[](https://travis-ci.org/papix/WebService-Reactio) # NAME WebService::Reactio - API client for Reactio # SYNOPSIS use WebService::Reactio; my $client = WebService::Reactio->new( api_key => '__API_KEY__', organization => '__ORGANIZATION__', ); my $incidents = $client->incidents; # DESCRIPTION WebService::Reactio is API client for Reactio ([https://reactio.jp/](https://reactio.jp/)). # METHODS ## new(%params) Create instance of WebService::Reactio. _%params_ must have following parameter: - api\_key API key of Reactio. You can get API key on project setting page. - organization Organization ID of Reactio. This is the same as the subdomain in your organization of Reactio. If you can use Reactio in the subdomain called [https://your-organization.reactio.jp/](https://your-organization.reactio.jp/), your Organization ID is `your-organization`. _%params_ optional parameters are: - domain Domain of Reactio. The default is `reactio.jp`. ## create\_incident($name, \[\\%options\]) Create new incident. You must have following parameter: - $name Incident name. _%options_ is optional parameters. Please refer API official guide if you want to get details. ## notify\_incident($incident\_id, $notification\_text, \[\\%options\]) Send notificate to specified incident. You must have following parameter: - $incident\_id Incident ID. - $notification\_text Notification text. _%options_ is optional parameters. Please refer API official guide if you want to get details. ## incident($incident\_id) Get incident details. You must have following parameter: - $incident\_id Incident ID. ## incidents(\[\\%options\]) Get incident list. _%options_ is optional parameters. Please refer API official guide if you want to get details. ## send\_message($incident\_id, $text) Send message to specified incident's timeline. You must have following parameter: - $incident\_id Incident ID. - $text Timeline message. # LICENSE Copyright (C) papix. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # SEE ALSO Reactio API Official Guide [https://reactio.jp/development/api](https://reactio.jp/development/api) # AUTHOR papix <mail@papix.net>