to "Fermi Desktop" Added KDE Added GNOME Added gpm-devel Added readline-devel for CDFonline Request from Serguei Bourov -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-19-2000 --Dan Added AnotherLevel to the default X install area in comps. This is necessary for those workgroups that haven't chosen a desktop environment such as KDE or GNOME. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-21-2000 --Dan Created package zz_libg2c.a_chnage which creates a missing sym link from /usr/lib/libg2c.a to /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/libg2c.a. Added this to the Fermi area in comps and put the source rpm in /SRPMS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-21-2000 --Connie Updated apache and apache-devel to apache-1.3.9-8.i386.rpm apache-devel-1.3.9-8.i386.rpm Added (from redhat updates area) apache-manual-1.3.9-8.i386.rpm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-24-2000 --Dan Updated tkrat to v1.2-4 which fixes a Y2K bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-26-2000 --Connie /misc/src/anaconda/fermiclass.py /misc/src/anaconda/text.py Added the CDFoffsite workgroup per Mark L. Moved ODS to bottom to make it easier to add CDFoffsite. /RedHat/base/comps Added CDFoffsite Added Xfree86-75dpi-fonts and Xfree86-100dpi-fonts to "Fermi Desktop" group /Fermi/workgroups/ODS/scripts/after.rpms.sh /OSS/ Added code to check if afs is running. If so then disable xntpd. /Fermi/workgroups/D0/scripts/after.rpms.nochroot.sh Disabled ups/upd install /Fermi/scripts/ Created stopxntpifafs.sh example script Created nisexample.sh script Created fstabexample.sh script /RedHat/RPMS/ Created XFree86-3.3.6 rpms based on rawhide Disabled FB(Frame Buffer) in 2.2.14 kernels because the ATI code was just really messing up the boot screen. Also cause XFree86 to not work well. Temporary solution is to add the following to /etc/lilo.conf append="video:nofb" This upgraded the version to 2.2.14-1.3.0f2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-27-00 --Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/todo.py /misc/src/anaconda/todo.py Fixed problem where /etc/hosts was not setup correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1-00 --Dan Added CDFoffsite-tag package to RedHat/RPMS/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1-00 --Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/text.py /fermiclass.py /RedHat/base/comps /Fermi/workgroups/D0offsite/ /D0offsite/scripts/after.rpms.nochroot.sh /D0 --> D0desktop /D0desktop/scripts/after.rpms.sh Added D0offsite Default install No KDE, GNOME Yes ups/upd Change name of D0 to D0desktop Added after.rpms.sh to do nis things Added rpms from Simon to D0desktop/RPMS Added ups/upd back into D0desktop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added KDE and GNOME to CDF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-4-2000 --Connie Created a "offsite" Fermi issues document. This is to help installers that are not part of fnal.gov. It documents items that they need to look at in areas where we have made changes that may be fnal.gov specific. Document is located in Fermi.documentation/cdromfermioffsiteissues.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-6-2000 --Dan Console Server Workgroup Changed how console servers get installed. In the past a whole kernel was installed because it was deemed that it needed compiled in drivers for the cyclades cards. Now only the cyclades stuff is installed in the console-server rpm. This puts the drivers in via initrd and creates the devices that the cyclades needs. So only 2 rpms are needed now. The console-server and console-software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-6-2000 --Connie Added rescue.img to images for use with "boot rescue" floppy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-9-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Deleted zz-xntp-change??? zz-sendmail-change?? from "Fermi Common" so that I could make "Fermi Common Onsite" which included them and "Fermi Common Offsite" which did not Change all of the Workgroup Groups to reflect this change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-9-2000 --Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/installclass.py Put in code to not destroy the kickstart %post . Now it just appends the Fermi post.sh to the end of the kickstart %post. Limitation that both will run as non CHROOT so the kickstart post will have to take that into account. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-9-2000 --Wayne & Marc UPS/UPD Systools was upgraded to 6.1 UPS was upgraded to 4.5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-17-2000 --Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/kickstart.py Change the Kickstart Class to use "Workgroup" vs "Installclass". This enabled the post.sh code that I added to "Workgroup" so now kickstarts get the post too. The kickstart file %post still works but it is run in non chroot mode after the fermi post.sh. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-18-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added the following packages to the "Farms" workgroup. XFree86 XFree86-100dpi-fonts XFree86-75dpi-fonts XFree86-cyrillic-fonts XFree86-doc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-18-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS It now looks like this. (From Simon) fermi-d0-kde-menus-1.0-6.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-nis-1.0-3.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-logos-1.0-4.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-root-1.0-3.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-nfs-1.0-4.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-shells-1.0-3.noarch.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-18-2000 --Connie linux1:/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/OSS/RPMS Changed the afs rpm to the no nis version. afs-fermi-nonis-3.5-1.i386.rpm linux1:/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/ODS/RPMS Changed the afs rpm to the new 3.5-4 version afs-fermi-3.5-3.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-18-2000 --Connie Art found a problem with ping not timing out . I found a new rpm that reported to fix the problem. It seems to have a different problem however. In the case of "ping -c 1 <host that is up" . This fails with "100% packet loss". If the -c 1 is changed to -c 2 it works. This rpm has been placed in ftp://linux/linux/61rolling/i386/Fermi/RPMS/netkit-base-0.10-39.i386.rpm I am working on fixing this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-18-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps It was reported that ksh was not being installed. I have added it to all Fermi Workgroups. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-25-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS Replaced XFree86-I128-3.3.6-8.i386.rpm with XFree86-I128-3.3.5-1.5.x.i386.rpm This fixes the problem with Number 9 128 video cards not working on 6.1.1 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-25-2000 --Connie /contrib/ Added /pcmcia/pcmcia-3.1.11.tar.gz /RPMS/ /acroread-4.05-1.i386.rpm /cdrecord-devel-1.8-1rh61.i386.rpm /cdrecord-1.8-1.src.rpm /cdrecord-mkisofs-1.8-1rh61.i386.rpm /cdrecord-1.8-1rh61.i386.rpm /mswordview-0.5.14-bw6.i386.rpm /cdrecord-cdda2wav-1.8-1rh61.i386.rpm /sudo-1.6.2p1-1rh61.i386.rpm No support intended nor implied. Here as a convienience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-25-2000 --Connie /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh Added support to check if ypbind is enabled then to enable portmap. This was needed because on the authentication screen one could select "NIS" and this enabled ypbind. But I turn off portmap in the post.sh because it can be a security hole. So now this checks before turning portmap off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-25-2000 --Simon & Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/text.py Code to ask for a "password" for the D0desktop install. This is because the D0desktop install has server side requirements that need to be done too. And thus if a end user did the install it would not work because of the lack of the server changes. There is a message to tell the user to request a install via the helpdesk. Added the following options to the D0Desktop workgroup self.addToSkipList("timezone") self.setTimezoneInfo("CST6CDT",0) self.addToSkipList("bootdisk") self.addToSkipList("authentication") self.setAuthentication(0,0,0,"",0,"") self.addToSkipList("accounts") self.addToSkipList("confirm-install") /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS /Fermi/workgroups/D0offsite/RPMS Added tcsh-6.08.00-6fm.i386.rpm Increases the length of $PATH to 4k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-25-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/scripts/ Removed after.rpms.nochroot.sh which effectivly disables UPS/UPD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-28-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS/ Replaced netkit-base-0.10-37.i386.rpm with netkit-base-0.11-15mdk.i386.rpm This fixes the problem with ping not timing out when asked to ping a non responding system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-28-2000 --Connie /images/ bootnet.img.fermi boot.img.fermi Cleaned up the messages to more reflect what they do. Added more descriptive messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-29-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS/ New version of the kde menu rpm from Simon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-29-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added wu-ftpd to CDFonline. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-29-2000 --Connie /Fermi.documentation/webpages/ Put copy of webpages in webpages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-06-2000 --Wayne & Marc /Fermi/products/ Fixed installation of systools so that rest of the UPS/UPD products would now install. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-07-2000 --Connie /Fermi/scripts/exapmles/ Put in ks.cfg.Farms & ks.cfg.USENIX examples of kickstart files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-10-2000 --Connie /updates/RedHat/RPMS/ Installed updates which were obtained from ftp.redhat.com netscape-common-4.72-6.i386.rpm netscape-navigator-4.72-6.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.72-6.i386.rpm nmh-1.0.3-6x.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-10-2000 --Connie,Simon /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS/ Updated the following fermi-d0-kde-menus-1.0-8.noarch.rpm Added the following fermi-d0-makewhatis-fix-1.0-1.noarch.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-10-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/FOCUS/scripts/after.rpms.sh Turned on portmap and nfs via chkconfig because they are going to run NFSD by default. /RedHat/base/comps Added knfsd to "FOCUS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-15-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added to CDF postgresql postgresql-devel postgresql-jdbc postgresql-odbc postgresql-perl postgresql-python postgresql-server postgresql-tcl postgresql-test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-29-00 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added to D0desktop D0offsite WindowMaker libPropList ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-29-00 --Connie linux1:/export/linux/611/DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/CDF/RPMS /61rolling/ Upgraded the Citrix rpm to version -2. Obtained from Rick C. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-30-00 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps Added to CDFoffsite, so to be compatable with CDF(onsite) postgresql-devel postgresql-jdbc postgresql-odbc postgresql-perl postgresql-python postgresql-server postgresql-tcl postgresql-test KDE GNOME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-30-00 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS /updates/RedHat/RPMS Updated , obtained from RedHat ircii-4.4M-1.i386.rpm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-3-2000 -Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/fermiclass.py Changed nis domainname for OSS to cdusrv1.fnal.gov Changed default so that "authentication" screen is shown during install ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-3-2000 -Connie,Troy Updated ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/autoinstalled/ssh-afs-1.2.27-3.i386.rpm Now works with chkconfig ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-3-2000 -Connie,Troy Added ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/storage/README.afs Documenatation on afs for Fermi Linux 6.1.1 Added ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/storage/ afs-pam-afsusefirst-1.i386.rpm afs-pam-nonis-1.i386.rpm afs-pam-useklog-1.i386.rpm afs-pam-afstryfirst-1.i386.rpm See above documentation for use. Created ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/storage/SRPMS Holds the src.rpm for each of the .i386.rpm 's ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-7-2000 --Connie,Simon /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS/ Updated the following fermi-d0-kde-menus-1.0-9.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-shells-1.0-4.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-logos-1.0-6.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-makewhatis-fix-1.0-5.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-nfs-1.0-5.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-nis-1.0-4.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-root-1.0-4.noarch.rpm Added the following fermi-d0-kdm-1.0-1.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-sound-fix-1.0-2.noarch.rpm ncurses-5.0-11.i386.rpm ncurses-devel-5.0-11.i386.rpm termcap-10.2.7-9.noarch.rpm Info for why ncurses and termcap were changed It's not consitent, if you telnet or ssh using xterm to IRIX for example and don't reset the key it won't work, this is from Red Hat 6.2 announcement: - termcap, terminfo, and various terms have been modified to support the Debian Backspace Guidelines for Backspace and Delete, as well as to make Home and End work consistently --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-7-2000 --Connie,Simon /Fermi/workgroups/D0offsite/RPMS/ Added the following fermi-d0-kde-menus-1.0-9.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-shells-1.0-4.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-logos-1.0-6.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-makewhatis-fix-1.0-5.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-kdm-1.0-1.noarch.rpm fermi-d0-sound-fix-1.0-2.noarch.rpm ncurses-5.0-11.i386.rpm ncurses-devel-5.0-11.i386.rpm termcap-10.2.7-9.noarch.rpm /RedHat/base/comps Added KDE to D0offsite ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-19-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/CDF/scripts/after.rpms.sh /CDFoffsite/scripts/after.rpms.sh /RedHat/base/comps CDF Installed and enabled knfsd enabled portmap enabled nfslock CDF & CDFoffsite We now do NOT install routed rwho rusers arpwatch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-19-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/PAT/scripts/after.rpms.sh Added after.rpms.sh per Lynn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-19-2000 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/CMSdesktop /Fermi/workgroups/CDFlevel3 /RedHat/base/comps /RedHat/RPMS/CDFlevel3.tag CMSdesktop.tag Made 2 new workgroups. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-19-2000 --Connie /updates/RedHat/RPMS Updated the following because of security issues. This replaces the 4.71 version . NOTE that autorpm does not successfully update these. So you must do it manually. netscape-navigator-4.72-6.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.72-6.i386.rpm netscape-common-4.72-6.i386.rpm Fixes security issues and bugs. Not updated by autorpm on purpose because there are additional steps that must be done manually. In particular the fixing up of /etc/lilo.conf to change the name to the new version and to do a mkinitrd if needed. kernel-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-2.2.14-12.i586.rpm kernel-2.2.14-12.i686.rpm kernel-BOOT-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-doc-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-headers-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-ibcs-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.14-12.i586.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.14-12.i686.rpm kernel-source-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm kernel-utils-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm I tested these with autorpm and they work ok. gpm-devel-1.19.1-1.i386.rpm gpm-1.19.1-1.i386.rpm openldap-1.2.9-6.i386.rpm openldap-devel-1.2.9-6.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-19-2000 --Connie /Fermi/addons/RPMS/zz_autorpm_remove_dcdsv0-1.0-1.noarch.rpm This rpm uses "sed" to fix the line that used to send email to autorpm@dcdsv0 and removes it. It saves a copy of the old /etc/autorpm.d/autorpm.conf file in /etc/autorpm.d/autorpm.conf.<date>.<uniquenumber> . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-22-2000 --Connie workgroups DOdesktop /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS/tripwire-1.2-3.i386.rpm ODS added the afs pam module that does the same thing as the one for OSS Security /RedHat/RPMS kernel-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-2.2.16-3.i586.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.16-3.i586.rpm kernel-2.2.16-3.i686.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.16-3.i686.rpm kernel-BOOT-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-source-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-doc-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-utils-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-headers-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-ibcs-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.16-3.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.73-1.i386.rpm netscape-common-4.73-1.i386.rpm netscape-navigator-4.73-1.i386.rpm AFS linux1:/export/linux/61rolling/i386/DONOTEXPORT/storage afs-fermi-3.5-5.i386.rpm See home.fnal.gov/~dawson/afs/afsrpms.html for more info contrib upgraded pcp to pcp-2.1.7-2.i386.rpm removed acroread because I moved it to be the default in RedHat/RPMS removed the cdrecord.src.rpm because it took too much disk space. It now resides in linux1.fnal.gov:/linux/611/SRPMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-23-2000 --Connie Security /updates/RedHat/RPMS/wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x.i386.rpm /RedHat/RPMS/wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-26-2000 --Connie 6-27-2000 --Connie Security /updates/RedHat/RPMS/ /RedHat/RPMS/ emacs-20.7-1.i386.rpm emacs-nox-20.7-1.i386.rpm emacs-X11-20.7-1.i386.rpm emacs-el-20.7-1.i386.rpm emacs-leim-20.7-1.i386.rpm Misc fixes /RedHat/RPMS /RedHat/base/comps Added these RPMS to the "Fermi Offsite" group which the "Fermi Onsite" group gets too. So all the Fermi groups get these. These are just courtesy rpms for minor items, no big deal if they are not installed on every system. zz-rec-fix-1.0-1.noarch.rpm Fixes the link between rec and play in the man pages. Caused logrotate to complain. zz-sound-fix-1.0-1.noarch.rpm Adds a symbolic link in /etc/sysconfig for sound so that the kde startup script can find it. zz_autorpm_remove_dcdsv0-1.0-1.noarch.rpm Removed the email to dcdsv0 from the autorpm config file Contrib ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/611/i386/DONOTEXPORT/storage/staroffice so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin This is a fnal.gov only area. See www.staroffice.com for support and installation instructions. I would like comments about this package. This is not installed by any workgroup. It is here for the use of the users. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/05/2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS/ /updates/RedHat/RPMS/ /man-1.5h1-2.6.x.i386.rpm Security update /Fermi/workgroups/d0desktop/RPMS/fermi-d0-onboot-1.0-1.noarch.rpm Makes autorpm run on boot via /etc/rc.local ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/14/2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS/ pam-0.72-20.i386.rpm gpm-1.19.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm gpm-devel-1.19.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm netscape-common-4.74-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.74-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-navigator-4.74-0.6.2.i386.rpm rpm-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm rpm-build-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm rpm-devel-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm rpm-python-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm mailx-8.1.1-16.i386.rpm perl-5.00503-11.i386.rpm popt-1.5-9.6x.i386.rpm nfs-utils- Fermi modified to NOT start "nfslockd" at boot so to be compatible with how "knfsd-clients" did it, which we are replacing. Note that the knfsd and knfsd-clients rpms are now both in the new nfs-utils rpm. This was done by the nfs-utils maintainer and not by RedHat or Fermi. /updates/RedHat/RPMS pam-0.72-20.i386.rpm gpm-1.19.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm gpm-devel-1.19.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm netscape-common-4.74-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.74-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-navigator-4.74-0.6.2.i386.rpm These will not upgrade as usual. Note that these are security updates but do NOT fix the recently found JAVA security bug. rpm-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm rpm-build-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm rpm-devel-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm rpm-python-3.0.5-9.6x.i386.rpm A new version of rpm is required to install the new perl rpm. rpm-python was not on 6.1.1 but since it is part of the new 3.0.5 version I have included it. Since it did not exist it will not upgrade anything, it is here as a courtesy. mailx-8.1.1-16.i386.rpm perl-5.00503-11.i386.rpm popt-1.5-9.6x.i386.rpm knfsd-1.4.7-8f1.i386.rpm knfsd-clients-1.4.7-8f1.i386.rpm Fermi created both "knfsd and knfsd-clients" out of the new "nfs-utils". This was done because since the name changes autorpm would not recognize "nfs-utils" to be a "upgrade" of "knfsd and knfsd-clients". It would think it is a new package and thus not upgrade it. So I took the new "nfs-utils" and split out the rpms as required to make upgradable versions of "knfsd" and "knfsd-clients". Note that kernel >=2.2.14 is required for these rpms just as it is required for "nfs-utils". This should not be a problem as we started with 2.2.14. These rpms are being upgraded because of a security problem with rpm.statd. rpc.statd is started by the "nfslockd" script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-14-2000 --Connie /RedHat/base/comps PAT Added both KDE and GNOME to the default install. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8-14-2000 --Connie ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/61rolling/i386/DONOTEXPORT AFS afs-fermi-3.5-6.i386.rpm There are two signifigant changes in this release. First is that the daily hardware clock sync script is fixed. The second is a little more important. This rpm release has a perl script called update_afs_cellservdb.pl This script keeps your afs server database up to date automatically. This is particualarly important if you use CERN's afs servers, because they recently changed their IP addresses. Troy's afs rpm page, detailing the different changes are at http://home.fnal.gov/~dawson/afs/afsrpms.html afs-ssh SSH enabled for afs is now installed by placing a copy in the DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/<workgroup>/RPMS directory of each workgroup installing afs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-25-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS/ /updates/RedHat/RPMS/ netscape-common-4.75-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.75-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-navigator-4.75-0.6.2.i386.rpm perl-5.00503-12.i386.rpm usermode-1.28-2.i386.rpm /RedHat/RPMS Deleted tetex-doc-1.0.6-7.i386.rpm because it is almost 16MB and I need the cdrom space. None of the workgroups installs it by default. It is available still at ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/61generic/i386/RedHat/RPMS/tetex-doc-1.0.6-7.i386.rpm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-25-2000 --Connie /contrib/BOOKS/ /security/ /Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-1_3.floppy.tgz /Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-1_3.pdf /suse64/book-en.pdf.gz /linuxadmin/lame.pdf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-11-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS /updates/RedHat/RPMS usermode-1.35-1.i386.rpm SysVinit-2.78-5.i386.rpm glibc-devel-2.1.3-21.i386.rpm glibc-profile-2.1.3-21.i386.rpm glibc-2.1.3-21.i386.rpm nscd-2.1.3-21.i386.rpm mgetty-1.1.22-1.6.x.i386.rpm mgetty-voice-1.1.22-1.6.x.i386.rpm mgetty-viewfax-1.1.22-1.6.x.i386.rpm mgetty-sendfax-1.1.22-1.6.x.i386.rpm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-12-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS These were taken from Redhat 6.2 . We were already at XFree86-3.3.6-8. This was done mostly so that the Intel i810 video would work without as many steps. updated XFree86-100dpi-fonts-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-3DLabs-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-75dpi-fonts-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-8514-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-AGX-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-cyrillic-fonts-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-devel-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-doc-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-FBDev-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-I128-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-libs-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-Mach32-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-Mach64-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-Mach8-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-Mono-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-P9000-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-S3-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-S3V-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-SVGA-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-VGA16-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-W32-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-XF86Setup-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-xfs-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-Xnest-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm XFree86-Xvfb-3.3.6-20.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9-18-2000 --Connie & Troy /DONOTEXPORT/storage /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/OSS/ /CMS/ /ODS/ /RPMS/afs-fermi-3.5-7.i386.rpm updated because the new version of modutils fixes the problem that afs had loading via the old modutils. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9-27-2000 --Connie /contrib/pcmcia Updated to 3.1.20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9-27-2000 --Connie /RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/fermiclass.py Added the following line to DOdesktop per Shiqi(Simon). InstallClass.doRootPw(self,"<passwd>",1) where <passwd> is the passwd encrypted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-27-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS /updates/RedHat/RPMS sysklogd-1.3.31-17.i386.rpm /updates/RedHat/RPMS xpdf-0.91-1.6x.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-4-2000 --Connie & Troy /Fermi/scripts This script installs KDE on a Fermi Linux system that does not already have kde installed. install.kde ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-6-2000 --Connie & Troy /RedHat/RPMS/ updated kdeadmin-1.1.2-6.i386.rpm kdebase-1.1.2-33.i386.rpm kdebase-3d-screensavers-1.1.2-33.i386.rpm kdebase-lowcolor-icons-1.1.2-33.i386.rpm kdegames-1.1.2-3.i386.rpm kdegraphics-1.1.2-3.i386.rpm kdelibs-1.1.2-15.i386.rpm kdelibs-devel-1.1.2-15.i386.rpm kdemultimedia-1.1.2-7.i386.rpm kdenetwork-1.1.2-13.i386.rpm kdesupport-1.1.2-12.i386.rpm kdesupport-devel-1.1.2-12.i386.rpm kdetoys-1.1.2-3.i386.rpm kdeutils-1.1.2-4.i386.rpm qt1x-1.45-3.i386.rpm qt1x-devel-1.45-3.i386.rpm qt1x-GL-1.45-3.i386.rpm switchdesk-2.1-1.i386.rpm switchdesk-kde-2.1-1.i386.rpm dev-2.7.18-3.i386.rpm modutils-2.3.9-6.i386.rpm pciutils-2.1.5-2.i386.rpm pciutils-devel-2.1.5-2.i386.rpm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-10-2000 --Connie /contrib/Mandrake XFree86 4.0 specifically for use with Dell Inspirion 5000e added XFree86-server-4.0-6mdk.i586.rpm /Fermi/scripts/dell.inspirion.5000e XF86Config-4 --> /etc/X11/XConfig-4 r128_drv.o --> /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/r128_drv.o README ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-17-2000 --Connie /RedHat/RPMS /updates/RedHat/RPMS lpr-0.50-7.6.x.i386.rpm esound-devel-0.2.20-0.i386.rpm esound-0.2.20-0.i386.rpm traceroute-1.4a5-24.6x.i386.rpm tmpwatch-2.6.2-1.6.2.i386.rpm gnorpm-0.95.1-2.62.i386.rpm /contrib/parted GNU parted which can resize ext2, fat16 & fat32 partitions added parted-1.2.11.tar.gz bootdisk /contrib/lnx-bbc Linux Care Bootable Business Card Rescue CD added lnx-gold.iso lnx-gold.iso.md5sum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-17-2000 --Ray /RedHat/RPMS added conserver_services_fix-1.0-1.i386.rpm /RedHat/base/comps added to Console Server workgroup conserver_services_fix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-18-2000 --Connie All of these changes were done so that the install floppy could use the 2.2.16-20 kernel along with all the new driver modules that come with that kernel. These were taken from the RedHat 7.0 release. There have been a few reports of the 2.2.12 kernel not working with some newer products. One report was with the Intel Lancewood GX+ chip motherboard. It had problems with the scsi. This has been tested with this new install floppy and it now works fine. It also makes installing to systems with the Intel i810 video to work better. /RedHat/instimage/modules/ module-info modules.cgz modules.dep pcitable /RedHat/images/ bootnet.img.2.2.16.fermi boot.img.2.2.16.fermi These are the new 2.2.16 kernel fermi versions. /RedHat/images/drivers.img This is straight from 7.0. It works because I now use the 7.0 install kernel images. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-20-2000 --Connie /updates/RedHat/RPMS /RedHat/RPMS Security Updates apache-devel-1.3.14-2.6.2.i386.rpm apache-1.3.14-2.6.2.i386.rpm apache-manual-1.3.14-2.6.2.i386.rpm ypbind-1.7-0.6.x.i386.rpm mod_perl-1.23-3.i386.rpm auth_ldap-1.4.0-3.i386.rpm gnupg-1.0.4-4.6.x.i386.rpm php-3.0.17-1.6.1.i386.rpm php-ldap-3.0.17-1.6.1.i386.rpm php-imap-3.0.17-1.6.1.i386.rpm php-pgsql-3.0.17-1.6.1.i386.rpm php-manual-3.0.17-1.6.1.i386.rpm nss_ldap-122-1.6.i386.rpm dump-0.4b19-5.6x.i386.rpm dump-static-0.4b19-5.6x.i386.rpm rmt-0.4b19-5.6x.i386.rpm bind-8.2.2_P7-0.6.2.i386.rpm bind-devel-8.2.2_P7-0.6.2.i386.rpm bind-utils-8.2.2_P7-0.6.2.i386.rpm fetchmail-5.5.0-2.6.i386.rpm fetchmailconf-5.5.0-2.6.i386.rpm imap-2000-2.6.i386.rpm imap-devel-2000-2.6.i386.rpm modutils-2.3.20-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-common-4.76-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-communicator-4.76-0.6.2.i386.rpm netscape-navigator-4.76-0.6.2.i386.rpm Security Update for "ping". New package name, old was netutils. So this is not really used yet. iputils-20001010-1.6x.i386.rpm Forgot it when I upgraded to new 3.3.6-20 XFree chkfontpath-1.7-2.i386.rpm Xconfigurator-4.3.5-1.i386.rpm New Packages provided by RedHat for 6.1. Provided but not used. openssl-0.9.5a-2.6.x.i386.rpm openssl-python-0.9.5a-2.6.x.i386.rpm openssl-perl-0.9.5a-2.6.x.i386.rpm openssl-devel-0.9.5a-2.6.x.i386.rpm krb5-configs-1.1.1-25.i386.rpm krb5-devel-1.1.1-25.i386.rpm krb5-libs-1.1.1-25.i386.rpm krb5-server-1.1.1-25.i386.rpm krb5-workstation-1.1.1-25.i386.rpm Upgrade so as to indicate 6.1.2 zz_fermi-release-6.1.2-1.i386.rpm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17-01 Connie RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc Added for Pentium 4 compatibility arch_compat: i?86: i686 /RedHat/RPMS /updates/RedHat/RPMS nscd-2.1.3-22.i386.rpm glibc-2.1.3-22.i386.rpm glibc-devel-2.1.3-22.i386.rpm glibc-profile-2.1.3-22.i386.rpm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-09-01 Connie /RedHat/RPMS /updates/RedHat/RPMS php-3.0.18-1.6.x.i386.rpm php-ldap-3.0.18-1.6.x.i386.rpm php-imap-3.0.18-1.6.x.i386.rpm php-pgsql-3.0.18-1.6.x.i386.rpm php-manual-3.0.18-1.6.x.i386.rpm bind-8.2.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm bind-devel-8.2.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm bind-utils-8.2.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm kernel-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-2.2.17-14.i586.rpm kernel-2.2.17-14.i686.rpm kernel-BOOT-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-ibcs-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-doc-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.17-14.i586.rpm kernel-smp-2.2.17-14.i686.rpm kernel-source-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm kernel-utils-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm /RedHat/base/comps Updated PAT to include "xfig" /Fermi/workgroups/PAT/scripts/after.rpms.sh Fixed to reflect new format of /etc/yp.conf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02-16-01 --Connie /Fermi/workgroups/D0desktop/RPMS removed tripwire updated fermi-d0-root-1.0-8.noarch.rpm Per Jason. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02-16-01 --Connie /contrib/MAD classic-3.0.tar.gz Libraries mad9.gz program These are here so that they can be used at SNOWMASS From CERN http://mad.home.cern.ch/mad