This is alpha software.  Use it only if you
	know what you are doing.  Patches welcome :-)

Achim Bohnet <>


Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
FcyEntry       bdpO  Entry with bg color depending on -state	   ACH
FileEntry      adpO  Primitive clone of Tix FileEntry widget       ACH


Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
ptktrl	       rdpO  pTk shell: TRL support & persistent history   ACH

	o ptktrl does only work on Unix systems.
	o ptktrl works best with Term::ReadLine::GNU.


Version: 0.03

	o ptksh renamed to ptktrl.  There is now a better ptksh
	  available in Tk > V800.006.  ptktrl has the (only)
	  advantage that one can has on vi-editing mode when
	  Term::ReadLine::Gnu is installed.

	o Added t/basic.t tests: derived from Tk800 t/create.t

	o make 'o' command work as documented

Version: 0.02 09-Apr-1998

	o ptksh
		o POD updates and markup adapted to 'perl/Tk' standard
		o 'o' cmd extention:
		  -  rest of 'o' line splitted with split "". So
		     ptksh> o $w  opt1 opt2 ...    # accepts input like qw(...)
		  -  ptksh> o $w  /regexp/         # list all option of $w
							 matching regexp
		o ./.ptksh_init file sourced on startup
		o $ARGV[0] sourced on startup (please make sure there
		  is no MainLoop otherwise ptksh will hang)

	o &
		o minor POD corrections additions
		o use Tk::<colname>() instead of hardcoded colors

	o ex/
		o added fcyentry example script

	o Start for application widgets (not ready for public)

Version: 0.01	19-Jan-1998

	o ptksh: added utility functions p, u, o to ptksh

	o FileEntry:  Creation of FileSelect is delayed until
	              it's really needed.