--- meta: Producers: $0: /home/pause/.plenv/versions/5.36.0/bin/rrr-aggregate File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile: 0.0.9 time: '1742606221.41657' aggregator: - 6h - 1d - 1W - 1M - 1Q - 1Y - Z canonize: naive_path_normalize comment: These files are part of the CPAN mirroring concept, described in File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent dirtymark: '1389168062.25724006' filenameroot: RECENT interval: 1h merged: epoch: '1742606221.32058' into_interval: 6h time: '1742606221.41648' minmax: max: '1742606221.32058' min: '1742602681.42621' mtime: '1742606221' protocol: 1 serializer_suffix: .yaml recent: - epoch: '1742606221.32058' path: 02STAMP type: new - epoch: '1742605141.82528' path: 08pumpkings.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1742605141.81518' path: 02authors.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1742605141.75488' path: 01mailrc.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1742605141.67029' path: 00whois.xml type: new - epoch: '1742605141.66074' path: 00whois.html type: new - epoch: '1742604763.30157' path: id/U/UT/UTASHIRO/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604762.05026' path: id/T/TO/TOBYINK/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604761.51347' path: id/T/TI/TINITA/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604760.97696' path: id/S/SY/SYBER/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604758.71716' path: id/S/SA/SAMYOUNG/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604755.26974' path: id/N/NH/NHORNE/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604754.38189' path: id/M/ML/MLAWREN/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604753.54215' path: id/M/MA/MAUKE/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604751.75524' path: id/K/KO/KOCEASY/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604751.54201' path: id/K/KI/KIMOTO/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604748.76292' path: id/J/JD/JDEGUEST/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604744.98893' path: id/H/HA/HANJE/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604744.81255' path: id/G/GW/GWYN/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604744.77483' path: id/G/GW/GWS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604744.28273' path: id/G/GI/GIBUS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604741.84033' path: id/E/EH/EHUELS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604741.17183' path: id/D/DJ/DJZORT/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604740.00181' path: id/C/CO/CONTRA/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742604738.36681' path: id/B/BI/BINGOS/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1742602681.79941' path: p6binaries.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1742602681.7698' path: p6provides.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1742602681.42621' path: p6dists.json.gz type: new